My new fanfic. I hope you enjoy it! R&R!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto!

Chapter 1

"Hinata, I'm home." Hinata held a baby close to her rocking it to sleep though it was cry relentlessly

"Gaara, I can't get her to sleep." Hinata looked at if she was about to cry of sleep deprivation. Gaara took the red headed baby from Hinata's arms. Tears began leaving her eyes as her husband hugged her. "I don't know what to do she keeps crying."

"Don't worry Hinata, go get some sleep." Hinata wiped her eyes and did as Gaara had directed her. Gaara watched her walk up the stairs and into their bedroom. He rocked the baby. the baby began to quiet down and slowly close her eyes. He went to the baby's room and put her to bed. Then walked outside. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hi baby." A female voice picked up.

"Hey, I'm going to have to cancel tonight. My wife needs sleep so I'm going to take care of the baby." Gaara said.

"Aww, I really wanted to feel you tonight. When are you going to leave your wife and be with me." The female voice said.

"Matsuri, I'm not leaving me wife, we discussed this."

"I'm sorry, but when can we get together. I'm dying to see you." She said.

"Tomorrow, meet me at the office." He said.

"Alright, see you then."

"Alright." He hung up the phone. He quickly went back into his house. He walked into his bedroom to see his sleeping wife spewed across the bed. "What am I going to do with you?" He picked up her up and put her under the blankets. He kissed her on the fore head. He got out of his clothes leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He got into bed next to her.

Lying next to her like this made him feel guilty about what he was doing behind her back. He couldn't even bare to hold her. He was scared that she would sense the feeling of another woman. He loved his wife but he he needed pleasure and in nearly 11 month He hadn't touched his wife in any sexual way because of the baby. He then realized he needed sexual pleasure. He planned to end the relationship with the woman after the baby was had but He couldn't sleep with his wife know what he had done so he continued seeing the woman with hope that Hinata will never find out.

"Gaara-kun." He looked at Hinata just to realize that she was sleeping. She must have said his name in her sleep. He gently brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled.

'How can I betray her like this. she even dreams about me. that's it! I'm breaking it off with her tomorrow. I can't stand lying to my Hina-chan.'

Gaara sat in his office ready over some document and signing those he approved of.

"Mr. Gaara, There's a woman her to see you." His secretary said walking into his office and bowing.

"Let her in." the secretary stepped aside to let Matsuri through. "Close the door behind you and make sure that no one comes in." He said as his secretary walked out. as soon as the door closed Matsuri walked over and sat on Gaara lap putting her arms around him.

"I've really wanted to see you." She began grinding against his groin. He showed not emotion. "What's wrong? you would have me half way out of my clothes by now." She said about to kiss him he put his finger to her lips stopping her.

"I'm stopping this today." He said with no emotion on his face. She laughed a bit.

"You're kidding right." She said being to unzip his pants. He grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"You had to know that this was coming, you were messing around with someone's husband." Gaara said.

"You're going back to your wife after an 11 month relationship?" Matsuri asked.

"I love my wife, It's bad enough it took me this long to figure I don't want to cheat on her anymore." He said.

"You lying bastard." Matsuri said.

"Hi, sakura." Hinata said to Gaara secretary. "Is my husband in his office? I want to take him out for something to eat." Sakura got a little shaky.

"Yes, but he's very busy. He wouldn't want to be interrupted." Sakura said.

"it's okay, I'll just let him know I'm here." Hinata walked towards the door and commenced opening it but Sakura stopped her.

"I really don't think that's such a great idea. He gets very angry when he's interrupted." Sakura said.

"Sakura? what's gotten into you?"

"Matsuri, it's over. I want nothing to do with you. You can keep everything I gave you. Just leave me and my family alone." Matsuri put her arms back around him.

"I just want you." She kissed him. Gaara heard the door open. He made Matsuri stop kissing him.

"I thought I told you to make sure no one..." His eyes opened as he saw his wife standing in shock. "Hinata?" He pushed Matsuri off of him and got up and walked towards his wife. She began stepping back. "It's not what you think."

"How could you?" She cried and ran towards the elevator. pressing the button rapidly. It opened as gaara began to reach her. she stepped in and pressed for the bottom floor. and pressed for the door to close.

"Hinata, wait! I can explain!" He ran to get there before door closed but was to late. He ran towards the door for the stairs sprinting down them. trying to meet her before she left. He zoomed past each floor. until he finally reached the bottom floor. He could see her running to the door. He could easily catch her now. He ran even faster after her almost catching her hand.

"Hinata, wait!" He said grabbing her wrist and stopping her.

"No," She cried. "Let go of me." She began pulling away from him but his grip was to strong.

"Hinata, It's not what you think. I was telling her I never wanted to see her again."

"You were cheating on me." Hinata said still trying to pull away from him.

"Yes, but I was ending it. I couldn't do it any more." He pulled her into him hugging her. She began hitting him on his chest in a fit of rage. "I love you, Hinata." He said but she didn't believe him.

"I hate you!" She said pulling away from him. Then she slapped him and ran towards her car opening it and get in. He ran to her window hitting on it trying to get her attention.

"Hinata, come on! Let's talk about this." She started the car and strapped herself in. "Hinata don't do this!" She pulled off leaving him behind. He searched for his keys but they must have still been in his office. He watched her drive off.

"Hinata!" He looked around the house searching for her but couldn't find her. neither was his daughter. Where could she have gone? He searched again making sure he didn't miss anything, but He found noting. He sat in a corner putting his hand to his head wondering what he had done.

first chapter done. hope you enjoyed. sorry gaara fans. I swear it gets better. Review!!!!!!!!!!