Disclaimer: don't own, borrowing for my own amusement

Warnings: Adult themes. Angst, throughout the tale. Major (or, er, General) flirting and talking about sexual situations.

Pairings: Sephiroth x oc, Genesis x oc....

Summary: Genesis, Tseng and Sephiroth go on a simple scouting mission on the edge of Wutaii. Of course, there is nothing simple when it comes to ShinRa.

Time:~ 2 years before Advent Children… During the Wutai War ~

. Scouting…



"Aren't you going to tell me why you are suddenly joining me on MY mission?" Genesis said. "This is supposed to be MY first mission as a First Class. I do not need a babysitter!" He scowled at Sephiroth who sighed heavily and shook his head with a smile.

"You did not hear?" It was Angeal that spoke as he seated himself on the couch opposite of Sephiroth. Genesis stood in between the two and glared at them both. They were in the SOLDIER lounge, Room A, which they had to themselves. This room had always been there to use, but the other SOLDIERS always thought that they were on the same level or wanted additional friendship. They usually found out in a hurry that they were not welcome in the corner of the lounge and it was usually Genesis that made sure that they understood that were not welcome. The only person extra that was allowed was the waitress that would bring them food and drink.

That's it.

And it was going to stay that way.

They didn't want to be swarmed when they were supposed to be winding down at the end of the day.

"Hear what?" He huffed. He hated when he didn't know information and it seemed amusing information from the smile on Angeal's face and the sigh that escaped Sephiroth.

"You don't need to be spreading any more rumours now, Angeal," Sephiroth said in his usual cold manner but there was a smile on his face.

"What did you do?" Genesis said and placed his hands on his hips.

"Oh, he was just standing there," Angeal chuckled lightly. Genesis looked at him with a confused look at then he looked over to Sephiroth.

He watched as Sephiroth leaned his head back and sighed. "She offered," he simply said.

Genesis rolled his eyes. He understood now. "Yet another fan-girl issue? You know, you can just walk away from them when they offer to blow you," he scowled and sat on the couch next to Sephiroth. "You got caught?"

Angeal made a strange sound under his hand and then said, "With his pants down." Angeal chuckle grew louder at his own weird sense of humour.

Sephiroth frowned. "I seem to remember you giving me a speech about how dishonourable my actions were towards women and now you are chuckling about it." He straightened his back and flicked his hair angrily over one shoulder.

Angeal was still smiling. "Hell, it wasn't me that got caught with a fan-girl attached to me groin in the broom closet."

Genesis smirked. "Broom closet? Couldn't you at least take her to your room before you let them worship you?"

Sephiroth shrugged. "I had a meeting that I would have been late for and I did not want her in my room." He looked over his shoulder as the waitress came in and delivered their regular drinks asked them if they wanted anything different than what they usually ordered. They all said no, and she went back into the main part of the lounge.

Angeal shook his head. "Poor girl will never live it down."

"She never finished," Sephiroth frowned. "It was a very frustrating day."

Genesis laughed and looked at his silver haired friend. "You should know better than to play with your fan-girls like that. How many close calls have you had?" Genesis remembered the many occasions that he would see the fan-girl aftermath. There was the walking into Sephiroth room and seeing three women sprawled on the bed sleeping, while Sephiroth dressed and ready to go for the day; like it was nothing out of the ordinary to have three exhausted naked women lying in your bed. It was more than a couple of times that strange women were snuck out of his room in the morning. He knew about a few seedier encounters, where he had been offered to be worshippedby over eager fan-girls that dreamed about bedding the elite SOLIDER Sephiroth. He knew of quite a few that were a lot of seedier than getting a BJ in a broom closet.

The man could be a sleaze when it came to his women and had no problems using them for his advantage.

"More than you will ever have," Sephiorth said smoothly and reached to grab the drink that the waitress had placed in front of him.

Genesis scowled at that comment. "I have my share of fans already, I will have you know!"

Angeal shook his head at his two friends. "Must you compete over everything? It is not honourable to take advantage of people who admire you like that." His voice was serious now.

Genesis leaned back, crossing his legs and folding his arms. "They are offering after all," he said. "I just won't get caught."

"I didn't think you were interested in fan-girls," Sephiroth said as he leaned back into the couch as well and let his emerald eyes challenge the blue ones of his fellow First class SOLIDER. He had his arm was draped over the arm of the couch and the other over the back. Genesis hated that cocky pose of his and that arrogant look in his eyes! He was grateful that the man wasn't wearing his usual leather armour that was shirtless beneath, and just his casual clothes. The shirt was still snug and black and of course, everything was perfectly tailored to fit the General. Sephiroth pursed his lips at him and then let out a full smile.

