Story # 0226
by Kaline Reine

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, settings, or etc. from Naruto. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. This is purely a work of FanFiction.

WARNINGS: May contain adult situations, graphic naughty yaoi (that means gay sex), profanity, violence, and more. There might be spoilers, but they are pretty old spoilers, mostly. Lol.

This story was written for EvilSanninsLover on Y!Gallery, as part of an art trade. Yes, I trade fanfics for fanart, sometimes. She requested ItaDei. This fic should be about 3 chapters long. Enjoy.

Chapter 3:

As soon as Deidara woke up, Itachi was already awake. His raven colored hair fell down around his shoulders, messy and untied, as he shoved some things into a huge bag. Once that was done, he sealed it into a scroll, which he then tucked away into his cloak.

"What are you doing, un?"

"Packing," Was the immediate and simple response.

The blond just stared at him incredulously. "I never said I was going with you, un. I won't join."

Itachi just smirked at him, knowing he was only being stubborn. He would join. Especially after the fun they had together last night. He could tell… Deidara wanted more of it, and so did he.

He tossed a cloak to Deidara. "Hn. Put it on."

Suddenly, Deidara felt the need to cover up. He had forgotten how naked he was. "No way am I wearing that thing! What did you do with my clothes, un?!"

"They're packed away," With a small smile, he patted the place where he had packed the scroll away, which contained all of their belongings. "You may have them back when we reach the Akatsuki base. Come on, we need to leave soon. Leader-sama will be expecting us back shortly."

The blond glared at him, and hesitated. Could he really do this? Should he really put on that cloak, the symbol of everything that he had rebelled against? He'd left his village to become a missing-nin in order to escape. They had always wanted him to use his art to help the village. But true art was not supposed to have boundaries and limitations. Art was meant to be free. And so he had left.

But now Akatsuki was after him! They wanted to use him for his art! They would no doubt only abuse it. And Itachi… He only wanted Deidara for his body, he was sure of it.

"There is no way I'm going with you! It goes against everything I believe in, yeah!"

The Uchiha rolled his eyes. He knew this wasn't going to be so easy. "Let's talk it over, while we walk. Just put on the cloak, and we can discuss it on the way."

"No way, un! I'd rather just go naked first!"

Red and black eyes appraised his nude form, roaming up and down. Itachi seemed to caress his sensitive skin with those eyes. "That's not a bad idea either. On second thought…" He picked the cloak back up.

Deidara sighed. He wasn't being given a choice in the matter. He had known it would eventually come to this… Having to actually go with the stupid Uchiha.

Silently, he snatched the cloak from Itachi's greedy grasp, and wrapped the much-hated red and black cloak around himself. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he followed Itachi. They checked out of the Inn, and the person at the front desk said nothing. Soon they were on their way, leaving no trace behind.

It was a long and quiet walk. Deidara thought they were going to talk, but Itachi was stoic and silent as ever. It was awkward, and he fidgeted nervously. They were headed straight back to Akatsuki.

Finally, he gathered the courage to say something. "Itachi-san, un? I thought we were going to talk-"

"There is nothing to discuss. You came with me. So you agree that you will join Akatsuki. There's nothing else to it."

"You didn't even give me a choice!" He shouted angrily.

"You don't deserve one."

"I swear, Uchiha… I'll get you back for this, yeah…"


He sat all alone in a dark room. And he was angry. But most of all, he was lonely…

Deidara had been a member of Akatsuki for several weeks now. His first meeting with their Leader went pretty well. He was given a room, all to himself, and assigned a mission right from the start. It was an easy mission for someone like him, and he'd accomplished it faster than was expected. His mission was to blow up some structures and block the exits for the enemy while his partner, Sasori, killed all of them. It was a strategic attack, and it seemed the two of them worked well together, despite their very different views on art.

When Deidara had tried to leave Akatsuki after that, it was Itachi, not Sasori, who was sent to retrieve him. That had puzzled him at first. Why would their Leader send the Uchiha after him, and not his actual partner? He had been terrified, at first, that he would be assigned Itachi as his partner. Luckily that didn't happen.

Or rather… he tried to convinced himself that it was luck.

Yet on nights like these, when all he did was lie in his bed, all alone and freezing cold… He missed the almost gentle touches of the dark creature that had tainted him that night.

Itachi couldn't know how he felt… Deidara convinced himself that he'd only been taken advantage of. And that hurt him more than anything. He willed his heart to forget about that night, when he was made to join Akatsuki, made to do other things against his own will. But it had turned into more. And he had let it. He felt awful.

It disgusted him the way he had given in to Itachi's whims so easily. Things were now awkward between them. He knew that he'd let himself show far too much emotion. It wasn't supposed to work that way! He was tired of being pushed around, and having to live in fear of the Uchiha. He was going to show the dark haired man that he wasn't afraid!

