A/N HEY everyone how are we? ok so here's chapter six sorry it took so long to update but hey you'll live also im working on a jacob and nessie fanfic you all should check out its called "My Life as a Teenaged Hibird" it funny and awsome so read it and tell me what you think... also im haveing troubble with this story iv got wrtirers block so bad so if one of you guys really love this story it time to tell me and the person who show the most love will get to write chapter 8 WOOH

Ch 6


I finally got to my dorm; I was great full that Cullen had another class now. I walk in and dumped my bag next to my desk then collapsed on my bed. I replayed the whole debate in my mind over and over. The bit that got me most was when I asked did he believe in love at first sight, and he said that if I asked him a week ago he would have said no, but now he does believe in love at first sight? What the hell did that mean? I rolled over onto my back closed my eyes and let out a long frustrated sigh.

"Sounds like you had a good class?" I looked up to see Jacob leaning casually against the door jamb of the kitchen. I rolled my eye at him.

"That bad huh, do you want to talk about it?" he huskily voice concerned as he came to sit beside me on my bed.

"No Jake I'm fine."I assured him as sat up and thought of a topic change. "So how did it go with Billy?" he looked at me knowing I desperately changed the subject but left it anyway.

"Good and bad."


Jake told me how Billy was unpleased with him dropping out of year twelve but also understood that Jacob wanted to get a job as a mechanic at La Push. Being Jacob he wanted to take a year off and hang out in Portland with me, to make sure I was safe. Typical Jake. But Billy said Jake couldn't stay here. Which was true Jake said as the couch was not at all bigger enough, I laughed at that. So he was moving in with Embry, Quil and some other guys from the Rez that go to uni here.

"Wow your staying in a house with seven boys?"

"Six guys including me and one girl, so that makes seven of us altogether" I pounded that for a second.

"Okay you got me."I said confused. "Tell me why is one girl staying with a house full of guys? And if she is to... well you know "share around" I don't want to know." Jake busts onto laughter clashing his sides. After a few minutes he crammed down and started to explain.

"No no Bells, you see Leah stays there because her brother Seth dose and he's still in high school, so her mum want her to look out for him sines his living with a whole lot of guys."

"Oh." I remembered Leah from La Push she was date an older guy named Sam, I wonder... "Hey is that the Leah Clearwater, who dated Sum Uley I think? Are they still together?" Jacob froze and looked down at his hands in his lap. He answered quietly

"No Sam left Leah for Leah's cozen Emily." I was shocked no horrified Sam was a good guy as far as I knew him. Leah and Sam were so in love I could never see Sam with another girl.

"Why? How could he do that to Leah?" my voice came out low just as a whisper

"I don't know really." He sighs and sit back agents the headboard with me holding me close to his chest "he says meeting Emily was like love at first sight and that he never had that connection with Leah." That reminded me of what Edward had said today maybe he connected with a girl like that? I didn't want to think about him right now. I pulled myself closer to Jacob warm body he always made me feel safe.

"Poor Leah" I wisped into his chest. He stocked my hair.

"That's not the worst part. The worst part is Sam owns the house that she and guys live in and Sam and Emily live down the road so they can drop in any time, and to top that off Sam asked Emily to marry him. That was her wedding Bells, Leah dreamed of her wedding with Sam."

"Poor Leah" I said again Jake turned to me and smiled weakly

"Come on Bells, Embry and Quil will be waiting for us or just for you after last night." He laughed. I groaned as I remembered last night when I drank a bit too much and made out with all the boys. Secretly Jacob was the best kisser out of them but it was just all fun and games and we never do anything other than kissing.

"All right how bad was I last night the truth." He smiled and helped me off the bed.

"Me, I think you're always a great kisser and I think the boys enjoyed it last night but make shore you ask them at lunch." Jake grinned I groaned again.

"It your fault I got drunk Jake."

"You love me anyway." He kissed my cheek

"I don't know why?" I mumbled Jake just laughed and with that we walk out the door and off to lunch.

We ended up driving in Jake's old rabbit to pick up Quil and Embry at the house Jacob would soon sharing with them. The house was two stories it would have to be big enough for seven of them.

"Hey Bells how's your hangover?" Embry laughed I grounded my teeth and glared at him from the rear view mirror that made him laugh even more.

"By the way I enjoy our make out session last night." Quil snickered. Jake just gave me a cheeky smile and drove off.

By the time we got down the street an argued over fast food or the bakery we ended up having gourmet sandwich. I had a chicken and salad sandwich while the guys had five different sandwiches each. There eat so much since last saw them I don't see how they can stay all musically like they do when they eat that much.

