DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ghost Hunt or the original characters of Ghost Hunt; however, the original characters not from the series are mine. Please don't sue me I am poor.

The Goodnight Kiss


Over the years Naru had prided himself in two things his ability to be patient and collected in dire situations and his mentally advanced learning and thinking capabilities. He had never been one to step out on an unfinished case or leave things undone, however, he was quickly changing his mind. He had been cooped up in the hospital for four and a half weeks, unable to get out of bed on his own because his leg was most decidedly out of commission for the time being, and on top of everything else his parents had been parading around the hospital like crazed wild boars for the better part of his stay. He was reminded every time his mother, Luella, entered the room just how much he wanted to give Lin a slow and painful death.

It was not his parents, in general, which irked Naru so badly; it was there incessant worry over his condition. He had tried to reassure his mother countless times that he was fine, but unfortunately she was a woman who would be swayed by no one once her mind was made up. Naru knew his poor father was simply "along for the ride" and as he thought about it more, Naru decided he pitied the man.

Naru sighed tiredly coming out of his musings suddenly by his mother's tart voice and a swift smack to the back of his head, "Hello? Reality check for one Oliver Davis?"

Naru immediately brought a hand to the back of his head and glared at his mother, he was thanking everything living and dead Mai and the others had been out of the room for that one, "Yes mother, it is not as if my leg has suddenly removed itself from this blasted cast and remarkably allowed my free willed movement around or rather out of this bloody hospital!" Naru winced as he watched his mother start for his head again with her raised hand, however, she stopped mid-smack, seemingly happy with his physical movement.

"Yes, well, said son would not be in the hospital with an immobile leg and body if he had been a little more careful. Isn't that right Martin?" Luella turned her head slightly toward her husband, who was across the room reading a book on Paranormal Researching in Japan and the surrounding regions.

"Hmmm?" Dr. Martin Davis raised his eyes for a split second and then returned them to the non-fiction book before him, "Yes...more careful...right."

"See...even your father agrees Oliver!" Luella stuck her nose in the air in a victorious gesture.

Naru eyed her with an eyebrow raised, "Yes Father seems completely in tune with the current conversation," Naru sighed and lean back further into his pillows. What he would give for a nice round of sedation right about now, "Mother why are you still here?"

"Well, my ungrateful and completely oblivious young man," she eyed him dangerously in a way only a mother could, "I am still here because I care about the well being of my now only son of course. I have also come up today to let you know your father and I will be heading back to England within the next couple of hours. Is it too much for a mother to want her only son to wish her a safe and happy trip back home?"

"Really Mother, the dramatics are unnecessary," Naru shook his head exasperated, he was about to say more however, a soft knock on the door silenced him. Naru held his breath with bated silence. Up until this point he had been lucky enough to avoid any of his friends and colleagues having the pleasure of happening upon his parents, during their visits to the hospital. It was obvious his luck was about to change. Lin would never knock upon entering his room.

"Excuse me," the soft, yet energetic voice of a young female sounded from behind the door and before Naru could protest Mai's face poked around the newly found crack between the door and the door frame, "I hope I am not interrupting anything?"

Luella looked at Mai, back to her son, then back to Mai. She then turned to look at Naru scrutinizing his person from head to still broken leg and smiled coyly at him. Silently she surveyed, hypothesized, evaluated and backed her conclusion to the new situation with physical evidence. Oliver had feelings for this young woman.

"Of course not my dear..." Luella smiled cheerfully ecstatic, "Come in, come in!"

Mai raised her eyebrows and dropped her jaw not knowing what to do. She had never expected the woman to speak to her in English; however, she was not stupid. No matter how stupid Naru thought she was sometimes.

"Mother..." Naru cut through the air with a bitter response, "Mai is Japanese she cannot..."

Surprising even herself a little, Mai threw open the door and used all of her courage to interrupt him, "No...it'sa oh-kay," Mai had a strong Japanese accent, unlike Luella whose English hit the air like melted butter on bread, "I knaw soame Engliseh."

Naru's eyes grew huge and he for once did not know how to respond. He eyed Mai with an open mouth and immediately began to blush. This was something Naru did on the rarest of occasions because his pride and stubbornness rarely allowed for such rash and naked emotions.

Luella smiled widely taking in the scene. It was official; she liked this girl who now stood before her. She quickly and silently took in every detail of the young woman who had managed to quiet her stubborn as an ass son. Her chestnut brown hair was of a medium length touching just below her shoulders and it almost matched her cinnamon colored eyes. Luella thought for a moment about just how unique the color of her eyes were for a Japanese child, it reminded her very much of her two sons. Their eyes were sapphire blue and she had once been told by an old Japanese woman it was because they were filled with too much adventure, much like the sea. The girl was obviously not full figured yet, meaning she was still in her teens. However, she was very pretty. She was shorter then Luella, but not by too much. She obviously had her own sense of style, wearing a pair of violet tights, silver ballet flats and a modest long sleeved black dress made out of some type of cotton blend. A matching silver belt graced her waist and a smile was plastered on her make-up free complexion. Yes, Luella liked this girl very much and she was thrilled her son was obviously smitten with her too. His response to her entering the room was proof enough.

