This is so weird to do, but my stupid brain had to get ideas. Any way this is a fan fiction to a fan fiction, (yes I got permission to write this). It's based off Sora Blade707's story Project: Pandora's box. It's a really neat story, great AU, and it has some good USxUK which makes me smile. Any way, my brains was not doing what I wanted it to (working on My Servant Your Subject), but rather other smaller ideas. This one happened to come up, because when I read, watch, write things, my brain comes up with a whole bunch of ideas, fan fictions included.

However this little idea has been bothering me for quiet some time because I tried to write one with the same idea (not based of Sora Blade707, but history in general) and didn't really like it. Then my brain got another idea, with I'm writing now (not this one though), and then I got this. So yeah...

Oh and I am giving Sora Blade707 permission (in advance) to have an idea like this in her story, it is her's. I don't anything, nothing at all.

No, No, NO! Alfred's tired just about fleeted him; no he could sleep with this news. He thought that case had been tucked away and forgotten, labeled as a rookie mistake. Now he was looking at an email from his superior. It make matters worse it was on the email address only used for top secret things, things classified above top secret. It was the whole old case and the new one.

It wasn't labeled a solo mission any more, it never should have been, but they all had seen what Alfred could do. Now it was one that required two people, and he couldn't be one of those two, and that bothered him. He had finished and closed the case before, after four hard months and almost completely dying.

He didn't see how he could sleep knowing he was out in the open.

Arthur had learned to wake up early if he ever wanted peace and quiet and a nice cup as tea. It was six in the morning, just slightly early then when he usually got up, and some while before his work day actually started. He yawned, shaking the last amount of sleep from his body, before heading to the shower. The warm water felt good, and he dried and got ready for the day. Making his way to the dinning room he had his mind open to the places around him, he always did that to make sure no one else was awake.

No everyone was asleep. Suddenly it was like there was five people down stairs thinking seven different thoughts each. Arthur's head throbbed; he winced in pain, trying to sort through all the noise. It was one person, Alfred to be exact. Alfred? At this time of morning? Arthur was dreaming, he had to. As quick as the noise hit him, to shut itself up. Alfred closed his mental door.

Arthur finished making his way to the dinning room to find that Alfred was indeed in there, staring at the wall. He looked like he had seen a ghost, but not like Matthew did. The blonde America was horribly pale, and he appeared more tired then anytime Arthur had seen him. The American didn't notice the Englishman as he entered the room, Arthur didn't know if that was a good thing.

He poured himself some hot water and fished out an Earl Grey tea bag, preparing his tea to his liking. He set his cup down, which seemed to alert the American of his company. Startled blue eyes met green ones and relaxed. A grin worked the blue eyed man's face, and Arthur sighed, taking a sit and sipping his tea.

"You're early." Arthur observed before taking another sip. Alfred watched him, and it was making Arthur somewhat nervous.

"Maybe you're late." Alfred posed with a light smile, Arthur looked at him flatly.

"Ha ha." Arthur retorted sarcastically. "You're bloody early."

"Fine, fine." Alfred laughed, and Arthur watched him, he seemed somewhat nervous, which confused Arthur somewhat. "I got a new case…" Alfred said some what uneasily.

"You're not going to wait for the others." Arthur said placing his cup down gently.

Alfred sighed and ran a hand through his golden locks. "I don't think…I could pick another agent to do this one, much less send them off without me." Alfred said looking down at the table. "Francis…well him with any one…alone…is something I don't feel would work out. Mattie couldn't handle this case." Alfred smiled, but Arthur noticed it was fake. "So even though it's breaking direct orders, I'm going."

Another case alone with Alfred, the last one wasn't so bad, and he would admit he like being with Alfred, never out loud though.

"So…details?" Arthur said, wanting to know what they were doing.

"Not yet." Alfred said with a weird glint in his eye, it wasn't a good one.

Alfred waited till the plane was a good deal in the air before taking out the slim silver laptop, with the case files in it. He should be doing this mission alone, and not stealing Arthur away because of a stupid rookie mistake that was more then ready to tear them down brick by brick. Arthur was sitting across from him, patiently waiting for the details of the case; in fact he was eyes the laptop like it was something he was really had a taste for. Alfred sighed, trying not to make it too noticeable, before he handed Arthur the device.

Arthur took it hesitantly, like he didn't want it that much. He raised an eyebrow before opening it.

"This is a case classified above top secret, which is what we are." Alfred informed, and Arthur looked at him like he was crazy. Alfred would admit he should have told the blonde Briton sooner. "A little group of…beings…has been causing some trouble. They've caught our attention. They've been killing and driving people insane…"

"Why?" Arthur asked, Alfred could see his eyes skipping around the screen; he obviously had reached the important part yet.

"To take our little project down." Alfred said, watching as Arthur's eyes widened.

"What the bloody hell?!" Arthur snapped at him, practically throwing the laptop back at Alfred, he missed. "What in the fucking world is wrong with you?!"

Alfred looked at the laptop on the floor, looking at the picture, and feeling like he wanted to die. It was a picture of a blonde, his blonde was slightly ashier then Alfred's. Though the picture had a blue tint to it, Alfred knew the colors completely. The invert of his own eye color was looking at the camera, and a there was a smug look on the face. He knew what Arthur was thing, but he was wrong, so wrong.

"What in bloody hell are you doing in that bloody picture?!" Arthur was searching him desperately.

"Meet my Doppelganger." Alfred said looking at Arthur with pleading eyes.

Haha, cliff hanger for the whole group of readers watching this. And don't worry, this story will be like three or four chapters, I'm going to the end of the case. The whole Doppelganger idea come from a Civil War fan fiction I tried to right and it just failed, but it didn't go away. Hope some of you noticed, and thank you Sora Blade707 for letting me write this.

Please RxR