"And, CUT!" Marshall called from his seat in the directors chair. "And thats a wrap for tonight, everyone!"

Sonny grinned and high fived Nico and Grady, "Good job guys!" They all cheered. They headed over to the refreshments table together. "Hey, uh, I'm gonna go over to my room. It's 2 AM and I'm beat," Sonny yawned.

"Yeah, sure," Nico waved. "We'll be down by the refreshments for a while so just call if you want us to bring you something," he gestured to Grady and the mountains of food still left on the table.

"You guys aren't tired at all?" Sonny asked in disbelief.

"Nah, we're like mountain lions. We can handle it," Grady grinned proudly. Sonny gave him a confused look, wondering how mountain lions and sleep were related whatsoever.

"Uh, okay. See you guys tomorrow!" She called behind her as she took off towards her room.

When she reached her room, she dug through her bag until she found the key and inserted it. The handle flashed red light. Confused, she jammed it in again. It didn't come out this time. More red light. Oh crap, Sonny thought.

She panicked and banged on her door. "Let me in! Let me in!" She screamed, hyperventilating.

"You know, nobody's in there, so banging won't really help..." Sonny whirled around and found herself face to face with none other than Chad.

"Oh! God, Chad! Don't scare me like that!" Sonny put her hand to her chest and exhaled loudly.

"Key not working?" He ignored her and took a look at her mangled key.

"I don't know, the stupid door doesn't accept the key the stupid red light keeps flashing it's like 3 AM and I might call Nico to get me a burrito and I need a new-" Sonny rambled, close to tears, overwhelmed by the late night, uncooperative door, and hunger for burritos.

"Enough!" Chad interrupted her. "Let's go down and get you another key so that you don't wake up the entire cast," he rolled his eyes and began down the hall.