Disclaimer: I'm saving up to buy the rights to the manga…might take a few yrs…so far I got 5 dollars…yeah. But Kenji and Michio, all mine babeh.

Summary: If we ever met you'd most likely say what every other normal person has about me. Something similar to good, respectable, head out of the clouds kinda guy and you probably would be right. I probably would be that kind of person…if I wasn't lusting after my baby brother.

Warning: Includes graphic fantasies of a sex deprived teen.

Well why was this added you may ask?. Someone said they'd like to see a story on the wonderful tension between Michio and Kenji and since then I've been really thinking about it. So to anonymous reviewer LOL69, I hope you like it. XD.

This bit is titled umm let's go with 'Oh Sweet Temptations!' And technically this is not sasunaru so sorry for those who don't like it.

Before you're thrown in, things to know: Michio-15 Kenji -9 and a new one Izumi-1

(WE love Uchiha-Uzumaki babies!!!)


Fantasy 1: Blow my world

This idiot doesn't even know what he's doing to me, every day walking around the house half naked. Look at him, smooth slender legs completely exposed no thanks to a very small hand me down shorts he got from me a few years back. Shouldn't he have tossed that already? Oh God and he's not wearing a damn shirt AGAIN! I can freaking tell that he's cold, stupid deliciously hard pink nipples Arg I just want to run my hands across his pale chest and tease them. Dear God why me?

"-san, Nii-san, Nii-saaaaan!" his voice shook me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I stare up at his bright blue eyes, the one thing that made his Uchiha heritage questionable.

"I was asking if you were ok. You look kinda flushed", for some reason his face was getting closer. "Maybe a fever." He pressed his forehead against mine. I froze.

"I'm fine" I pretended not to see the hurt expression he gave when I roughly pushed him away and rose to my feet and left him there. I suck as a brother.

"Eh, nii-san where are you going?" he called from behind me.

"To my room, don't disturb" I called back closing and locking my door.

Ugh I felt so hot from that small touch. I could actually feel the heat from my groin and slowly brushed my hand against the painful bulge. This was becoming a habit, a habit I wouldn't mind stopping sometime soon. My hand moved to free my organ and I hissed as it was hit by the cold air blowing in from the windows. My mind drifted into the usual fantasy world I created to deal with the built up frustration.

"Nii-san it looks painful." Kenji was in front of me stared down at my straining cock and licked his lips. "I can help you with it," and he dropped to his knees.

I gasped and grabbed his head when I felt him timidly lick the tip of it. He kissed and nipped along the sides before gently sucking at my slit. It took all my self control not to force my dick down his throat but not too long after I could feel him pushing down on me, slowly taking me inside and sheathing my cock with his warm wet mouth.

We both moaned as I hit the back of his throat and he gagged a little, though showed no signs of discomfort. Deciding that he was taking too long I pulled on his hair and forced his lips to run up my length before pushing back into his mouth, mesmerized at how it disappeared and re-appeared from his mouth. His words were muffled as he tried to voice whatever it was he thought he needed to say, like that mattered now. The rough feeling of his tongue rubbing under my shaft sent shivers up my body and forced me to increase the pulls I was making on his hair.

This was too good, he was too good. It was so wrong to be wanting this but at the moment I couldn't give a shit. He was now tonguing my slit and massaging my balls and I felt just a bit closer. I released my grip on his hair, realizing that I wasn't in control of his actions anymore and leaned back as my stomach twisted in a way almost unbearable.

This was heaven, this was torture. I wanted to come yet I couldn't I needed-


There it was. Kenji sucked on me so hard I saw stars. Oh god his mouth felt so good. My breathing quickened as my balls twitched and with a loud moan I released into the unsuspecting mouth that was quick to drop my cock when spurts of white coated inside it. I heard Kenji coughing beneath me and looked down to see my cum dribbling from the corners of his mouth. Even when he didn't try he was sexy. His big eyes looked up at me as his head tilted cutely to the side. The world around me was going fuzzy, the fantasy was ending (as much as I didn't want it to) I faintly heard his sweet voice before drifting away from my peace.

"I was good right nii-san, right?"

I looked down at my unbuttoned pants, at my softened cock hanging free dripping cum unto the floor, then to my hand covered with the symbol of my weakness. I groaned and banged my head on the door behind me. I thought as I got older these urges would blow off but they only got worse when I hit puberty. Mom and dad would kill me if they knew what I was thinking everyday.

"Fuck, I need to get laid."


