Why hello there! Long time no see? I'm aware that the last time I updated this story I was only 15 years old. I'm nearly 19 now and I think (out of sheer boredom) that I'm ready to continue this story!

I reread what I wrote and some parts made me want to vomit so I made some huge changes. If you've waited for this update and previously read my story I suggest you reread it. I made character changes and other small details. I don't want any of you to get confused so please reread it!

Also sorry for putting myself into the story. I was 15 and dumb, what can ya do?

One month later…

Bella's POV

"It's finally here, oh my gosh IT'S FINALLY HERE!" Leah's nails dug into my shoulders.

"Ow! Leah you're hurting me!" I exclaimed as I shoved her arms off of me.

"Sorry, Bells," Leah apologized sheepishly.

I was sitting in the studio in front of a radio. Alice holding my right hand, Rosalie holding my left, and everyone else standing behind me as we waited anxiously for the commercial break to end on Z100 New York. Fearless was only seconds away from premiering on a national radio station. National. This is the moment I've been waiting for my whole life and it's happening right now.

"How ya feeling, Bella?" asked Landon as he patted me on the shoulder.

"Do I have to pick just one emotion?" I jokingly asked. I was feeling so many emotions. Nervousness. Elation. Fear. Pride. The list goes on and on.

"Aaaand we're back!" announced the DJ, "We have a new song to drop for y'all. It's called Fearless by a fellow New Yorker named Bella Swan."

"Bella that's you!" my mom shook my shoulders for the umpteenth time.

"This up and coming artist has some pipes. Doesn't she Rachel?"

"Oh yes Max. I haven't heard anything quite like this song before. It seems to crossover country with a little bit of pop music. Definitely something these people should hear," stated the other DJ.

"Well, Rachel, be careful what you wish for because here is Bella Swan's first single, Fearless. Check it out…"

And then it was happening. The first set of chords flowed through the speakers of the tiny radio in front of me. Not just any set of chords. My chords. Then it was the first verse. And it wasn't just any singing voice that was singing this song. It was my voice. My song was on the radio. My music was finally being heard. Wow.

I turned to my right and met eyes with Alice, my hand still clenched with hers.

It was a split second of best-friend-telepathy before we both stood up out of our chairs and screamed at the top of our lungs. I wrapped my arms around Alice's tiny frame as we jumped up and down in a circle.







I pulled away from her embrace, tears streaming down my face as my friends, old and new, surrounded me and pulled me into a group hug.

"Everything is about to change for you, Bells. You ready?" asked Matt.

"Matt," I said as I pulled away from the group hug, wiping my tears, "I was born ready."

If this isn't what true elation feels like, I don't know what does.

Fearless came to a close and the DJ was back on. "Well, there you have it, America. Bella Swan. Remember that name because you heard it here first! Now here's some Katy Perry for y'all…"

"Katy Perry. Was on the radio. After. Me," I quietly said to myself.

Edward's POV

"Do you think she can hook me up with Beyonce?" asked Emmett as he sat down next to me on our couch. Emmett, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle and I were all gathered in my living room by a tiny XM radio player. Charlie couldn't get the day off so he's listening in at the police station. Bella's song was going to premiere on New York's Z100 radio station. I can't believe it. My best friend… well ex-Best friend's song was premiering on a national radio station. If only this damn commercial break would end…

"Em, you do know that Beyonce is married, right?" Jasper retorted as he plopped next to Carlisle.

"WHAT?" Emmett boomed, "To who?!"



"Language!" yelled Esme from the kitchen.

"Sorry, Mrs. C." Emmett apologized.

Esme came out from the kitchen with a plate of her famous Snickerdoodle cookies, "They came out just in time for Bella's song!" she exclaimed as she set them down on the coffee table.

As one commercial ended, yet another one began. I shot up out of my seat, "GOD DAMMIT! ARE THE COMMERCIALS EVER GOING TO END?!"

Seething, I looked around me to see a very shocked group of people.

"Geez, Eddie, calm down," said Emmett, "Excited to hear your long-lost BFF on th-"

"Aaaand we're back!"

My head shot towards the radio. I snatched a couple of cookies and quickly shoved them in Emmett's mouth before he could say anything more, "Shut up," I said quickly as I sat back down.

"…It's called Fearless by a fellow New Yorker named Bella Swan."

"YEAH BERRA!" Emmett boomed with his mouth full. Chunks of chewed up cookie were spat at me in the process. Karma.

"Oh my goodness!" Esme exclaimed as she leaned into Carlisle, "I can't believe little Bella is going to be on the radio!"

"This up and coming artist has some pipes. Doesn't she Rachel?"

Well that's an understatement.

"Oh yes Max. I haven't heard anything quite like this song before. It seems to crossover country with a little bit of pop music. Definitely something these people should hear."


"Well, Rachel, be careful what you wish for because here is Bella Swan's first single, Fearless. Check it out…"

And then it was playing. The first few chords were unfamiliar. She never showed me this composition. It was a very soothing melody. Like something you'd listen to on a long drive. I already loved it and I'm sure the rest of America does.

Then the voice I've been dying to hear for the past 11 months finally flowed through the radio speakers. It was even more beautiful than I remembered. Bella's voice is so raw and full of talent. You can tell they barely needed to use auto-tune. I closed my eyes briefly and relished in her voice. I have to talk to her, to see her again. I need to.

"YEAH MY LITTLE SIS IS FAMOUS!" Emmett shot up out of his seat fist pumping into the air, "Beyonce won't know what hit her."

"Emmett you're not going to get set up with Bey-" Jasper started.

"Shhhhh, young Jasper." Emmett grabbed Jaspers head and pulled it into his chest, "I know this is hard for you to hear," he stroked Jaspers hair as Jasper was struggling to get out of the firm hold , "but me and the Bey are meant to be. None for you, Glenn Coco."

