Heeeeeeeeeellooooooooooooooo people of the fanfiction world!
Here's my new story, CxD as promised.
It'll mainly be in Courtneys POV, like my other story.
Me and her just...connect.
I'm still working out the plot a bit so I don't really know if this will be any good or not...
By the way, TDI never happened.
Okay, now here's the first chapter of;

Jealousy Makes me Crazier

Chapter One: What are friends for?

I laughed along with my friends as Raine made another joke, she was always the comical one. We were sitting out on my Balcony/patio thing, it was really big. Oh, wait, I almost forgot, you don't know me.

Hi! My name is Courtney Trinity LeVonge, I am currently 17 years old and have straight A's at school.

Oh yeah, and did I mention I was rich?

Yep, my parents are lawyers and I'm planning to follow in their footsteps one day, either that or become president. Either one was fine with me. Okay, let me describe myself; I have shoulder length brown hair that has only the slightest hint of highlights in it, I am of average weight and height, and I have well-tanned skin. So, that's me!

Oh yeah, I need to introduce you to my friends!

Okay, first there's Bridgette. Bridge is really clumsy, like really clumsy, but that's one of the endearing traits about her. She is also a huge pacifist, which I personally didn't get, and she loved to surf. Bridgette was blond, but a smart blond, unlike that ditz, Lindsay. Bridgette was afraid of being left alone in the forest, I mean come on! Forests aren't that scary! Of course, maybe I'm just that way because I'm a C.I.T. She was slightly more muscular than me because of her surfing and she had lighter skin than mine, she had about the same height and weight as me, only she weighed a bit more than me because she ate more, she always wore this sky-blue hoodie and blue jeans. She also had a boyfriend named Geoff, with a 'G', I can describe him in two words; Party, animal. Okay, moving on...

Next would be Raine, like Bridge, Raine was pretty clumsy too, though she was more of an uncoordinated clutz than a clumsy clutz. But Raine was a really good friend, I could, and would, trust her with my life, despite the fact that she's been to juvie, we were friends before that though so we stayed friends through the whole thing. Raine had anger issues, not as bad as Eva at least, and if someone got her reallyangry, then they have just unleashed the scariest being on earth, maybe even beyond. Raine is also a huge animal lover, she spends every, freakin, moment with some sort of animal with her, it gets a bit creepy after a while. Raine was 5'4" tall, she was thin, but not anorexic, just fit, she has this pretty, long, chestnut colored hair that has a few purple highlights in it, she normally wears a blue aeropostale dress, or a red strapless hollister t-shirt with a mini-skirt and gray leggings, converse all star shoes that have pandas on all over them, and gold, heart-shaped dangly earrings. She also has three ear piercings on the right ear, 4 on the left, and a belly button piercing. She also wears a lot of make-up, personally I don't wear make-up because it makes you seem fake, the most I ever wear is lipgloss.

And finally there's Gwe- oh wait, I forgot, she's not our friend anymore. Why, you ask? Well, a few years back, Raine was dating this guy who she liked a lot, then when Gwen saw him she just had to have him, so she managed to get him to cheat on Raine with her, and then he broke up with Raine for Gwen and Gwen was all smug about it. Raine still calls her a traitor, of course, so do we.

Okay, I've told you about them, now let's get back to the present.

The trio of friends had finally calmed down and were calmly chatting with each other, acting as if nothing had happened just moments before.

"So, I was just walking down the sidewalk when I saw this guy about to shoot a poor little kitten, I got mad and, well..." Raine was a bit embarrassed to say the rest. Both Bridgette and I sighed.

"You really need to get your anger in check, Raine. You almost killed this one guy." Bridgette scolded, she reminded me of an overprotective mother sometimes, but I had to agree with her this time, Raine really does have a hard time controlling herself when she was really angry. Raine let out a sheepish chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess. But he was about to kill that innocent little kitty, that kitten probably did nothing to him either! It wasn't right!" Raine exclaimed proudly, I sighed and sipped my iced tea quietly. Raine was always like this. I could see Bridgette turning towards me, about to speak.

"Whatever your argument is about, just know that I have no opinion whatsoever." I said quickly, before she even had a chance to speak. Noah had used that on me earlier in the week and I was just dying to try it out. Bridgette pouted.

"I wasn't going to ask your opinion, Court." Bridgette said sadly, I rolled my eyes.

"Riiiiiiiiight. And I'm Jessica Simpson(AN:just chose a celebrity at random)." I responded, my voice heavily laden with sarcasm. Bridgette just rolled her eyes and smiled brightly, oh boy, I recognized that smile, it was the 'I've-got-a-great-idea-and-you-can't-stop-me' smile.

"You know, we haven't had a sleepover in a long time, girls." Bridgette said slowly, I could almost see the little gears turning in her head.

"Bridge," I said pointedly, "we're 17."

"We're never too old to have fun!" Bridgette said happily.

"C'mon, lighten up, Court. Bridge's right, we haven't had a sleepover in, like, forever!" Raine said exasperatedly, I sighed and shook my head.

"Fine." I relented, "on one condition."

"And what's that?" Raine asked me, happiness glinting in her eyes.

"It has to be at my house." I said, cracking a wide grin.

"YAY!" the other two squealed in delight, I winced and covered my ears in pain, it was worse than Katie and Sadie, times ten! I could hear Bridgette making a plan of what we could do at the sleepover and Raine was helping her, I couldn't help but sigh and smile myself. I didn't really mind the sleepover, I was just putting on an act. After all, what are friends for?

Okay, really short chapter, but it IS the first one!

Courtney: So who's in this AN?

Me: Only you, Duncan, Raine, me, Bridgette, Drew, and May.


May: Now, Drew, calm down. Take deep breaths.

Drew: *calms down*

Bridgette: You know, there're two people in here with green hair.

Me: I know.

Duncan: But it looks awesome on me.

Drew: Puh-leaze. Did you not notice the hoarde of fangirls, craving my attention?

Duncan&Drew: *glare at each other*

Me: Uh, Raine, if you will please?

Raine: Jynxite does not own anything TDI/TDA, and she does not own me. I belong to ravioli-jo.

Courtney: Uh, do we have to fight too?

May: I don't think so...

Duncan&Drew: *still glaring*

Me: Ok, I'm getting bored.

Bridgette: I have an idea! *turns room into beach* YAY! NOW LET'S GO SURFING!

May: Uh, I don't know how to.

Courtney: Neither do I.

Drew: Obviously I, the great and almighty Drew, know how to surf.

Duncan: I learned in Miami. Ah, good times, good times.

Courtney: Did those good times involve crime?

Duncan: Duh. What did you think I was in juvie for?


*somehow everyone is in their swimsuit now*

Courtney: Well that was convenient.

May: I'll say.

Me: Okay, remember to review!

Drew: And remember that I am the hottest guy on the planet!

Duncan: No, that would be me.

Drew: No, me.

Duncan: No, me.

*a few hours later*

Drew: NO, ME!

Duncan: ME!

Drew: ME!

Duncan: ME!

Drew: ME!

Duncan: ME!

Me: In case you've forgotten, please review.

May: Every review you make will go towards helping Jynxite become a better writer.

Courtney: So review!

Raine: UTAH!

Bridgette: Ooooh, are we shouting things now? CHEESE!

Me: Um, let's just end this.


Bridgette: Be afraid, be very afraid...

*everyone laughs evilly*