Fantasy 2: Neko Nightmares

It was a late and I'd just come back from training. Dead beat as I was I pushed the door open and stepped into the house going straight for the bathroom door.

"Oh, nii-san you're finally home." I turned my head to see Kenji holding the newest member of the family, Izumi, gingerly in his arms. Immediately the image of Kenji fat with my child flashed in my head and I quickly turned away.

"Yeah I'm back. Where's mom and dad?" I continued walking to the bathroom while he answered, following behind me.

"Dad said something about 'damn needy kids' before dragging mom out of the house. Not sure where they went though or why."

I kinda had an idea.

"But before mom was abducted he told me that dinner was ramen again." I was now inside the bathroom stripping my clothes. Took a few seconds to realize that he was still there staring at me by the door. Damn I could feel my temperature rising again.

"Is there anything else?" I asked him irritably. He seemed to jump at my harsh voice and blushed cutely. God something was wrong with me.

"Uh no sorry." And with that he left, closing the door behind him.

Ignoring the loud sound of my heart beat I stepped under the cold spray of the shower, hoping to cool the heat pulsing through my blood. Of course, it didn't because the world hated me and wanted to see me suffer. I could soon feel the oh too familiar light headed drowsiness take over as all my blood ran south and gripped at my erection with an angry fist. This was getting annoying and I closed my eyes as I drifted off.

"Nii-san you're thing is standing up again," I opened my eyes to see Kenji looking up at me and could have drooled at the sight of him. His small human ears were replaced by large furry black ones. I shivered when something brushed against my leg and looked down to see that it was a dark tail swinging from side to side. God he's so fucking sexy. I also noticed that he had a problem of his own.

"Looks like you're the same otouto." I gently stroked his cute pink shaft and watched him whimper beside me and oh my God was he..purring? I shivered at the sound of it.

"N-no nii-san it feels funny." He pushed against my chest in an attempt to put distance between us. I ignored his wishes and stepped closer, pinning him between my body and the cold shower wall. I watched his lips gasping for breath and release those sweet sounds I was quickly getting addicted to and before I knew it my lips connected with his, greedily drinking his sounds. The kiss was gently at first but I could feel my control slip once I felt how ridiculously soft and unbelievably sweet his lips were. I moved against his coaxing him to respond and when he did I could feel the hesitation and it turned me on more.

I used my tongue to part his lips slightly before thrusting into his mouth. His cries were swallowed by my mouth and I absolutely loved it. He turned his head to the side breaking our connection with a gasp, I was quick to grab his chin to connect us again and he squirmed beneath me. I pulled back slowly to see his flushed face and his weeping cock and smirked.

Running my finger over the slit I spoke, "Does it feel good Kenji?"

He weakly nodded his head and pressed himself further into the wall. "N-nii-san it feels weird."

"Do you want me to make it better?" I slowly stroked along the length and he moaned in response and bit his lower lip. "You're so cute Kenji, did you know that?"

He shook his head and yelped when I moved my other hand to his ass to pull him a little off the wall.

"I'm going to make you feel better Kenji but you'll have to trust me ok?" I was now using both hands to part his butt cheeks and saw his tail curl around his waist.

"I- I always trust you nii-san." At the sight of his defenseless look my cock twitched and I couldn't help but moan. He was too sexy for his own damn good.

"Take deep breaths," it was so cute how he obeyed everything I said.

Using pre-cum from his cock I lubricated his pink entrance before slowly easing my finger inside. He immediately clamped down on the digit and cried.

"Ah, what's that? It hurts nii-san." Tears were swelling in his adorable eyes and his ears lay flat on his head. There was another twitch of the cock.

"Shh it's ok Kenji just keep taking the deep breaths I told you." I kept pushing my finger further hoping he's relax soon and when he finally did I could finally enjoy the warmth of him. His velvet walls slick and smooth against my finger. I loosed him a bit by wiggling it around then added another.

"Ngh, no take it out." He was thrashing his head from side to side panting heavily.

I held him still and pushed further into him sreading my fingers and stretching his walls more.

"AAH!" and his body was taken over by tremors as he weakly grabbed unto my shoulders.

"You like that?" I rubbed my hand over the small bump inside him. He could only nod.

"Nii-san some ugh something's coming out. I want to pee."

Could he get any cuter?

I moved my free hand to stroke him, "Don't hold back, let it out."

His breaths came out faster, his pants heavier and I could tell he was close. With a final rub at his prostate he screamed and burst his fluids into my hand and the shower floor. His legs gave out soon after and I quickly hooked my hands under his arm to keep him up. As he looked up and smiled at me the words he spoke echoed around me as I floated back into reality…

"Love you nii-san."

