
Disclaimers: I don't own Resident Evil and relating characters. They are copyright of their respective owners.

Warning(s): Humor, Yaoi, Slash, Lemon, M/M, Violence, Language, Blood, Fluff, etc.

Pairing(s): Chris x Wesker & Wesker x Chris...Maybe others....

Spoilers: If you haven't played Resident Evil 5, there are spoilers.

A/N: Well I figured that poor Mr. Redfield must be pretty sick of being the uke. So I decided to make a story chopped full of Chris/Wesker AND Wesker/Chris.

Summary: Wesker has always been known for his stoic features and cold personality, but when Chris gets to know him on a more personal level, things get a little heated up and Chris realizes that Wesker is actually very delicate.


It was all over.

After years of dealing with his evil plans and creations, Albert Wesker was finally dead.

Time passed and instead of picking up where things had left off between Jill and me, I found myself having to start over. And by starting over, we both realized that our feelings for each other weren't what we had thought they were. So I was single and living on my own.

Life was peaceful and honestly quite boring. I knew that I should have been doing flips because Wesker was dead, but without him, there was nothing else to hunt down and eliminate. The BSAA had taken care of Tricell quickly; stopping the pharmaceutical company before it even had a chance to create anything. That left me and the other members of the BSAA with nothing to do. That was until I saw something interesting on the news.

It was ten at night and the news had come on with a special report. A man had been found inside an active volcano in Africa, severely injured, yet miraculously alive. He was being called "a miracle" because somehow, even though he was basically burnt to a crisp, his body was healing. He had apparently been found by a group of natives and the natives claimed that when they found him, he had been in several pieces and his body somehow put itself back together.

The volcano mentioned happened to be the same volcano that Sheva, Josh, Jill and I had defeated Wesker in. No human could ever put themselves back together or even survive being burnt like the man on the news was. No human. Well Wesker wasn't human. I sat there in shock as realization sunk in. The only logical explanation was that somehow Albert Wesker was able to survive.

The reporter said that he had been transported to a hospital in Denver, Colorado where a doctor who specialized in cases similar to that of the "miracle man" worked. My eyes widened. I lived in Denver. Without thinking or bothering to turn off my television, I ran out of my house and drove over to Denver General Hospital. There were around four hospitals in Denver, so I was relieved when I pulled up to Denver General and saw camera crews outside.

I parked my car and asked the nurse at the front desk where I could find Wesker. I told her I was the closest thing to family he had and that I could help identify him, so she had a doctor escort me to Wesker's room. When I saw Wesker, I began to immediately question my decision to come see him. The truth was I had no idea why I even wanted to see him. Maybe I just couldn't believe that he had survived until I had seen him with my own eyes…

Regardless, I took a seat next to Wesker and began telling doctors all I could without leaking out any information about what Wesker was really like. I didn't want to tell them about his virus and his cold personality or about the fact that several weeks ago; he had tried to destroy the human race.

After they finished asking me questions, they left me alone with my "old friend". I stared at Wesker, amazed that even though he was burnt all over, you could still tell it was him. What I thought was really fascinating was the fact that you could see his skin healing. In some areas there were actual blotches of ivory skin.

His room was quite and it was kind of cool to being in the same room as him and to not have him taunt me or try to kill me. I was surprised to find myself at ease and relaxed. I was actually considering dosing off when he moved. It was a very subtle motion, easily missed by the untrained eye. His finger twitched and I saw his body shift slightly. My heart began to race. This wasn't going to be good.

Author's Note 2: Why is it called "Foxtrot"? Well originally this was going to be a 4 chapter fanfiction called "F.U.C.K." and the Chapters were going to be "Foxtrot", "Uniform", "Charlie" and "Kilo". Yes, it was going to be based off of the song by the Bloodhound Gang. However, after reviewing the plot of this story, I thought it needed more than 4 chapters. I also figured that Chris and Wesker's relationship was going to be slow and then quick, just like the steps in a Foxtrot. Slow-slow-quick-quick. And thus the title was born.