"I love Ryou." He realized this sad truth after that faithful encounter with his hikari. They had been sitting down on the couch watching television as humans called it, his angel perched on the edge, him slouched over the arm. He was just relaxing, when he realized how close Ryou was to him. His face had felt hot, and had stared at his light. Bakura was pretty sure the saint had noticed after a while. When Ryou turned to look at him, Bakura saw a look of disgust, and pity on his angelic, sweet face. This monster could never be with his light. His light. No he had to stop thinking that. As long as the cold, hard world did it's job, he would never be able to love Ryou in the real word. He was just a spirit, a phantom, after all. A shadow digging a hole, deeper and deeper, thinking everything would be alright until there was no means of escape, or the earth around him in that deep pit collapsed on top of him forever wielding him, ensnaring him.

That was what he thought before that day, though. Bakura had been walking in the snow, and he had come across a little girl, half buried, dying. He guessed some of Ryou had rubbed off on him, because he used his spirit energy, which was scarce, and so he had to use sparingly, to help that poor child. She slept as he used more energy to carry her to a hospital, since he had no physical presence. Bakura guessed the gods were happy with his choice of healing her instead of killing her, because he was granted a real body for a year. One full year. 365 days to try to make him fall for me.....

Try was the key word in that sentence.

I tried, and failed. He wouldn't, and will never love someone with a heart that was as frigid as mine. I even kissed him. He slapped my face after he broke it, and ran away, not looking back. I have never felt so alone, so empty. I changed for that lovely angel, I have stopped the evil raging within me. The madness cries and screams to be let out so loudly I feel like I am going insane, but its all for him. All of my suffering was to make him happy, content. Was at least. Before I was destroyed permantly. I called him an angel, but then he said something that would drive a knife through my heart, and I could never be healed. "If I am an angel in heaven, you must be a demon in hell, and we live in different worlds, so we can never be together." Ryou had said with a lifeless gaze focused on him. It was so harsh and stinging Bakura flinched. I never knew such words could come out of such beautiful lips, but it was the truth.

That's why... You should never fall in love, even though nothing can replace its essence.

Never fall in love because life never has a happy ending.

And so, he was buried for eternity under millions of pounds of soil, but the real thing that was the most heavy was his heart. And that beautiful, graceful angel would walk right by the pit in which the fallen angel lay buried. The fallen angel, which the world intends to oppress with pain, but the most thing that hurts is the thing that Bakura had never dreamt he would ever experience in the past was... indeed.... heartache...