"Quit being a jerk, Sephiroth!" Genesis grumbled. "Plus, we got off topic! Why are they sending you with me on MY mission! I do not need you there!"

"You both are being sent out on the same mission?" Angeal inquired. "Where too?"

"Not on the same mission," Sephiroth said simply, raising his hand to silence the protests that he knew were going to come out of Genesis mouth. "I am going on a vacation. It just happens to be in conjunction with the mission that Genesis is talking. I am told that some mountain air my calm me. They say the air in Bearnin is quite refreshing in the fall."

Angeal shook his head. "So, they are sending you to get you away from the fan-girls in Midgar for awhile. What about the fan-girls there? There are always over zealous fans."

Sephiroth smiled. "I did not question the orders or question their logic." He leaned forward and grabbed his drink. "I will not interfere in YOUR mission. I am sure there will be thing for me to do." He emphasised his last word.

"What good that will do!" Genesis frowned. "You just being there will overshadow me! I bet you have already read the briefing papers!"

Sephiroth looked at him again with those amused green eyes, "And I bet, you haven't even cracked the file open yet."

"I know what I need to know!" he countered.

"If you two are going to fight, you should go to the training room already. I will not have you destroy this room again with your squabbling. I like how they redecorated it." Angeal said. He had his face set in a stern look.

Genesis rolled his eyes at his childhood friend, "We are not going to fight here."

"I am not in the mood to spar," Sephiorth said simply and looked back at the entrance as a waitress brought in there usually food choices. She silently placed them on the table, asked them if they wanted refills, and then went on her way.

She was a great waitress.

They ate as the conversation turned a little more civil with talk about the new recruits that were coming in and of course Angeal had to talk about Zack and his improvements and upgrade into second class. He acted like a proud father about the boy and Genesis told him so on numerous occasions.

When the plates were gone and they were on their third drink of the afternoon, Genesis had a thought. Sephiroth and Angeal were talking about some newly acquired matera that Angeal had acquired. It was as good a time as any to interrupt.

"You have been caught before with fan-girls, doing things much worse then having them blow you? Who was this fan-girl that caused this sudden vacation that is ruining my first mission as a First?"

Sephiroth eyes narrowed a bit and he sighed heavily.

Angeal smiled brightly but tried to hide it with his hand.

"This was not a normal fan-girl was it?" Genesis said. "Was it someone's wife?" From the snort that he got from Angeal, he was pretty sure that was it and how Sephiroth's lip twitched when he said that. "Okay, I get it now. Who's the wife? Do I know her?"

"Let's just leave it that she has connections in high places," Angeal said and managed to keep a straight face.

"Indeed," Sephiroth whispered but he didn't seem to be sorry about it at all. Sephiroth was not one to be sorry about his exploits. He didn't brag about them but he didn't care if they were secret or not. That was up to the PR people and he kept them busy. Genesis smiled at his friend. "I am surprised that they aren't sending you to Icicle."

"The topic was raised," Sephiroth smiled. He seemed to be greatly amused by this turn of events. They all knew that they wouldn't do anything that Sephiroth really didn't want; after all, he was the poster boy and hero of ShinRa.

"Humph, Icicle suits you better," Genesis said. "I do not need a babysitter for this small mountain town."

"I will not be babysitting you, Genesis," Sephiroth said simply and waved his hand dismissively at him. "I plan on finding ways to entertain myself there. I have already said that there is a spring there as well as, if you had read the reports, plenty of monster to fight."

Genesis frowned. "There you go! As soon as you pull out your sword, you will be the damn hero again."

"Maybe you should pull your sword out more often then," Sephiroth countered.

"Maybe you should keep yours in your pants!" Genesis grumbled.

"Gentlemen!" Angeal said. Genesis could see that he was trying to keep a straight face but he knew his old friend all too well and there was an amused sparkle in his eyes. "Quit your bickering. I have appointments to attend to and I am sure that you both have the same."

Genesis stood along with Angeal.

Sephiroth remained seated and with a tinge of amusement crossed his face. "I am forced to start my vacation immediately, it seems. Oh, and Genesis, our departure date for tomorrow morning. You will find the change of orders in your PHS."

"What? It hasn't…" Genesis started just as his phone started to ring.

"Ah, there they are. I believe you are supposed to be babysitting me. I believe Tseng will be discussing that with you in great detail, I am afraid." Sephiroth took finished off what was left of his drink.

Genesis pulled his phone out of his pocket, but before he answered it he glared at Sephiroth and muttered, "You are a bastard, you know that, right?"

Sephiroth just smiled at him.

….to be continued…

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