"So this is Mai, Oliver, your assistant?" Luella turned to look at him, his mouth still open and agape, "Oliver you will catch flies like that!" Luella reached out and shut his mouth for him who caused him to bat her hand away and glare angrily in her direction.

"Mother!" Naru's voice was laced with bitter rage.

"Now, now Luella," Dr. Martin Davis was now paying complete attention to the events unfolding within the room, "Don't embarrass him in front of our guest."

Luella nodded smiling, "Please dear, come right on in. Have a seat and ignore the sour puss in the bed," Luella gestured to the seat on the opposite side of Naru's bed and Mai bowed graciously at her kindness. Mai blushed, sitting down and quietly folded her hands placing them in her lap.

Mai sent a nervous smile in the direction of Naru's mother and father; ignoring Naru as he brought a hand to his forehead in frustration. She had never expected to meet Naru's parents in her lifetime, let alone here in the hospital. First she looked at Naru's mother whom she now knew as Luella. Although she was sitting, Mai could tell she was taller then herself. Her skin was a pristine alabaster and reminded her of Naru and Gene, even though Mai knew full well they were adopted sons. Mai could tell she was well off; her hair was long and fell in soft blonde curls which kissed her middle back and a black headband held them in place. Her eyes were a lovely shade of blue, but not as blue as Naru or Gene. She was dressed in a black pin skirt which covered her knees modestly while seated and a matching black suit coat with hot pink trim and lapels. Pearls adorned her neck and ears and gold wrist watch was on her right wrist. She was a very beautiful woman and Mai suddenly felt awkward and quirky in her presence.

Mai turned her attention to the man sitting diagonal from her and took in his appearance. The man was tall, almost as tall as Lin she would guess. His long legs seemed cramped in there crossed position. He was wearing a tailored grey suit and an evergreen waistcoat with a gold pocket watch attached. A white shirt and evergreen tie accompanied the attire. His face was adorned with a slightly graying mustache and his hair was styled in a formal way, also graying. His eyes were a soft green and a pair of modern spectacles sat at the bridge of his nose.

Mai, suddenly feeling quite nervous, smiled again speaking softly, "Thi-ank you for letting meh stay."

Luella smiled crisply, "Think nothing of it my dear! We have heard so much about you from Naru and Lin," Luella smiled as Mai's face turned from nervous to shocked, "Yes the boys do speak of others from time to time. I know my Oliver can be quite taken with himself, but he does have a heart and conscious locked away inside his cold shell somewhere."

Luella chuckled then, Mai and Martin joining her. Naru lowered his hand from his head turning his eyes to his mother in an unbelievable look. He had to be dreaming. He was either dreaming or dead, because this was most decidedly not happening to him. He had never been so embarrassed in his entire life and because he had never been this embarrassed he had no idea how to handle the situation, silently he chose to stay silent.

"Well Oliver," Luella turned to him with a cordial grin, "Your father and I must be leaving, I doubt the plane will wait for us," standing she leaned forward and kissed her son's forehead, making him blush unceremoniously again. Martin stood and gave his son a nod.

"Oliver, try to be careful next time," Martin sighed, "I don't want another funeral to plan," with that Martin exited the room.

Luella nodded in agreement, "Yes...I couldn't bear losing you too Oliver. However, I am sure I have nothing to worry about dearest! Miss Taniyama seems more then capable of taking care of you! Now you two be good to one another and no making babies before the wedding...I would just..." before she could finish Martin had reentered the room and ushered her out.

Naru sat wide eyed and shocked and Mai sat with an obvious blush slowly starting to seep over her entire body. She turned to look at Naru, who met her eyes in the middle then both teenagers turned away from each other again; both, too proud to allow the other to see the blush which now graced each of their faces.

"We will never speak of this..." Naru said quietly.

"...to anyone," Mai agreed just as quietly, finishing his thought and allowing an uncomfortable silence to permeate the room.

"Mai?" Naru's voice broke through the thick quiet of the sterile space, "Tea!"

Mai turned and smiled coyly "Yes!"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well...there you have it! "The Goodnight Kiss" is now complete and hopefully you all enjoyed it thoroughly! I loved writing this piece and I think the people who did read it also enjoyed it very much. At least from the reviews and feedback it seems you all did, which makes me very happy!

I have decided to continue this saga as a series; however, I will post each new story as a separate entity. I have gone back and forth on whether or not I was going to start adding new stories to this one or break them up and I have finally settled on breaking them up. Hopefully, I will be able to produce at least two more cases before the end of the summer. ^_^

Also I will be writing a one-shot and I have decided to post it separately as well. There was a tie between Action/Romance and Comedy, so I have decided to make the one-shot Action/Romance/Comedy. Hopefully every one of my readers will be happy this way! I have already started writing the one-shot story and hopefully I will have it finished and edited by later tonight, however, I know for sure it will be up tomorrow sometime in the early evening hours. So be on the look out for "The Curse".

I have loved writing this piece and appreciate every review! I love you all so much! I will have a preview of the next case (large fiction/non one-shot) in "The Curse" so be sure to check it out!