Disclaimer: I only own the plot. Naruto and all it's characters belong to their owner( who's name eludes me). I'm not getting paid in way, shape or form for writing this. It's just for fun. That's it.


Tenten smiled as she watched the Hyuuga Heiress practice her form. It was always interesting to watch Hinata's smooth graceful movements, to try and find the differences in the shy girl's style from Neji's. It was rather relaxing. Tenten leaned back against the boulder, holding a kunai in her right hand, her left palm pressed gently against the tip. It always gave her a strange thrill just to hold the cool metal in her hands, to feel the blade touching, almost pressed enough to break the skin.

The water splashed rhythmically around Hinata's ankles, some of it soaking into her pant legs. Her coat had long been forgotten, and left with Tenten by the rocks. Hinata's hair stuck to her face and neck, the chin-length locks damp with sweat and water. She twisted around, glancing at Tenten through the corner of her eyes. A small weak smile came onto her lips, as her cheeks tinted red at the knowledge that Tenten was actually paying attention to her. She wasn't sure if that made her nervous, or happy, but the strange fluttery feeling in her stomach was most certainly welcomed.

Speeding up her moves just a little, Hinata tried to do some of the more complicated forms that she hadn't quite perfected yet, in hopes of showing off a little. She knew she wasn't quite up to her cousin's level, but her style was different, and her skills her own, she had learned to be happy with that. On a sharp spin, Hinata placed her foot down to quickly, and got caught in an awkward stance, her body toppling over into the water.

When she came up for air, she was shocked, then pleased, to find that Tenten had moved quickly across the wet surface to kneel down by her. With Tenten's help, Hinata got back to her feet on the water, and stood blushing, her head bowed in embarrassment.

"You okay, Hinata-chan?" Tenten asked, leaning forward a little, and trying to see Hinata's face, "You didn't twist you're ankle, did you?" Hinata's head shook, some of her hair slapping Tenten's face. Tenten stood straight, and brushed the wetness from her face. "You sure?"

"Y-yes..." Hinata's shoulders were up, close to her ears as though she were waiting to be yelled at, and her feet were turned inward, her knees knocking together, and her fingers tapping together out of nervous habit. She peeked up from between her bangs. "S-sorry..."

"For what? You didn't do anything?" Tenten's face twisted with confusion.

"For worrying you..."

Tenten laughed, her eyes sparkling with mirth, and she realized too late that might not have been the best of reactions to the nervous girl's apology. She calmed her laugh, and smiled, putting her finger under Hinata's chin, forcing the girl to look up. Kissing Hinata's forehead, Tenten bit back a giggle, as Hinata turned as red as a rose, "You are so cute sometimes, you know that?"

Hinata looked like she was about to faint, her feet starting to sink into the water, and she looked dizzy. Tenten was about to grab her, when both were knocked out of their quiet little moment by the loud voices of two of their teammates.

"Hinata!" Kiba shouted, it was followed by Akamaru's bark, and Lee's shout for Tenten.

"Maybe we should get your coat, and head back before they find us?" Tenten asked, noticing that Hinata's seemed better now.

"O-Okay..." Hinata stated. She walked passed Tenten, their arms brushing. Hinata gathered her coat and shoes, and the two girls headed back to the clearing where everyone was supposed to be, Tenten following behind her, cursing the fact that they always seemed to be interrupted.