Gathering his courage, he decided that he was tired of being lonely. And he was tired of wondering when he was going to be raped again. This time, he would be the one doing the raping…


Itachi was cleaning all of his weapons, and studying some scrolls that were related to his next mission. He was planning to go to sleep soon, but he hated wasting time. The agile Uchiha did not require much rest.

His door swung open unexpectedly, and it nearly made him jump in surprise. Everyone always knocked here. It was a common, unspoken courtesy. Yet, he somehow managed to have enough self control to keep the shock from showing on his face, when he turned to glare at his intruder. It was Deidara. His glare fell, to be replaced by a self-assured smirk.

"Come to play with me again, blondie?"

"You wish, un!" Deidara locked the door behind him, and place a seal on it.

Itachi was amused. "Hn."

"I'll make you regret ever daring to touch me, yeah!"

As the wicked blonde advanced on him, the Uchiha found himself pinned to the bed sooner than he had anticipated. It was clear that Deidara was not here to fight, but to love him instead.

"I know you couldn't resist finding your way to my bed again," Itachi smirked, running his fingers absently through shiny, lightly colored locks.

"No, it isn't like that, un!" He shoved the disgusting hands away, taking out some ninja wire.

It was obvious what he intended to do.

Itachi was not putting up a fight. Instead, he lay on the bed as Deidara straddled his hips. He allowed himself to be tied up, each limb to a different bedpost. He was lying on his back, in a very compromising position, and yet he was not afraid.

As soon as Deidara had finished tying his beautiful new toy to it's own bed, his world started to spin. He was dizzy and feeling weak, but he closed his eyes and shook his head, to shake off the feeling. When he opened them again, he was looking at the ceiling of Itachi's bedroom.

"Tsk, tsk…" Itachi covered the smaller man's body with his own. "That's a naughty little Dei-kun."

He struggled against the chakra wire. How had this happened? He was looking around frantically, searching for a way out. But there were none.

"You forget that Genjutsu is my specialty. Now let me show you my other specialty… Bringing pleasure to foolish little Ukes who like to overstep their bounds."

Deidara whimpered, as hands with perfectly painted nails roamed freely over his aching body. He wanted sex, but he didn't want it to be like this. He was supposed to be on top this time! How had he let things get this far out of hand?

It made him want to horrible things to Itachi. Unspeakable things… He wanted to hear him scream in agony, to call his name, to beg him to be released, for a change! He just wanted to take that little black ponytail of his, and use it to ride him all night long.

'When did I get such evil ideas, un?'

Itachi was clearly enjoying this more and more… He was in charge of the situation, once again. Or had he been in charge of it the whole time? He seemed awfully calm, even when Deidara had sprang on him, and tethered him down to the bed. It was like he knew that the blonde was no threat to him, the entire time. And it was true.

Crawling up his body, Itachi's lips pressed firmly, dominantly into his. Deidara struggled, causing the wire to wrap even more tightly around his wrists and ankles.

"This is familiar," Itachi purred into his ear, before an agile tongue swept across it, just to tease him. "It's almost exactly like last time… Only this time, I can look into your face when I take you. And you will learn once and for all, just who it is that owns you."

"No one owns me, yeah!"

He continued to grunt and struggled against the wire. It was no use, and he knew that. But still Deidara tried. He tried to dominate the kiss, when Itachi's tongue slipped past his lips. The cavern of his mouth was anything but accommodating to the weasel. He was trying to dominate him through so simple an act. And to Itachi's astonishment, he was winning. The older male pulled away, and allowed both of them some air.

Deidara knew he had lost this time as well. But why did losing feed kind of… good? He didn't make any movements when Itachi hovered over him, to kiss and nip his way down his exposed chest. He frantically pulled down the blonde's pants, before realizing that the wire wouldn't let them come all the way off.

"Another pair of pants wasted," Itachi purred as he cut them off with a kunai. "What a shame. Looks like I may have to take my pet shopping. And I will, if you're a good little Uke for me."

He blushed at the cold words. They made him so hot. "Nnmmhhm… Itachi-san, let me go, un!"

A hand worked it's way over his erection. Clever lips descended, moving over the crown of the head with slippery ease. Deidara moaned and bucked into his mouth. It felt so good…

"N-no, stop!" The blonde arched his back when Itachi suddenly deep-throated him, taking him all the way inside.

Itachi ignored his pleas, and continued giving him the best blow job of his life. Deidara finally seemed to give in, once that wonderful mouth went to work on his cock. His breath was coming out in short pants and ragged gasps. His hands grasped at the air, because he needed some way to ground himself, something solid to hold onto. But there was nothing.

