Macy's POV

"Hey, mace." Stella said, walking up to me on my way to school.

"Hi Stella." I sighed. I had to break the news.

"What's wrong?" she asked slowly.

"I think.... I think that I don't want to be a JONAS fan anymore." I said in a huff. Stella started giggling.

"You are so funny!" she laughed. I glared at her. She straightened up, her eyes widening.

"But you're obsessed! How will you hide that?" she shouted, putting her hands on her hips.

"Shhh! And I just will! I don't like being ignored by them. And anyway, I found a better band!" I choked on the last part, earning an 'oh, really?" look from Stella.

"Who may this wonderful person be?" she asked sarcastically.

"Persons. It's another band. Ok Go. They're awesome!" I squealed fakely.

"You know I like them as much as the next guy, but I know you enough to let you know that I do not believe it. You will never give up on JONAS, and you know It." she said sadly, turning on her heel and walking away. She was right. But no one needed to know that.

I walked up to the big, brown school doors. Ugh, more school. I couldn't wait until summer. My hands wrapped around the door handle and slowly opened it. Ahhh, the sweet smell of pencil wood. Yes. That was the thing I liked about school. Not even Stella knew that.

I walked farther in the school to my yellow locker, turning the dial on the door. I shoved my stuff inside after grabbing a few books I needed and turned toward a frowning Stella. Her locker was right next to mine.

"Okay," I sighed, "you don't hassle me about this decision and you can give me makeovers every day you don't." I said sadly. Great. I just made a deal with the fashion devil. Oops. Stella squealed and clapped, jumping excitedly.

"Deal." she said calmly, relaxing from her little hyper burst.

"So, are you excited about the new JONAS concert?" Stella asked excitedly.

"Nope." her face fell.

"Dang, you're good." she complained. I smirked.

"I'm glad we got here early. I don't want to run into-"

"Us?" Joe said, making me turn around. I almost started squealing, but collected myself.

"Oh, no. Well, gotta go." I said calmly. Joe's eyes almost popped out of his head. I headed toward homeroom, leaving a dazed band behind.

Stella's POV

She really WAS good. Wow. I didn't know she had that much willpower. Joe was still staring after her.

"What just happened?" Nick mumbled. I heard a thump behind him. And I saw Kevin sprawled across the floor.

"The wrong person fainted." I whispered. This day was getting weirder.

"At least it wasn't me." Joe chuckled cockily. I had to smile. And then I hit his arm.

"Ow!" he yelled, holding the place where I smacked him. I stepped by him and lifted Kevin up.

"That was weird." he mumbled sleepily. He stepped out of my arms and looked around.

"So, what's up with Macy?" Nick asked.

"She doesn't want to be your fan anymore." I whispered. All of their eyes grew wide. Kevin gasped.

"No way!" Joe screeched.

"She dropped you for Ok Go." I said, a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"I don't believe it." Kevin snapped. I nodded sadly.

"Oh well." Nick sighed.

"Okay, well Macy wants to go to this club tonight. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come since she won't be freaked out anymore." I said, lifting the mood.

"I want to go. This could be good for us, guys!" Joe said excitedly. I hoped he was right. Even though I still thought Macy was making a bad decision.