I was beginning to question my sanity as I looked down at my hand to once again find white dripping from it. There was no way I could keep this up for the rest of my life. I honestly didn't think I could live under the same roof with this kid anymore. I jumped when someone pounded at the door, it was Kenji.

"You've been in there too long are you ok?"

"…yeah I'm fine." Somewhat.

"Oh ok. Mom and dad are back. They changed their minds about ramen we're going to Iruka-sensei's house again so hurry and get dressed."

I released the breath I didn't know I was holding when his footsteps finally disappeared down the hall.

"Now to take an actual bath."


Fantasy 3: A Dreamer Reality

Shit. I glanced over at the clock watching the numbers taunt me. I'd been lying in bed for 3 hours now I could not get to sleep. Whoever said that counting shuriken put you to sleep obviously never tried it. The fucker. The reason why I was having trouble sleeping was all because of the events that took place in this every bed approximately 3 hours ago. Somewhere in this house was an unhappy Kenji and there was no way I could sleep knowing that.

********************3 Hours before************************************

"Michio-nii I'm sleeping with you again." Kenji stood at my door, pillow in hand with bright eyes daring me to disagree with him.

"Why not." What was the point in stating otherwise? He'd probably sneak into the room when I was asleep anyway.

Smiling, he bounced unto the bed and settled in next to me. There was no point in reading scrolls now, like I could with the star of my dreams beside me. I put away the scroll and pulled the blanket over us.

What the heck did it matter this was just another fantasy anyway so I pulled him closer to me loving the feel of his hot breath against my naked chest. Thank god it was too hot to wear a shirt tonight or I'd be seriously missing out. We stayed like that for awhile and I never noticed when I started to play with his hair or the occasional sniff I'd give him.

It wasn't long after Kenji started to squirm in my arms causing me to pull my head back and look down at him.

"What's wrong?" I didn't need my sharingan to see that he was blushing. Even in the dark it was obvious. "Something wrong Kenji?"

He shifted his eyes from mine before answering, so softly I could barely hear him, "Nii-san, something's pressing against my leg."

"You're leg?" he shifted again pressing against the thing resting against him…shit. I bit back a moan when my dick was assaulted.


I quickly released him and pushed away.

"Uh Kenji maybe you should go sleep in your room tonight."

He looked startled at my response.

"No, I- I'm sorry I won't do it again. I want to stay here with you. Please?" He grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. He was too close for comfort.

"No Ken be a big boy and sleep in your room tonight."

"No Michio No I don't want to." Damn those tears that could move mountains…but I couldn't give in not so easily.

"Kenji, I'm serious get out of my room."

"I'll stay on the floor."


He jumped and I could see fear in his eyes.

"I told you before get out of my room."


Sigh. So yeah I was now the most hated being on the planet. I was sure of it. In anger I tossed the pillow to the floor. Not like I'd need it anyway, there was no way I'd be sleeping tonight. Groaning I rose out of bed and grabbed the scrolls I precariously tossed under the bed.

"Might as well make the best of the situation."

He was under me now, the Kenji that I loved so much. He was moaning and gasping all for me to hear and I was loving every minute of it. I removed my fingers from inside him and grabbed some nearby lotion as a substitute for lube. Quickly, I coated my cock with it before settling in front of the pink twitching hole and slowly pushed my way forward.

"N-no Nii-sa AH! Please stop it hurts it hurts." He was trashing below me.

I was the biggest bastard in the world for making my sweet brother go through this hell but there was no way I could stop now. I'd come too far and been though enough frustration. I was getting this one way or another. I stopped my movements to lick the tears gathering at his eyes and whisper words of comfort in his ears.

"It's ok Kenji, it'll be better soon I promise."

He didn't seem for believe me for he tried desperately to wiggle out of my grasp but I was far gone to stop now.

I grabbed his legs and spread them wide, an action that roused panic in his eyes. Sweet delicious panic. There was obviously something wrong with me.

"Relax Kenji."

I didn't wait for a response as I forced my way into him until I was buried completely in his heat.

Kenji screamed but quickly stopped himself by pressing his hands over his mouth. I chucked at the cute gesture and began a series of shallow thrusts.

"That won't do Kenji" I reached over to his hands and promptly removed them from his mouth. "I want to hear all of your sounds."

"No no it hurts. Make it stop." He was crying again.

I stilled my movements for a bit. "Are you sure it hurts? Doesn't it feel good?"