Itachi was growing impatient, and he yanked down his pants hastily so he could free his own pulsing member. The tip was dark and already dripping with pre-cum. He was silent, as he towered over a whimpering Deidara, who seemed in awe of this man's strange powers.

That was when he noticed them. The tongues on the blonde's hands. He remembered how Deidara had used them in battle. That could potentially be used for his own enjoyment…

He wasted no time in walking around the side of the bed, to where one of the tongues writhed around freely. He rubbed his length across the heavenly, soft tongue. He felt like he was going to cum. But now was not the time for that. He needed Deidara to add some lubrication for him. He really didn't want to hurt him, by not preparing.

The tongue seemed to squirm away, trying to avoid touching his cock. But he was hard and needy…

"Deidara-san, I need you to lick me…" Itachi rubbed against his tied up hand again. "With these… Mmm…" It was so kinky.

"No way, un! Get your fucking gross dick away from me!"

He hesitated then. It was unlike the normally happy blonde to use profanity. "Let me put it to you this way… You can use your skills to help me out, and this can be easy for you. Or… You can do nothing, and I will take you raw."

Deidara's tongues still twitched away from him, when he tried rubbing across his hand again. The teeth were clamped down, and he was being denied entry.

"Hn. Have it your way, then."

The Uchiha had lost his patience. He moved back on top of Deidara and nudged against his entrance roughly. The blonde cried out and arched his back, trying to brace himself for the pain that was to come. Itachi saw the way all of his muscles were clenching tight, in fear. He sighed, and backed away.

'I can't do this…'

He didn't untie Deidara either, but sat on the bed frustrated, until he finally decided to get up. He was still half-hard, and he knew that one glance at Deidara's naked body would have him fully erect again in no time. Once he's retrieved the small bottle of lubrication from his bedside table, he got back in the bed.

Kneeling in front of him, Itachi smeared the oil all around Deidara's puckered hole, and then put some on his own cock.

"Whatever happened to taking me raw, yeah?"

"Shut up."

From that point, it was rough, fast and hard. Deidara saw stars dancing before his eyes, and before he knew what was happening, he came all over Itachi's stomach and his own chest. The Uchiha bent down to lick it off, but he did not even slow down. He was still pounding into the soft flesh in front of him.

After a few minutes, Deidara was hard again and read for round two. He was amazing at the stamina of his lover– When did he start referring to him in that sense? Smirking to himself, he realized how incapacitated and focused Itachi was. He gently began to let his tongues come out from his hands, and slip beneath the wire. Once his teeth bit down on it, he was free. But he held his position for a moment, to see if Itachi would do anything about it. The Uchiha didn't even seem to notice.

Gently, he shook his hands enough to get them untangled from the wire. In a short burst of speed, Deidara's hands were pressing into Itachi's shoulders, and shoving him backwards quickly. Before Deidara could get a good grip on the bed to ground himself, Itachi had slipped his arms around the blonde's waist. He was now straddling Itachi, with his legs still tied to the bed. The angle was just perfect, and Deidara began to move up and down, riding him. It felt too good to stop.

The Uchiha untied Deidara's legs, and his plan to be on top had succeeded but… This wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind. Neither of them felt like talking, but the room was filled with loud moans and quiet calming whispers. Itachi kept thrusting up, just as the blonde would bring his hips down. It felt too good to be real.

They fucked for what seemed like hours, before Itachi finally slowed down, feeling his release draw nearer. Deidara had long since gotten tired, but he wasn't about to be outdone. He had to show that he had what it took to be dominant. That way, maybe next time they did this, he would have a chance to be on top, in more of a Seme way.

"Oh… f-fuck!" Itachi choked out.

"Ita-chan… Uhnnnn!" Deidara rasped a small "I love you" just before reaching his climax.

This set Itachi off, and he came inside his lover. A sea of brilliant stars glittered around him, and the rest of the world seemed to fall away.


The two of them lay panting in the darkness, after their tenth or eleventh night together. They'd both lost track of the exact number of visits that they had exchanged.

Itachi never acknowledged the blonde outside of the bedroom. But that was because he didn't want to put him in danger. Deidara seemed to understand that. Even if he never really said so. They both knew what life as a Ninja meant. And they were both content with that.

Nothing could stop their nightly visits with each other. Sometimes it was in Itachi's room, and other times it was in Deidara's room… And there were even a few occasions when they just couldn't wait, and had ended up screwing each other's brains out in the hallway. But no one complained.



A/N: And cue crappy ending. I am so horrible at endings. Well I hope you enjoyed this. XD It's been a while since I've done any new pairings… Feedback is always appreciated.

I also want to point out that I am now taking commissions. See my profile page for more details.

-Kaline Reine