AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello readers. I regret to inform you that this is indeed the last chapter of Master Lovers and Equals:( BUT DO NOT WORRY, I WILL BE WRITING A SEQUEL SERIES:) The Sequel series will be called "The Bloodline of Alucard", and I will soon have the first chapter updated. This chapter is actually the beginning of "The Bloodline of Alucard", but I decided to attach it to Master Lovers and Equals, just so you could get an idea of what is to come. The next series will be more focused on Alucard's and Integra's children, and I promise to take the story in a whole new and fresh direction.

Second Author's note. This chapter takes place 15 years after the last chapter. During that time Integra has given birth to 6 children, though she is married to Alucard, so that could change one day, lol! Sorry I skipped such a long time, but I wanted to get to the sequel series, so I skipped that time to set the stage for the Bloodline of Alucard. ENJOY:)

"Vladimir, Altegra, stop trying to kill each other this instant!" The two young vampires looked up from trying to rip each others heads off, literally, to see Seras standing only a few feet from them. Seras saw several knives sticking out of their bodies, and there was a gaping hole in Vladimir's chest. Evidently, after stabbing each other had failed to kill each other, they had resorted to trying to kill each other with their bare hands.

The two of them slowly removed their hands from each others throat, though Seras could tell from the way their eyes were glowing that they would resume trying to kill each other the moment she was gone. Seras shook her head and looked around. She was in the nursery, as it was called. It was a massive stone chamber that was part of an underground compound built under the Hellsing Mansion. When Integra had given birth to the twins, Vladimir and Altegra, she had arranged for a massive underground stone fortress simply called the Compound to be built in secret under the mansion. It was made out of stone and steel, reinforced and impenetrable. There was only one entrance, and that door could only be opened from the inside. It was made out of tampered steel and designed to be impervious to all forms of a attack. The Compound was as large as the mansion itself, filled with dozens of rooms for Integra's new family. Now Alucard and Integra's family lived down here with their many children and their closest friend, hidden away from the prying eyes of society and Hellsing's many enemies, safe. The compound's rooms were filled with books, games, tv's, game systems and everything else Integra could think of getting for her children. She didn't think she was spoiling her children, but rather making up for the fact that they had been born into a world they could never be a part of. They spent their entire childhood inside this stone fortress, it was the least she could do to get them things to entertain them.

During the day, Integra still lead Hellsing, meeting with her subordinates in meeting rooms in the lower levels of the Mansion. And her husband Alucard still acted as her right hand and personal assassin, handling all jobs too difficult or delicate for regular humans or soldiers to carry out. By night, Alucard and Integra would spend time with their family, taking their children out into the city or the countryside, teaching them about the world they lived in, and instructing them how to coexist with humans. Well, Integra tried to teach them that, Alucard usually just instructed his children how to best kill anyone who got in their way.

But unfortunately, that left only Seras to look after the children when the parents weren't around. Asking a human to look after them would have been a disaster waiting to happen, so hear she was, playing nanny to the children of an ancient, sadistic, mass murdering, bloodthirsty warrior and a cold and calculating woman who's temper was even worse than her husband's. And worst of all, the children seemed to take after their parents. Well, only some of them, the others were perfectly fine and fun to be around.

The elder twins, Vladimir and Altegra, were the oldest and most violent of the children, now 15, and always seemed to be trying to kill each other. But since they had inherited their father's healing capabilities, it was a never ending battle, not that the two of them minded. They two of them seemed to relish coming up with plans to try to kill their twin. Vladimir was the spitting image of his father, identical to his father in every way, and the young man seemed to idolize his father, dressing like him and imitating the old vampire's every manner. Altegra took more after her mother, though she had her fathers hair. But just as her brother idolized their father, the young woman idolized their mother, dressing, speaking and imitating her mother in every way. It was because of this that the feud between them had began. The feud had started off when they were only children, and at first they had only resorted to words and the occasional fist fight. But over the years the feud had escalated to an all out war, resulting in all sorts of fights and battles. One time the twins had even managed to their hands on their parents weapons. That had been a nightmare! Integra had been furious, and Alucard, well, Alucard hadn't stopped laughing for a week.

"Aunty Seras? I'm finished my coloring. Can I go play with Tristan and Juliet now?" Seras looked down to see the youngest of the children, Youphie, starring up at her. Youphie was only 4 years old, and had some how been born only part vampire, with normal eyes and her fangs were so small they could almost pass for human teeth. She rarely drank blood and was extremely weak, by vampire standards. She seemed like an average human girl, and was kind and gentle, completely devoid of any of her violent vampire heritage. Seras smiled at the innocent girl and nodded. The young girl smiled and waddled off to find her two favorite siblings. Seras gently lifted the girl up into the air and carried her into the next room to her older sisters, much to the young girl's delight.

