Title: Loveless
Series: Hetalia
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Warnings: Language, boy love, slight spoilers for Loveless, but probably only for the first episode
Pairings: US x UK
Summary: One day, America and England watch Loveless, which they borrowed from Japan. Hilarity and kinkiness ensues.

A/N: This was made because…I found out that…that…*head asplodes*

"Hey, England~! I got a new series from Kiku! He said that we would enjoy it, so I grabbed it and I'm on my way over to watch it with you!"

That was the message on Arthur's answering machine when he got home that afternoon. He twitched and sighed, then checked his watch. Oh, lovely. Alfred was going to get there in about ten minutes. Screw cleaning the house, then.

It was in exactly ten minutes that the loud, blond American knocked on the door. Arthur sighed and opened the door, letting him in. The blond Briton noticed the DVD boxes in the younger nation's hand, but couldn't see the title. What the hell were they going to watch, anyway? Alfred had said nothing about the title or what it was even about!

"What is it we're watching, anyway?" Arthur asked suspiciously. Alfred grinned hugely.

"Loveless! It's an anime that's actually pretty popular, but he wouldn't tell me why," the blond American replied as they went into the living room. Arthur sighed, wondering why he put up with his partner at times. Still, Alfred seemed pretty excited, and the blond Briton just didn't have the heart to put a damper on his spirits.

Alfred put in the DVD of volume one and joined Arthur on the couch. At the title screen, they realized just why it was so popular. They glanced at each other nervously before pressing play.

The opening credits were actually very catchy and pretty awesome. Arthur couldn't help but admit that out loud, to which Alfred immediately agreed. After the credits had finished, the blond Briton couldn't help but think "what the hell" when Ritsuka and Soubi were in the park. He got used to it, though, but when he focused on the blond-haired main character's voice…well, it sounded very familiar.

They were silent as they watched the first four episodes. When it was done, they were still silent. Arthur had to admit that it was a pretty good anime, although he wasn't much of a fan of anime in general.

"Keep going?" Alfred asked, and the blond Briton nodded. So, the couple watched all of the episodes on volume two before grabbing some dinner. They brought dinner into the room and watched volume three as they ate.

That ending was very dissatisfying. Speaking of, Alfred is being unusually silent. Arthur thought as the last episode of volume three (the last volume in the series) ended. Soubi's voice was still bothering him, too. Why the hell did it sound so familiar?

"Uh…want something to drink?" the blond American asked and then it clicked in Arthur's mind.

"A-HAH! It's you!" Alfred gave him a blank look, "Why Soubi sounds so familiar! You voice acted him, didn't you?!"

The blond American chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. That was all the answer Arthur needed.

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Uh, well, I forgot, really. It's been a while since I finished voice acting for him!" the older nation continued to glare at him. "And…uh…I, um, also sang for the…uh, Loveless soundtrack?"

Arthur was going to kill him, but in a good way. Not only that, but the thought of his American partner in cat ears and tail was a very, very sexy thought.

I'm glad I kept the cat things Kiku told me to use on Alfred. I think I see the reason why, too.

A/N: The song I'm talking about is Itoshii Hito yo sung by Soubi/America's voice actor. Listen to it. It's amazing. No joke.