Locrian-Mode, you are wondermous. You are amazing and awesome and such a good writer and you just pwn.
I recall you saying something along the lines of "If I give you each your own live pocket-Buck, will you make a MOVIE?!"
Well, you don't have to give Have Faith In Yourself and I our own personal pocket-Bucks, though that would be awesome. But we're actually writing out the movie!!! Because, technically, you requested it, and since you're so fantabulous, we have obliged. ^^

Anyway, to the rest of you people that happen to come across this, Have Faith In Yourself and I are writing this purely for our own amusement. This is, unfortunately, never actually going to be a movie. We are not the Ice Age creators (though it'd be cool if we were), and we do not have any contact wth said creators. Therefore, this will never become a reality. Unfortunately. D:

Faith and I both worked on this together. Every other paragraph or so was me ('cause she started), and we went back and forth. So if you're gonna give us praise or flames or whatever, credit both of us. :)

Scrat didn't ask for this.

Now he was perfectly fine with chasing his precious acorn, but he didn't ask for competition.

He watched with a glare from behind the tree as Scratte, his ex-girlfriend, danced around with his beloved acorn. She looked so happy, and she was so pretty, and if she didn't have his acorn then maybe he would reconsider. But alas, things don't always go as planned.

He WANTED his acorn, and no GIRL was going to steal it away from him. He dashed out from the tree and grabbed the acorn as he jumped over it, Scratte having taken to jauntily holding it above her head, and ran off with it curled inside his arms.

He stopped running a ways away, panting and looking around to see if the female squirrel had followed.

When he saw nothing, he sighed in relief, and cuddled his acorn lovingly.

He then paused in caressing the acorn to blink and look downward, his eyes widening as he realized he had ran over the edge of a cliff. Scratte pranced to the edge of the cliff and plucked the acorn out of his hands, smiling seductively at him as she was prone to do. Scrat gave out a small squeak before screaming as he fell away.



The male mammoth looked over at his wife, a curious glint in his eyes. "What do you need, Ellie?"

"I need you to talk to Peaches," she replied, "she's getting...rowdy."

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"It's against the rules for mothers to talk to daughters when they're being rebellious."


"The same reason that guys don't comfort guys. It's just wrong."

Manny blinked at having his own words thrown back at him, even after all the

time that had passed. He almost didn't remember the conversation that had included that, back before they had gone down in the hole in the ice when Sid had been taken by a mother Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Manny didn't blame the Dino. After all, Sid HAD taken her eggs.

"...Oh. Well, yeah, I can talk to her."

"Thanks Manny," she said, smiling at him.

Manny went off in search of his daughter, whom he found sitting at the base of a tree, looking grumpy.

"Uh...Hi." He said, sitting beside her.

"What is it?" Peaches asked with a frown, looking up at her father who no longer dwarfed her so dramatically as he had when she was younger. Manny looked down at her and sighed, "Your mother wanted me to talk to you."

"Funny how she's just 'my mother' and not 'Ellie'." Peaches noted sourly, "Like it's my fault she wanted you to talk to me."

"You shouldn't talk like that, I'm just here to see what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." She said.

Manny sighed. "What is it with you teenagers, anyway?"

"Why does there have to be a THING with us Teenagers?" Peaches asked suddenly, "Maybe we're all just in general bad moods and don't want to be bugged by our parents!"

Manny frowned. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm your father, you should be respectful."

"La, la, la, la," she said, ignoring him.

Manny sighed, muttering "why me" under his breath as he looked at Peaches again. She had gone back to sulking and he hesitantly tried again, "Did something happen to make you angry or something?"

"Maybe, maybe not." She said, looking off to the other side. She didn't want to talk about it, obviously.

Manny was tempted to just walk away – teenage girls were very scary things – but he knew that Ellie would not be pleased.

Teenage girls might be scary, but WIVES were much scarier.

"Well..." he started, unsure what to say.

"Please, dad, just, leave me alone." Peaches sighed.

"Look, I'm just trying to help. Can't you tell me what's wrong already?" Manny asked, getting frustrated.

"What if I don't want to?" She retorted, glaring.

"Just tell me."


Manny let out a gruff exhalation, "Peaches, do as I say."


"Don't talk to me like that!"


"Stop yelling!"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed, running off.

Manny frowned, "That's it, I'm telling Ellie that men aren't allowed to offer comfort to ANYONE."

Peaches trudged across the path, kicking whatever small rocks dared come into her line of vision. She probably shouldn't have yelled at her dad, and she probably shouldn't have ran off like that, but she was frustrated.

Now, as to WHY she was frustrated was anyone's guess. SHE didn't even know why she was so frustrated, which is why she was so reluctant to talk to her father. Being frustrated and not knowing why seemed stupid.

She kicked another stone and let out a pained yelp, her foot beginning to throb, and glared down at her foot until laughter in the trees made her glare in that direction. Sitting on a branch were her two favorite uncles, Crash and Eddie.

Her glare softened when she saw it was them, but she didn't smile. She was still in a bad mood, and would like to have been left alone, but she loved her uncles, and it was hard to be upset around those two anyway.

"What are YOU laughing at?"

"You." Crash... or maybe it was Eddie, she couldn't really tell from a distance of more than five feet, said simply, grinning at her, "After all, princess, not everyday we get to see you fight a rock and lose."

"I did NOT fight a rock and lose!" Peaches said in dismay, her eyes narrowing, "I kicked it and it hurt, there's a difference!"

"Calm down Princess," the other one said, both of them scuttling over, "it was just a joke."

She huffed but allowed them to climb up and situate themselves on her back, continuing on her way to...wherever it was they were going.