Seras set the giggling girl down next to her two sisters, both of whom smiled and walked over and sat down on either side of her tickling her and hugging her. Tristan and Juliet were identical twins and 7 years old, but unlike their little sister, the two older girls were full vampires. The twin girls were as as fair as their mother, but had their father's eyes and hair. The two of them were unseperable, always doing everything together, and luckily for Seras, the two girls never showed any sign of wanting to kill each other, unlike their eldest siblings. The two girls would sometimes get angry at their other siblings, but both of them loved their little sister and doted on Youphie.

Seras glanced up and saw the last child, Draco, sitting at a table, reading an ancient tomb passed down to him by his father. The young boy was pale and raven haired, with a firm and muscular body, but his eyes, his eyes were deep blue and striking, like his mothers. Though he was only 13, Draco was already quite hansom, and Seras knew many of the local girls had eyes for him when ever he went out for a stroll at night. Years ago, Alucard and Integra had gone on a trip by themselves to celebrate their anniversary of becoming bride and groom. But little did they know that the place in the woods that they rested on was holy ground. That night they had made love and concieved Draco. After Draco had been born, his parents had quickly realized he was not a normal vampire. The sacred ground that he had been conceived on had some how imbued him with holy and unique powers, setting him apart from the rest of his siblings. The tomb before him was an example of his powers. Even though it was written in an ancient and forgotten language, Draco could read it easily. Seras learned long ago that Draco could actually read and speak any launguage.

Draco was a quite boy, always keeping hims vampire side in check. He was quick to smile and laugh, responsible and easily the most mature child out of the bunch. He rarely displayed his dark vampire powers, but Alucard had told Seras that Draco was easily the most powerful vampire out of all the children. In fact, Alucard had stunned Seras by telling her that Draco would grow to become stronger than he ever could hope to be. Draco had inherited all of his father's powers and many more that Alucard didn't have, and the powers he had gained from the holy ground only made him stronger. Alucard had also told Seras that he couldn't even begin to fathom all of Draco's powers and abilities, and that Seras was to watch him closely for signs of his potential. When Seras had learned this, she was glad that Draco was the most level headed one of the bunch.

In fact, though he was only 13, he was the only child allowed to leave the mansion and do and go where ever he wished. And since the sun didn't harm or affect him in any way, he often left the mansion during the day. His other siblings were only allowed to leave with an escort from Seras, Alucard or Integra. But Draco had proven to be trustworthy and responsible, so his parents had granted him free reign. But to tell the truth, the first few times he went off on his own, Alucard and Integra had asked Seras to follow him and keep an eye on him, not that it had turned out to be necessary. The boy had always either gone to the library, or a museum, or some other some other place of educational value. He seemed to naturally avoid all the troublesome spots or areas. But after a while he kept disappearing, and it would be hours before Seras could locate him again, though it had seemed almost as if Draco had managed to find her. Seras smiled at the boy now and remembered the last time she had followed him, he had gone into an alley, and when she had followed him, he was gone.

She had turned around only to find the boy right behind her, a stern expression on his face. "Seras, I know mom and dad asked you to follow me, and that is why I have ignored you all the times you followed me. However, tonight I am meeting someone, and I would prefer if you gave me my privacy." Seras had been stunned. Seras was unusually skilled at tracking people, she could hide her presence so that no one could sense her or even see her. Not even Alucard had sensed her when she had shadowed him once, and this boy had sensed her all along?

Seras had been unnerved when she had realized he wasn't asking her, he was telling her not to follow him. She had stared at him and finally decided to compromise. "Who exactly are you meeting? I'll leave you along if you tell me that." At that point the pale boy had blushed and mumbled something that even Seras couldn't hear. Finally he had looked her in the eyes and said. "My, uh, my friend. Um, her names Kalla. Her father has had a few dealing with Hellsing, so she already knows about mom and dad. I met her at a social event that mom attended, and I've been meeting her at public places ever since, just as friends, that's why I was giving you the slip. But I finally asked her out a few days ago. Tonight is our first date, and my first date ever, actually, so I would appreciate it if you would let me be. I'm nervous enough as it is without having to look over my shoulder for you every 5 seconds. You don't suppose you could give me some tips or pointers, do you?" Draco spoke that last part with a little desperation, and Seras smiled when she saw him starring at her hopefully. Seras had laughed and nodded, giving him certain pointers on what to do and say. After that she left him alone, though she had kept that fact a secret between the two of them. If Alucard found out his most powerful son who he secretly had so much hope for was dating some human girl, well, Seras didn't even want to think about what would happen if the girl met Draco's father.

