Shit, I'm so stupid, I'm starting yet another new story, but I don't care, I think this is going to be pretty cool, so please read and tell me what you think, I need between 5-8 reviews to post the next chapter and therefore continue with this story

Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I apologise for typos it's late, 1:25am to b exact and I'm illiterate ha, I'm not but I act like it.

FULL SUMMARY:being in love with your best friend is hard, living in each day knowing he's off with the latest hoe-bag who could never love him as much as you. knowing that you'll be the one to pick up those pieces when said hoe crushes him and that only crushes you more. time is ticking and hope is fading, its sink or swim, win or lose. Naivity comes with optimism, obliviousness comes with pessismism. his affections is the ultimate goal, finding someone else wasnt intended. things change, people change, feelings change...or do they? wake up and smell the roses, because you are in for one hell of an emotional rollercoaster Mitchie Toress, and Shane Gray is the driver, take control.

If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate

Just a word of advice, from one person to another.

Never, ever fall for your best friend.

I repeat, do not fall for your best friend.

The inevitable pain and disastrous affects on your friendship which comes in the package of crossing that boundary isn't worth it.

You could wrap it in a bow, sprinkle it in glitter, hell you could get it gold plated and diamond encrust it...

This priceless experience will only leave your heart feeling poor and broke.

I know what you're thinking; I'm quite the cynic, one of those 'glass is half empty' kinda girls.


How very, very wrong of you.

In fact I'm a little insulted.

I could quite easily be the most optimistic person you'll ever meet, as long as you don't bring love into the equation

Love is a four letter word which momentarily fills you with a warm feeling as it leaves the lips of a person you care about.

And you hope they care too, because after all, love is a serious word, it's not to be used lightly. It's not to be said flippantly

But it is.

And in my case it's become such a common word vocalised to me that I have trouble comprehending it these days.

I want to believe it, I want that warm feeling. I'd kill for that warm feeling, for that word to reflect the declaration of his love for me...

But I can't because after all, his definition of love in my case is merely platonic.



In an 'I love you, you're the best friend a guy could ever ask for' kinda way.

Yeah cool. Because THAT'S what I want to hear. Not.

But then again it's not like I silently pray during every waking moment that he will wake up and realise that I'm the one he should be with or anything...

I don't fight back the tears when he brings yet another hoe-bag girl friend home...

Hell it's not even like I've pictured our kids, and how they would have his curly hair and my eyes.

Oh sarcasm, you wonderful invention, you disguise my feelings beneath my hilariously witty cover-ups. If I was to ever meet you, I would shake your hand. You show great dedication by loyally acting out your full time role as my defence mechanism.

If you were to get a salary, and if I was rolling in the dollar, you would have a very comfortable retirement. No doubt, you would be living it up in a condo in some magical island.

But for now Let me introduce myself, I'm Mitchie Torres, your average all American girl, born and raised in Texas, not the most exciting of locations, admittedly, but its home. My specific location you ask?


Ah yes. Like the programme. Well done. I'm impressed.


I lead a good life; I have an amazingly supportive family and friends which could quite easily be passed off as saints.

Why you ask?

Because they just happen to be the members of the hottest band circulating the music industry at the moment. Connect 3.

Yep, that's right folks, I'm fortunate to call the Gray brothers my friends. The sexiest voluntary virgins gracing the charts.

And one of them a best friend.


Shane Grey...

The name which is like music to my ears, like birds singing in the morning, yet stings at the same time, as if those sweet metaphorical birds I was talking about began pecking at my chest.

He was off limits, forbidden fruit, a complete no go.

Not just because of that little silver band resting on his finger, no, because I can totally oversee that, but because he was friend.

My best friend, brother, my other half, my significant other in a merely platonic sense.

Pre and post stardom we were and are joined at the hip, there wasn't a day that went by where contact wasn't made.

Hours were spent on the phone when we were separated, sleepovers occurred when we were in meeting distance and texts were an essential even if he was sitting next to me.

We were each other's personal stalkers.

No secrets were hidden.

Locations were known.

Intentions were clear.

He was my ying to my yang.

The Peanut butter to my jelly.

This was a money can't buy friendship, a one of a kind custom made friendship created by our parents and their timing on when we were brought into the world.

Same day, 3 hours difference. He of course being older.

Which ultimately went to his head, and has still kept that pretty little head of his inflated with his egotistical, self worshipping ways for the past 18 years, but I wouldn't have him any other way.

We were brought up together

Bathed together

Went to school together.

We even did the 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' thing when we were 4.

I'm not joking when I say this, but that kid has been my rock, my shadow, my twin all my life.

We squabbled yet never argued, we would go to each other when we had relationship issues, well let me rephrase that, he would come to me with his girl problems

Me? I never ventured into relationships


Because ever since I reached the age when I realised crushing on a guy was not icky, I've been in love with Shane. And it sucks.


Fucking years I've floated around, silently praying that the latest flavour of the week will be the last one before he realises I'm the one.

But no, I'm there to pick up the pieces, I'm the shoulder to cry on, the comforter when the latest hoe-bag cheats or dumps his sexy ass.

And it kills me inside, it really does. Seeing him upset, seeing him with some blonde model crafted by god to perfection, seeing him with anyone but me.

And I know deep down, the reality of us ever becoming more than friends is slim to impossible, but I hang on to that thread of hope involuntarily, knowing that I should cut my losses and move on, accept that waiting will achieve me nothing but continuous heartache but I can't because I believe we belong together.

I really, really do.

But my patience, my sanity is quickly rushing away like sand in an hour glass as that thread becomes a speck of dust.

This was no longer a matter of wanting, this was need.

Pure desperation.

It's time to make a move or move on.

Both with disastrous potential outcomes.

One with a potential happy ending.

It's sink or swim.

Naivety comes with optimism and obliviousness comes with pessimism, suffering from both is a dangerous combination.

So everyone raise your glasses, here's to me, Mitchie Torres, the girl risking it all to get the guy of her dreams...

Dear Mitchie,

good luck in your crusade to steal the affections of that fine piece of ass Shane Gray, i wish you all the best and may you return with your heart in one piece

Sincerely yours,


So there you guys go, there is the prologue for this new fic, please tell me what you think! Review, review, review!
