
Disclaimers: I don't own Resident Evil and relating characters. They are copyright of their respective owners.

Warning(s): Yaoi, Slash, Lemon, M/M, Violence, Language, Blood, Fluff, etc.

Pairing(s): Chris x Wesker & Wesker x Chris

Spoilers: If you haven't played Resident Evil 5, there are spoilers.

A/N: Well I figured that poor Mr. Redfield must be pretty sick of being the uke. So I decided to make a story chopped full of Chris/Wesker AND Wesker/Chris.

Summary: Wesker has always been known for his stoic features and cold personality, but when Chris gets to know him on a more personal level, things get a little heated up and Chris realizes that Wesker is actually very delicate.

"It's those cute things you do that make me want to fuck you," he whispered in a rather seductive voice causing me to blush.

"Then do it," I said as I sat next to him on the bed. He stared at me for a moment like he was truly considering it. But then he shook his head and told me to be patient. I fucking hated waiting.

Claire had informed me that she had a date with Leon that night and that she wouldn't be back until three in the morning. I told her that it was no big deal and that she should have fun. So she left and I ran to my room to let Wesker out.

I wasn't expecting to open the door and have Wesker slam me into the wall and immediately start attacking my mouth with his. It was so hot.

He dragged me into the bedroom and slammed the door behind us. His hands made quick work of my clothing and it was as he was removing my pants that I realized that he was already naked. Oh this was so going to be worth the wait.

My clothes were practically ripped off my body as Wesker continued to attack my mouth. I gasped as my hard length was released from its confinements. Wesker's hands ran up my sides sending shivers down my spine. With his super-human strength, he tossed me onto the bed. He was being rough, I loved it.

His hands teased a nipple as his lips moved down to my collarbone where he began to bite and suck on my flesh. I arched and moaned at his touches. God, how was he so good at this? I gasped as he pushed two fingers into my entrance without any form of lubrication. It hurt like hell, but I didn't care.

"Wesker…Hurry up," I groaned as his free hand began to lethargically play with my errection. Those slow, lazy ministrations were unbelievable.

"All in due time, Chris," he chuckled. He removed his fingers and placed a kiss on my forehead before ramming into me. I screamed due to the agonizing pain. He pulled out a little and thrust back in.

"You're so tight," he growled into my ear as he continued his movements. Eventually he hit the sweet spot inside of me and I moaned in pure bliss. He smirked and angled himself so he would hit it again and again.

He trailed his tongue down my chest as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Every thrust was deeper and stronger than the one before. Our lips connected and our tongues fought for battle as we both began to pant and sweat.

"Wesker…"I moaned, when we parted for air. I was so near completion. I could feel heat coiling in my stomach and I almost came as Wesker grabbed my aching cock and began to pump it in time with his thrusts.

"Albert!" I shouted as I jizzed, my cum decorating both of our chests.

"Mmm…Chris," he growled as he emptied his seed inside of me.

"CHRIS?" Claire's voice shouted from the doorway.

"Claire?" Wesker and I both turned our gazes toward my kid sister. Shit! I was hoping to bask in the afterglow of sex and maybe snuggle with Wesker. I was not expecting this.


"This isn't what it looks like!"

"Oh really? So Albert Wesker is NOT alive and you are NOT sleeping with him?" Claire looked pissed. I gave Wesker a look. He winked at me and I pouted.

"CHRIS! EXPLANATION NOW!" Claire demanded, crossing her arms as she glared at the two of us.

Wesker slowly removed himself from me, much to my dislike, and grabbed a blanket to cover us up. I gulped. I had no idea how to explain this. How was I supposed to tell my sister that I was in love with Wesker?

"Long story short: I survived and Chris found me in a hospital. Chris agreed to watch over me, so I moved in. We chatted and Chris practically raped me in the shower. So I decided to fuck your brother, which he was fine with," Wesker stated. Claire and I both looked at him. Claire looked pissed and disgusted. I looked amused.

"I didn't rape you."

"The definition of rape, Christopher, is 'any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person'. I would qualify that stunt in the shower as rape."

"But you liked it."

"It was still forced," Wesker said. I pouted and he smirked.

We weren't able to enjoy the moment for very long though. A gunshot echoed through the room and Wesker screamed in pain. I turned to Claire again. She had a pistol in her hand and smoke was rising out of the barrel.

"Wesker!" I shouted as I moved to examine the gunshot wound. I turned my gaze to glare, looking a tad bit pissed.


"Chris maybe you've forgotten, but Wesker is the enemy!"

"You don't know him!"

"Chris! HE TRIED TO DESTROY THE PLANET!" Claire bellowed out. We continued shouting at one another until Claire walked up to me and punched me.


"Knocking some sense into you!" I didn't want to fight my kid sister, so I did my best to block her punches and shove her away from me.

Claire was about to punch me again, when a hand grabbed her wrist from behind. We both turned our gaze to see Leon standing behind her.

"Claire, that's enough," he said. Leon gave a quick glance to me and then shot a look at Wesker before staring at Claire.

"Leon! Wesker is alive and he was…well he was," Claire explained.

"I know Claire," he responded, "Wesker has been living with Chris for several months now."

"You knew?" Claire asked in disbelief as she freed her wrist and took a step away from Leon and I.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my place," Leon explained, "Your brother should've been the one to tell you."

"Chris!" Claire shouted as she looked at me again. Her eyes showed how confused and hurt she was.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She looked as if she was about to cry. I felt a tinge of guilt at the look on her face.

"I was afraid to, Claire. I thought you'd disown me as a brother or something. It was stupid, Claire, and I'm sorry." She began to cry and I moved forward to comfort her. She smacked my arms away and ran out of the apartment. Leon gave me a faint smile and I nodded as he ran after Claire. I sighed as I plopped down on the bed and turned to help Wesker, who was already healing.

"Well," Wesker said, "I think that went rather well."

A/N: Haha! Yeah so I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I fixed it so it's more to their characters...Enjoy :D