A loud scream snapped Seras out of her thoughts. Altegra charged into the room and ran out though a door on the other side, bleeding and leaving a trail of blood behind her. Seconds later Vladimir came charging in after her, a long sword covered in blood raised above his head, and a demonic grin on his face. He charged out of the room, yelling for his sister to stop running and telling her that he was only going to cut her into a few pieces.

Seras starred after him in shock. Where the HELL do those two keep getting these weapons. I already got rid of all the weapons, and didn't Alucard and Integra talk to them already. Reading her mind, Draco said in a mildly amused voice. "Of course mom and dad talked to them. But those two are as wild as dad and as strong willed as mom. Do you honestly think they'd listen? Besides, apparently dad couldn't stop laughing when he heard they shot each other in the head, reminded of his battle with Luke Valentine. You know how dad is." The young boy sighed and stood up, closing his tomb. He turned and looked at Seras with a look of mild disappointment. "Oh, by the way, you failed to notice that that the long sword Vladimir has is made out of silver and was blessed by a priest. I don't know where he got it, but if I were you, I would intervene before he chops off Altegra's head. Knowing him, he'd might just actually kill her this time."

Seras swore and charged off after the twins, following the screaming, laughter and blood, but mostly the blood. Bloody Hell, I have GOT to get some more help. Those two are driving me nuts. Seras saw a broken door and ran in. Vladimir was lying on the ground, a dozen crossbow bolts sticking out his chest, and Altegra was nailed against the wall, the silver sword piercing through her chest and pinning her against the wall, several inches off the ground. Seras looked at the two of then and nearly fainted. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!

Draco appeared in the middle of the room and glanced around the room before looking at her and said. "These two are really serious. Altegra rigged a dozen crossbows to a trip wire and lead him into the room, letting him trip the wire and get shot a dozen times. But as he got hit by the bolts, he threw the sword with all his might and skewered her. If that sword had hit her heart, there could have been some major problems. Also, if the bolt that had pierced his heart had been silver, there would have been major damage" The young boy sighed and shook his in disprovable. He turned to Seras and said. "Relax, Seras, their fine. Dead, but fine. They'll be alive and kicking, literally, in few minutes. Make sure you are here when they heal. Who ever comes back to life first will have the perfect chance to kill the other for real." The boy looked around again and smiled. "I'll talk to dad again for you, these two are getting out of hand." And with that he walked past Seras and headed out of the room.

As he walked past her he turned to her smiled and said. "Oh, by the way, thanks for the advice about my date last night. I did everything you suggested and it went great. She was happier than I ever imagined." He sighed as he remembered and said with a rueful grin. "You should have seen the date's ending. She gave me one hell of a goodnight kiss." And with that the young boy disappeared, leaving stunned Seras behind him. Every day Draco seemed to grow more mature, and now a days nothing seemed to surprise or phase him. Seras just shook her head at him and and looked at the temporarily dead bodies of two homicidal teenage vampires bent on killing each other. I have got to get a new job. She thought to herself. But even as she thought that, she knew she never would. Alucard and Integra were her closest friends. And despite the fact that the twins drove her absolutely nuts, she loved all the children, even the two pychotic twins, and was glad to be able to spend time with them. The thought of leaving was appalling. They were the only clan of vampires in all of England, maybe the world, that were know of and tolerated by humans. Hellsing was stronger than ever, and the children were all being groomed in their own way to one day take their place as members of Hellsing, though Draco was being groomed to succeed Integra as the head of Hellsing. Draco already accompanied his mother to all her meetings, and would soon be attending his first Convention of Twelve meeting.

While Seras didn't know exactly what Integra and Alucard had in mind for their offspring, Seras knew that the children, once grown up, would make a formidable fighting force, and if the elder twins ever learned to get along and not try to kill each other, they would make an unstoppable team.

The Hellsing Clan they were called, and the humans that knew of them tolerated them, so long as they remained allies to the "crown and country" as the Queen had put it. And they had. They had been very careful to remain loyal and to let their allies know it. And for that they were safe and could live out their lives in peace. Or so she thought. While it was true the wars were behind them, that didn't mean trouble wasn't still coming their way. After all, a clan a vampires can get into all kinds of trouble, especially a young boy with unimaginable power and something to prove, or someone to protect.

PLEASE REVIEW! And so ends Master Lovers and Equals, my first true fan fiction. I will admit that I am very fond of it and am sadden to have to end it. However, I look forward to writing Bloodline of Alucard, and already have several plot lines in mind. Don't worry, Bloodline will take Hellsing in a whole new direction. I have created the children and have let time pass, so the stage is set for a fresh and new adventure. I only hope you enjoy it. HELLSING FOREVER!

Oh, by the way. If you readers have any suggestions, or want to see something in Bloodlines of Alucard, feel free to say so, I always listen to my reviews, well, I try to anyway. I will have the first chapter up tomorrow or the day after. Please place me on your "Author Alert" so you will know when I update the new story!