Crash and Eddie continued on a dialogue that made her feel a little better, but she still felt frustrated. She wanted to go somewhere different, somewhere exotic. Somewhere that wasn't all ice and rocks and dead trees where she knew everyone and there wasn't anyone new to meet. Somewhere like...

...Like that utopia in all those stories she'd heard. The place where there were trees and grass and things that she had never seen before. She wanted to go to Dinotopia, but that wasn't a real place, was it? It was just too good to be real. It was just a story that her mother and uncles always told her at bed time when she was little.

She voiced her grievances to Crash and Eddie, "I wish I could see that place you all 'went to' when I was born." she muttered softly. But either the twins didn't hear the sarcasm in her voice, or they chose to ignore it.

"I wish you could see it too!" one of them, she thought it was Eddie but it might have been Crash, said excitedly, quickly followed by his twin agreeing. "That place was amazing!"

"Yeah! It was awesome. There were real live dinosaurs and everything. It was so cool!"

She smiled at their attempts to make her feel better. "And there was that weasel too," she remembered, "the crazy one with the leaf for an eyepatch"

"YEAH!" They both shouted in unison. "Buck was awesome!"

Peaches had heard the many stories of "Buck", and had remembered the little ice figurine on her baby mobile. She wondered if a real weasel like that existed. And if it did, if it was really the "Buck" her uncles seemed to love so much.

Secretly, she hoped so. She knew it seemed far-fetched, but thinking that it might just be real made her feel better. To think that, just maybe, a place like that really did exist. That it was possible to actually go there

She was paying attention to her uncles raving over the amazing weasel, and not to where she was actually going. She stopped when she realized that they had reached a cave of some sort.

"Dare ya to go in, Crash!" Eddie said with a grin.

"Not before you!"

"Age before Beauty!"

"No pain no gain!"

"I AIN'T FALLING FOR THAT AGAIN!" Eddie jumped off her back and away from Crash.

"Guys, wait, I don't think that's a good-" They both went in, chasing each other and laughing, "...idea." She sighed, running after them. "Wait up! I'm coming too!"

They had barely walked twenty feet into the cave, the two possum's laughter echoing off the walls, when she heard the crash behind her. She turned her gaze to see that rocks had fallen to seal off the entrance. Crash and Eddie stopped laughing quite suddenly and looked nervously at each other.

"This cave has to let out somewhere." she decided, "Let's just... keep going."

The two possums clambered back up onto her back as she began trying to find a way out. Surely it couldn't go on forever, right?

Well, maybe it could. It certainly FELT like forever. In reality, it was probably only about an hour or so, but it felt like eons. It seemed as if there was no end to all of the twists and turns and dead-ends.

She was relieved when she finally saw light at the end of a passageway. "Let's go there!"

Crash and Eddie looked at each other before grinning and jumping off her back, running toward the light. Theatrically, as the twins were known to do, they started calling out, "Light! Light! Oh how we have missed thee!"

Peaches rolled her eyes at their antics and followed them toward the opening. Hopefully she could get back home from wherever that lead though. She regretted yelling at her father.

A roar from beyond the lighted opening made them all pause.

"That doesn't sound like a saber roar..." Peaches said slowly. Crash and Eddie were staring at each other wide eyed.

"RUDY!" they both said at the same time, grinning like idiots. "Peaches! This opening! It leads to Dinotopia!"

"...Rudy?" She asked skeptically. "I thought it was gonna be something scary. Like, oh I dunno, SHELDON."

"Sheldon ain't scary...unless you take his leaves." Eddie said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

Instead of replying, she simply rolled her eyes and started forward. "You comin'?"

Crash and Eddie bounced and wrestled each other out of the opening, and they grinned as Peaches followed them.

"...Tropical getaway?" she asked slowly.

"Nope. Dinotopia." the possums said together, grinning.

She eyed them. "Dinotopia doesn't actually...exist, does it?"

"You're looking at it~!" the two sang as they walked forward onto the rock overlooking the jungle, smirking as they slouched.

"...No. Way." Peaches said in awe, looking around her at the trees and huge, unidentifiable plants. "It's so..." she tried to find a word, "...big." She decided.

"You betcha!" Crash smiled at her, "And you, Princess, were born here."

"On the Plates of Woe, to be exact." Eddie chimed in.

"While Diego fought off Rattle Dinosaurs." Crash continued.

"And We were flying a pterodactyl with Buck." Eddie concluded.

A loud roar interrupted whatever Peaches was about to say. "Uhh...guys...please tell me that's not what I think it is." They gulped, staring wide-eyed. "...It's right behind me, isn't it?"

Crash and Eddie turned and their eyes widened. With wide eyes, they murmured "Rudy" as they nodded.

"...Why me?" She turned to face the albino Baryonyx behind her, the hungry glint in its crimson eyes.

"Nice dinosaur..." Eddie said, backing away slowly. "Good dinosaur..."

"Hungry dinosaur..." Crash added, copying his brother's movements.

"Dinosaur that's gonna eat us..." Peaches murmured, backing away as well.

The dino roared and prepared to chomp down on them, when a brown whir came rushing in, tugging a vine along with it as it jumped onto Rudy's head. The vine snapped around and caught the Baryonyx's mouth as a bridle, and the brown blur settled atop the head.

"Tha's it, Rudy! Lessgo! Gallop for me!"

Atop the head of the dinosaur was a brown weasel with a green leaf patch over his right eye, grinning wildly as Rudy roared in frustration.

Buck had made an appearance.

Psh, us teenagers are so whiney. xD


I don't want to spoil anything, so I'm not gonna say much. Have Faith In Yourself and I are gonna start on the second chapter soon. ^^