"So Bells tell them about your roommate." I nearly choked on my sandwich. Why the hell did say that? Scratch that. Why the hell would he even bring up Edward? I looked at Jake as if he were crazy. Technically he was crazy to thing I want to talk about my asshole of a roommate to Embry and Quil. Either that or his stupid. He looked with a fake incense look as if to say 'What?' So he thought it was funny! Yep defiantly stupid.

"Oh is she hot?..." Embry asked "if so could I call dibs" he continued.

"No fare!" Quil yelled back with his mouth half full. Jacob on the other hand was trying not to laugh. Then it hit me they had no clue that Edward was my roommate and that he was a he, so to speak. Embry and Quil where still bickering who got to call "dibs" when Jake and I started laughing. The two boys stopped and looked at us. While still giggling I high-fived Jake. I had always found it funny when Embry and Quil fight over girls they don't even know. What made it even funnier is that they were fighting over who called "dibs" on Edward.

"Sorry guys but my roommate is a guy." I confessed still giggling. They stared at me like I had three heads or something before saying...

"WHAT?!" in sync.

"Don't worry guys it gets way better this is only the start. Right Bells?" Jake looked at me and smirked I had the argue to stick my though out at him like a two year old but I didn't.

Quil was the first to speak. "So what does Jake mean by that? Did you meet some secret boyfriend and move in with him when you got to Collage? Even so how the hell did you get Portland University to agree to that?" by now I was so pissed and Jacob found it funny.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND AND THE REASON I'M STUCK WITH HIM IS BECAUSE OF SOME FUCKING COMPURTER GLITCH!" I yelled, and then took a deep breath. Cram down Bella. I've never been pissed off in front of Embry and Quil, and by the looks on their faces they thought it was really funny. What made it funnier to them was that everyone in the cafe was looking at me cause of my little outburst.

"Sorry."I wisped everyone just turned back to what they were doing. Jacob chuckled and put a arm round my shoulders as I slumped down into the booth.

Embry looked very entertained "So first of all who is he?" he asked still amused. "and secondly what the hell did he do to piss you off?"

I answered with clenched teeth "He's name is Edward Cullen and he is the biggest player and asshole ever." I stated matter 'o' factly Jacob laughed so did Quil and Embry. Was I missing something? I thought, because I really did not see the joke here.

"Man Edward Cullen he's at Portland who would of thought." Quil said still laughing

"Wait! What? How......how the hell do you know him?" I stubbled over my words I was now so confused.

"Edward and the rest of the Cullen's and Hale's lived in Forks like one big family. You see the Hale's were adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. They all use to go Forks high, Edward and his brother....umm what's his name.....umm"

"Emmet" I reminded Quil.

"Oh yeah that's right anyway..... so Edward and Emmet were on the football team. Embry, Jake and I we're on the La Push team. Sometimes La Push High and Forks High played argents each other." He finished I let that sink in for a second before realizing something. I turn slowly to Jacob giving him the best death glare Jacob looked scared shitless. And so he should be I thought. In the back of my mine I heard the voices of Quil and Embry saying "Oh'O" and "He's in deep shit." You bet!

"You knew him and you did even tell me! God Jake what the hell!" I was so mad right now that I shock off his arm from my shoulders and face him full on.

"You went to those games you should of saw him." He said raising is hands in deafens trying to cram me down it was so not working

"I went those games to see you play Jake!"

"I thought normal girl went to check out the other guys." I was shocked he achly thought that low of me. Angry tears started to well up in my eyes and spill over, that when he realized he had hurt me.

"Well I guess I'm not normal then." I wisped and stood up and walked away from the table and out the cafe to wait by the car as always Jake come running after me.

"Bella, wait I'm sorry. Please wait." Jacob grabed my arm turning me to face him. Jake and I never really fight maybe I was just so mad and confused about Edward I was taking it out on him.

"Look Bells you know I don't mean it like that." He said as he pulled me into a hug. Jacob's hugs always made me feel so much better they calmed me down enough to realized how much of a fool I made myself. I to note to see Embry and Quil standing awquwdly behind us. Feeling more embarrassed I hid my face in Jake's chest.

"I'm sorry too." I wisped into his chest. He just chuckled and ran his hand over my hair. I swear something Jacob acts older than me and he looks older too, it must because of his height his a foot taller now.

"GROUP HUG!" Embry yelled as he and Quil join our hug I just laughed as we all hugged. I felt like I was in La Push High again, just me and the guys mucking round. I never really had meny girlfriends at school because I mostly hung out at Jake's place. I meat Jacob when I was 7 and he was 6 our dads are good friend so we grow up together. Ever tho I lived in Forks I went to La Push High School to be with Jake. I know it's wired but what can I say he's my best friend. We always got teased about how we "loved" each other but we have always been just very good friends. Embry and Quil were in my year but they lived near Jake so the four of us were best friends, still are. But of course being the only girl in our group they all they notices went you grow curves, so if I ever got a lustful look from a guy he get a black eye from Jacob. I never went on many dates because those three guy would scary them away, they did a better job at it then my dad Charlie. So because of my three best friends I am still a virgin, I know in sad I didn't even get a real date to prom because I went with Jake. After our group hug we hopped in the car and started to drive Embry and Quil back to there place.

