Hello, Dark Fortresses here. Since I thought that the first Leo's Confessions was popular-ish, I decided to make a second one. I'd recommend reading the first one as well. Makes sense, right? Anyway, enjoy!

Steve. I like Steve. I am a proud Steve fangirl. Hell, I started the "Steve Fox Fan Club" on Facebook. I know. I'm very weird. As much as I love him, I don't really have many experience with the guy. In real life anyway.

Since I know you don't wanna hear (or read) about my dreams with Steve, I will tell you about my one real life experience. That day was the first (and probably last) time that I talked to him. It was just before my blind date with Hwoarang. For some reason Steve was at Hwoarang's place. He (meaning Hwoarang) needed to go to the little boys room to do something. So Steve and I was bored. He asked me what I liked to do on dates. Since I haven't been on many dates in my life, I answered "I don't know. The conversation (that seemed like an interview) went from there. It ended with Steve saying "Wow. A day in your mind would give me nightmares for the rest of my life. I don't really know what else to say about you." It's true. A day in my mind would give the average person nightmares. And an old guy wet dreams. I bet you're chuckling right now. That's one of the reasons I don't date , or try to, guys that're over the age of 32. Oh yeah, I haven't dated a guy over the age of 26 (Lili dared me to go on a date with Dragunov, but that's for another day). Yes.

So, even though Steve said that a day in my mind would give him really bad nightmares, I still like him. I think I like him more because of that. Is that strange? I think that it is. Also, I'm surprised I haven't tied him down to a bed and raped him. Is that possible for a chick to rape a guy? I think that it is, even if it may be kind of hard.

Well, let's see how popular this gets. Remember, I don't mind negative reviews. So if you thought it was bad, I'd like to read what you'r opinion is. Tell me what I could do to make it better. Tell me what I could do me make it a little bit longer. Anyway, I hoped that you enjoyed it.