A/N: He guys I am sooo sorry, all I can say is that the last year has been really hectic, and I have had computer difficulties. However with the New Year only 2 months away I would like to finish all of my stories by then so I can start a sequel to one of them by January. I'm not going to say which one it is only that a reviewer did ask for it and I thought why not.

So, I would like all of you (if any of you are still with me) to PM me which story you would like me to finish first and the one voted on the most will be finished first. Then I will keep finishing the other stories until the last one is complete.

I would like to thank all of you in advance because as soon as I know which one I am doing first I will delete this and get on with the updating. After midnight on Sunday (November 3rd) I will be done taking votes and Monday I will start writing.

Once again I am extremely sorry but I hope to make up with it with the chapters to come!