"So Jake my man when you moving in with us?" Embry asked

"Well my stuffs all in the car anyway." He answered pointing to the back of the car with his thumb. "So I guess I could drop Bella off and come straight back so I can settle in tonight." he said.

"what, you leaving me already?"

"Yep that couch gave me I sore neck." He rubbed the back of his neck, I laughed. We pulled up that the big house Embry and Quil got out, Jake rolled down the window and leaned out.

"So I guess see you later." Quil said to Jake

"yeah I'll back for dinner."

"Awesome! Emily is cooking tonight she'll be happy to meet the new house member." Embry told Jake. I saw Jacob cringe at Emily's name but the guys didn't notice. It must be because of the Leah story oh well. Embry and Quil said goodbye and they hoped to see me round campus. We were just pulling away from the house when I asked...

"So how come you cringed at Emily's name?"

"You don't miss anything do you?" he gave me a side long glance. I turn my body so that my back was against the car door, and I was facing Jacob.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. "So spill." He looked at me again and sighed.

"Well... I think the guys shouldn't be like... well like nothing ever happen cause it did. Leah is living there and they don't care if her ex-boyfriend and his fiancé just walk in like it ok it's not cause it's not ok. Each time Sam or Emily walk in it hurts Leah to see them." I never seen Jacob so consirned about a girl like that before, he looked angry, mad, sad and in love! No way!

" Oh My God, You like her." I blurted out

"What! Who?" he tried to play dum keeping his eyes on the road, but I could see right through him.

"Jacob Black admit it. You are in love with Leah Clearwater." A goofy smile crossed his face. Yeah thought so.

"Fine. I'm crushing on Sam's ex who is two year older than me and has no interest in guys after what happen with her and Sam." He slouched back in the car seat. I could see how big this was for him to admit it, to even me. Truly I didn't know what to say. Yeah Jake has had crushes but all those girls fell for him anyway. Jacob had everything a girl could want in a guy. He was kind, funny, loving, understanding, caring and... well kind of sexy. Ok really sexy. But as Jake had told me about Leah and Sam I could also see why she wasn't willing to let anyone in.

I knew about heartbreak I been through it. It happen late in my freshmen year I had just turned sixteen. Jake and the guys had actually trusted a guy enough to let me go out with him, his name was Tim he was like most La Push guys he had copper skin, dark blue eyes, rich brown hair witch was always messy and he did have muscle but nothing like Jacob. All in all he was good looking. After a week of dating Tim asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes because I thought I was in love with him. Then it happened itr was four months in to our relationship and we were at my house making out on the couch. This was normal but all of a sudden Tim took it too far. Tim wanted sex and there was no way in hell that I was ready for that type of thing. I told him no he yelled at me telling me that it was just sex and everyone does it. One I didn't want it to be "just sex". And two not everyone does it. We didn't break up but we had a fight he said sorry and the he would wait. The next week I was walk to his car because I had left my math book in the back seat. As I look in the car window my heat stoped and broke. There in the back seat of Tim's car was my boyfriend and some slut having sex. Ran back to the school to find Jacob. Jacob lessened as I cried and told him what happened, then he kicked Tim's ass. I never trusted another guy again except Jake, Embry and Quil. And that's why I hate players.

"Bells where here." Jacob voice pulled me out of my memory. He helped me out and walked with me to my dorm. He turned to me.

"I guess this is it Bells."

"Jake don't be like that, I will come see you soon maybe I'll stay a couple of days." I smile he grins back.

"Good luck with the asshole." He nodded to the dorm door.

"Thanks." I say sarcastically "Good luck with Leah" he's smile softens.

"Thanks" he says. I reach up on tippy toes to peck him on the lips.

"Bye Jake miss you already." I wiper

"Miss you to Bells" with that he smiled and headed down the hall. I sighed turn to find the door unlocked and inside a shirtless Edward reading a book on his bed looking god like as ever. Now why didn't I move with Jake? Instead of living with a stuck up gorgeous asshole. Who knows? I sigh

Well Bella I guess you're stuck with the player. I thought as I walking into the dorm.

A/N well review tell me if you love it and if you want to be the one writeing chapter 8 tell me lol

love Emmi

P.S im sorry but just to let you know im TEAM JACOB i love him and his abbs lol ;D