He only looked at me while rubbing his eyes.

"I-it feels strange down there." He looked for a second then turned his eyes away blushing.

"Do you want to know why it feels like that?"

I grabbed the hand he was using to wipe his eyes and brought it to where we were both connected, "Can you feel it Kenji?"

He gasped and quickly pulled his hand away, I smiled at his cuteness. I leaned forward and licked the tears running down his red cheeks.

"You're too cute Kenji. Don't show this face to anyone, it belongs only to me."

He replied by biting his lips and nodded weakly.

I started plunging into his heat again noting every expression his face wore, hearing every gasp and moan that flew form his wet lips and drowning in the sensation of them all. I leaned forward to press a soft kiss on his forehead and felt a warm substance against my stomach. Looking between us I saw that it was his penis dripping white nectar.

"Kenji," the sound of his name made him look up at me. "You're penis is so cute. Look it's weeping for me."

I raised my hips to show him just what I meant. He gasped loudly when his lower half was raised so that his cum was now dripping unto his face.

"No…ah…stop please." He weakly pushed against my shoulders.

I continued to rock my hips back and forth amazed at how easy it was to penetrate him now that my fluids had lubricated his tight hole.

"Ni-nii-san. Wait…Ah…wait."

"What's wrong Kenji? Want to come?" I started stroking his cock in time with my thrusts. He tried to push my hand off him but it was too late. Soon after he gave one finally scream as his whites gushed from the head of his penis unto his chest and face.

"So cute." And I was pushed over the edge spilling my seed inside him. I was too beat to keep my body up and soon fell on top of him.

I faintly heard him whisper something about me being heavy when I drifted back into reality again.


Well, there were better ways to wake someone but who was I to complain when I was being roused by sweet Kenji.

"Hm, Kenji not so loud. It's too early in the morning for this."

"But you're heavy, get off."

"Tch" I gathered all my energy to shift myself over on the bed before pulling the sheets over my head to block out the sun…wait…why was he in here?

I bolted into an upright position to see Kenji rising from the bed, no clothes present.

"K-Kenji." I called to him hoping to every God out there that he was a figment of my imagination.


Damn, he wasn't. Normally a real Kenji wouldn't be a bad thing, far from it, it would be a blessing. However under these circumstances…

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I jumped out of the bed as though it burned me.

Shocked and confused Kenji jumped back too, "What do you mean? I came in here last night."

"WHEN?!" I couldn't bring myself to lower my tone. This was far too serious.

"A-after you kicked me out. I came back and…don't you remember?" he stepped closer to me forcing me to take a step back. He was hurt I could tell but…damn.

"Why did you come back…why can't I remember?" I grabbed my head in frustration.

"So…you don't remember what you did…last night…"

I looked at him in utter disbelief. He could not mean what I thought he meant. My thoughts were unfortunately confirmed when tears slowly dripped from his eyes are down his red cheeks. What the hell have I done?

Rushing over to him I dropped to my knees and scooped him into my arms.

"Kenji I'm so so sorry." It didn't stop his crying nor did it make me feel any better. "I can't believe I did that to you. You must hate me I'm sorry."

"I-I don't hate you Michi-nii."

"That's kind of impossible right now."

"No it's true." He pushed away from me to look me in the eye. "I really really don't hate nii-san 'cause…I love him too much."


"I thought you hated me because you were ignoring me a lot lately so I was really depressed about it for awhile. A-actually I'm kind of glad that nii-san and I had se-"

I couldn't bear to hear that word from his lips and slapped my hands over his mouth.

"Kenji…let's not talk about this right now." I stood and walked over to the clothes lying on the floor and tossed them to him. "Put some clothes on before you catch a cold."


The second his clothes were on there was a knock on the door. My heart almost leapt from my chest.

"Morning." It was mom who popped his head into the room. "Ah, Kenji I knew I'd find you in here. When you're both ready come down for breakfast. Michio don't you have a mission today?"

"Uh…yeah." I had no idea if I did or not. "We'll be down soon."

With that the door was closed leaving the room silent again. I let out a frustrated sigh before heading for the door.

"Might as well go down now."

"Wait." I was stopped when Kenji's small hands held mine and with a strong tug he had me bending down to his level. A second later I was receiving a soft peck on the lips. I could only stand there and smile as I heard his cheerful giggles disappear down the hall

My years of pain and suffering may finally be paying off.


Well that's it for the very long oneshot. I don't have anything more to say about it so..that's it. Hope you enjoyed.