I rolled my eyes as I listened to the rest of the song. This is all so surreal. I bet Bella is ecstatic. She's a very sentimental person so there's probably some waterworks mixed in as well. I always gave her shit for crying at the most inopportune times. One time she started crying during one of my piano compositions. Normally that's acceptable because, well, I'm awesome at the piano, but this was a happy piece! It's supposed to make you smile not turn into the Snot Monster from Hell. I wish I could be there with her in New York to celebrate her dream finally becoming a reality. If I were with her I would pull her into a huge bear hug and spin her around even though she hates when I do that. I would take her out for ice cream and she'd get her favorite flavor of ice cream: mint-chocolate chip. Except she hates chocolate so she would have me eat the chocolate chips. We've been doing that ritual since we were little. The things I'd do to just go out for ice cream with her again…

I was snapped out of my reverie when her song ended and the DJ came back on.

"Well, there you have it, America. Bella Swan. Remember that name because you heard it here first!"

Esme clapped excitedly next to Carlisle, "That was wonderful! Oh I have to send Renee a text email!" she exclaimed.

"Mom, it's a text message," Jasper said as he grabbed another cookie.

"Oh whatever!" she said as she scurried out of the room to go find her cell phone, "Carlisle honey! Can you help me figure out which app is the one that sends text emails?" she shouted from the kitchen. Carlisle chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes as he got up off the couch to help his wife. Parents and technology… useless.

Emmett shot up out of his seat and turned the radio off, Jasper and I still on the couch. Emmett flipped around with a menacing grin, "Okay boner check! C'mon stand up, stand up." He commanded as he dragged me up out of my seat.

I pulled my arm out of his grasp "What are you talking about?" I asked annoyed.

"Arms back, Eddie!" Jasper taunted as he came up behind me and grabbed both of my arms, pulling them behind me. He jammed his knee into my lower back making me thrust outward.

Emmett inspected the area where Edward Jr. resided longer than what was considered comfortable…

"He's clear!" Emmett announced and I was set free.

"You guys are nuts," I said as I rolled my shoulders back, trying to relax my arms.

"Oh please, Edward, you should have seen the look on your face when Bella was singing. There was no way you didn't let it all out in your pants on the spot," retorted Emmett.

I made a disgusting face as Emmett as he just shrugged and ate another cookie, "C'mon Jazz, let's go throw the ball around, we'll give Eddie his special alone time," he smirked as he grabbed his lacrosse stick that was leaning up against the wall.

"Maybe you should buy her song on ITunes," said Jasper as he grabbed his stick as well, "Maybe it'll… speed up the process," he winked as he jerked his hand in a fist back and forth where his junk should be. I grabbed the couch pillow next to me and chucked it at Jasper. Jasper leaped out of the way before it hit him as he chuckled and walked out the front door behind Emmett.

"Idiots," I muttered to myself as I walked upstairs. I turned left as I got up to the second floor and went into the first room on the right, my room. When you first walk into my room you see my desk. On my desk are my stereo speakers and some school supplies. I'll be starting my Junior year in a couple weeks, without Bella. Sophomore year was bad enough without her, how am I supposed to survive two more years? I won't even have Jasper or Emmett to keep me company because they're both going off to The University of Washington. Emmett is playing Lacrosse there while Jasper is going into pre-dental.

I let out an exasperated sigh and plopped down on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling. I have to talk to her again. I need to. I could just call her New York landline and leave a message… but what if Renee answers? What do I say? "Hey it's that dickwad Edward Cullen who didn't say goodbye to your daughter when she moved away about a year ago and we haven't spoken since how are you?!" That would be so awkward. Hey! Maybe I could use carrier pigeons? This is the 21st century they have to have trained pigeons by no-

I shoot up as I realized something. Bella and Renee are probably out celebrating by now. Neither of them are going to be home! This is the perfect opportunity. I grab my cell phone out of my back pocket as I bolt out of my room. I skip steps as I try to get downstairs as fast as possible. I scurry into the kitchen and find our family address book. Esme always keeps this thing updated.

"Swan… Swan… Swan," I whisper intensely to myself as I scroll through the numerous names in our address book, "Damn! Why are my parents so popular?" I said frustrated.

"Edward, may I ask what you're doing?" I hear my mother ask from behind me.

I whip around, "Uh… um… well I was just-"

"looking for the Swan's landline in New York?" she finished my sentence.

I felt my face turn red, "Uh yeah," I replied sheepishly.

"Well, you know," she said as she held up her cell phone, "Bella has a cell phone now…"

"She does?" my face lit up.

"Yes she does," Esme smiled, "Would you like it?"

"YES," I nearly shouted. Esme jumped at my enthusiasm. My face turned even redder as I cleared my throat, "I mean, yes please, that would be nice."

"Alright, let me just figure this out…" Esme said as she slowly tried to figure out how to get to Bella's name, "Oh no that's not right…"

Impatient, I snatched the phone out of her hands, "Edward!" Esme said, taken aback.

"Sorry mom, but I'm on a time crunch here," I said as I found Bella's name and punched her number into my phone. I gave Esme back her cell phone and quickly kissed her on the forehead, "Thanks mom! Love you!" I exclaimed as I ran back up to my room.

I slammed my bedroom door and locked it. No one was interrupting this moment. Before even thinking about what I was going to say I pressed send. You only live once right?

Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeep.

I broke out into a sweat, what do I say if she answers? What do I say if she doesn't answer? My breathing quickened. Is it hot in here? Since when did my room get so hot?

"Hello?" I hear an all too familiar voice say.

A/N: I was going to add more than this but nothing says "I'm back" more than a nice little cliffhanger :) What did you guys think?! I really hope I didn't lose most of you. It's good to be back!