I sat on a warm rock, trying to sun my orange belly. I was very hungry, I hadn't eaten in 3 days. I haven't seen so much as a squirrel cross my path, I was too skinny for being a tiger. As I waited to smell dinner on the wind, I sat there and thought about how long it had been since I'd seen…Edward, when that shapeshifter found me, I was crushed. With my heart broken and mind confused I had him turn me into what I was now. He was a tiger and now I'm one, because he bit me so I assumed his same form. Now at this moment I've been a shapeshifter for over 100 years. I changed into my human form and thought about how I looked. I know I was way too skinny but other than that I didn't have a clue. I also knew that my eyes had changed to that of a tiger's, which is green, my hair is the same but shorter. I changed back to a tiger and smelled the air. My head whipped around to my back side, and sure enough, over the hill, was a herd of deer.

I jumped off my perch and started bounding through the forest. My giant paws left twigs and small rodents broken behind me. As I got closer, I hid in the underbrush, just waiting for one to get closer. I waited and waited, until finally one came close enough to kill. I leapt up and went for its neck.

I could feel it struggling under my strength, but no matter what I'm NOT letting go. In the corner of my eye I saw a huge paw come at me. It hit me in the side, knocking me to the ground. So much for NOT letting go! I looked up at my attacker to see a big grizzly bear. I did my loudest roar and jumped on it. It grabbed me and threw me, man the thing was strong! I growled and jumped again, but before I could hit it, it swatted me down and thrashed. I was injured pretty badly.

I got up and ran away as fast as I could. When I got back to my perch I started to lick my wounds. I changed into a human and looked at them, they were open and bleeding, or more like gushing. I had to get to a doctor and fast.

I changed back into a tiger and ran as fast as I could through the dense forest. I ran and ran, but sooner or later I would run into something to eat, so I stopped and sniffed the air. Yep, there were deer very close by. I followed the scent, but I was tiring quickly.

I don't think I'll be able to kill anything. My strength was practically gone from running and I was SO hungry. I turned a corner around a tree and there they were.