Fight Hina: Champion Edition

A Street Fighter/Love Hina Crossover Fanfiction

by Snafu the Great

Snafu's Disclaimer: Love Hina is the baby of Akamatsu, while Street Fighter is the pride of Capcom. The only thing that's mine is Ryu's sword fighting style of Ansatsuken Shinjutsu and the story plot. I've decided to take the original story and give it a complete overhaul. In other words, this is a rewrite. Despite the success of the original Fight Hina, I always thought that it was rushed in my opinion.

So I've decided to completely revamp the entire story. Since this story is connected to my Fight ½ storyline, the elements of that story are also in this one as well (i.e., Ryu being a Toudai graduate and genius, Chun-Li being part of the Joketsuzoku with Musk blood). Plus, more characters from the SF roster will make an appearance in the story. After careful consideration, the story takes place after Keitaro's 'trial' concerning Mutsumi's stolen chastity. One more thing, Fight ½: Origins is on hold, due to a minor case of writer's block. The fic is not dead so don't email me about that, please!

Enjoy the revamped version of Fight Hina.

Prologue: The Promise

Hinata House, Hinata City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan – ten years earlier...

Hinata Urashima, along with her daughter and grandson, faced the three muscled men, the three-story inn known as the Hinata House stood in the background. The first man was older than Hina, dressed in rough clothes that at first glance, would remind someone of the monk-like yamabushi of old. Aside from the hair on the sides of his head and the bushy white ponytail, he was bald. A huge set of prayer beads were on his neck, while a pair of sandals were on his feet.

The second man was a halvsie – a person with Japanese ancestry. He was dressed in a sleeveless karate gi the color of crimson, a pair of yellow fighting gloves on his hands. Long blond hair was tied into a ponytail. A red duffel bag with the word MASTERS emblazoned on the side was evident. The third man was Japanese, with reddish brown hair, the white headband keeping the locks from covering his eyes. Like the blond man, he too was dressed in a dogi, save that his was white. At his feet was his own duffel bag, only his was white. Red fighting gloves were on his hands.

The old man bowed. "It's always a pleasure, Hinata. Thank you for your hospitality."

Hinata returned the bow. "The pleasure is mine, Gouken. I am glad to always offer my service to an old friend such as yourself."

Meanwhile, the ten-year-old boy, who had been hiding behind his aunt's legs, looked at the man in the white gi shyly. The boy had grown close to the man, and it saddened him to see him leave.

As the three men turned to leave, the boy darted forward. "Sempai! Sempai, don't go!"

The man in the white gi stopped and turned around, seeing the boy standing in front of him. He got down on one knee so that he can look the kid in the eyes. "Sorry, kiddo, but I got to go. Remember you told me that you wanted to get into Tokyo University and live happily ever after?"

The boy nodded.

The man smiled. "I too have a goal. I wish to become the strongest fighter in the world. Our roads are not easy, but I will never give up. Neither should you, Keitaro."

Ten-year-old Keitaro Urashima sniffed. "Will I ever see you again, Sempai?"

The man smiled kindly. "Tell you what," he said, raising his pinky. "I promise you that if you ever get into trouble of any kind or if you need help with anything, then you come and find me. I'll try and help you out in any way I can."

Keitaro's face lit up as he grasped the pinky with his own. "Promise?"

"I give you my word," the man replied simply. He tousled the kid's hair as he stood up and slung his duffel bag over his shoulder. "I'll see you around, Keitaro. Take care of yourself, okay?"

The kid nodded eagerly as the three men made their way down the stairs.

Somewhere on the other side of Kanagawa Prefecture, Present Day...

The courtyard of a massive martial arts school. The dojo was big enough to separate in two, seeing as how the owners were the masters of two different styles of martial arts, hence the name outside – Shotokan-Wushu School of Martial Arts.

In a hilarious sidenote, the smaller sign read: To all challengers: abandon all hope, ye who enter here...and ring the bell.

The school was located at the base of the mountain fortress known as Red Sparrow Castle, and would open in three months' time. Aside from the dojo, was a two-story lodge, in which the owners used as their living space.

Ryu Houshi had gotten this place for a steal. For sometime now, he and his wife had been looking for the ideal place for a martial arts school that could handle two martial arts disciplines under one roof. Gouken and Gouki had both offered the use of the Ansatsuken Dojo, but Ryu politely declined the offer.

Following their wedding, Ryu and his wife, the former I.C.P.O. operative Chun-Li Xiang had went around the wards of Tokyo, looking for a suitable place to call home and to open their business. Nerima was out, given the simple fact a member of Chun-Li's tribe had set up shop there. And as much as Chun-Li respected Cologne, she decided to steer clear of the scheming matriarch. Azuban-Juuban was also not an option, since it was in Ryu's words, 'Youma central.'

Then Ryu hit pay dirt when he came across the empty dojo in Kanagawa. Of course, the dojo was run-down, but it could be repaired.

That's where Ryu's friend Ken Masters came in. Aside from its chain of hotels worldwide, the Masters Conglomerate also had a superb construction company with offices in Tokyo. After Ryu had secured the deed to the dojo, he and Chun-Li had worked together with the contractors in rebuilding the dojo. Seeing as how the property was big enough to hold a cottage, Ryu had that built also, his near-endless reserves of cash proving to be useful for once.

The construction workers not only repaired the dojo, but had built the home in record time. During the construction of the house and the renovations, Ryu and Chun-Li had been competing in martial arts tournaments all over Tokyo, building the credibility of the Shotokan-Wushu School. Whenever she wasn't competing, Chun-Li, thanks to a former colleague and a master kendoka in Interpol, also taught a class at Tokyo University as a visiting professor, allowing Chun-Li to exercise her degree in criminal justice. Ryu, being a Toudai graduate (the youngest in its history), also taught a class there, at Ken's request, his expertise being Far Eastern History.

Right now, the two owners of the dojo were inside the massive training hall. As mentioned earlier, the dojo could be split in two by a row of shoji doors that lined the middle part of the dojo. Aside the main training area, the dojo also had a set of changing rooms. Various weapons lined the walls of the dojo, placed neatly in racks. A Wing Chun practice dummy was in one corner, while a heavy punching bag was in the other.

The couple was seated on the dojo's hardwood floor. Both were dressed in their respective martial arts uniforms; Ryu in his trademark white gi and red headband, while Chun-Li was in her blue jumpsuit with the yellow trim, hair done up in her ox-horns. Following an intense sparring session...that quickly degenerated when Ryu tackled his wife to the ground and began to tickle her mercilessly, forcing her to yell uncle.

"Jerk," Chun-Li said after her husband had got off of her.

Ryu grinned. "I know. And you love me for it."

The couple shared a laugh.

Their relationship had not started under pleasant circumstances. One year earlier, she was a decorated agent with the International Criminal Police Organization, he was the reigning Street Fighter Champion. She was chasing down the person she thought she had killed back in the Zero Tournament – the Shadowlaw warlord, General Bison.

But she did not get the chance to kill him again. While she was distracted by one of Bison's lieutenants, the narcissist, claw-wielding Spanish Ninja known as Vega, Ryu had went on to fight and eliminate Bison once and for all.

Of course, this did not sit right with Chun-Li, who felt as if her chance for revenge was taken from her. Several months following the conclusion of the tournament, Chun-Li had challenged Ryu to a duel when she found out he was in Hong Kong with his friend.

He won that match as well. Instead of gloating, Ryu had instead given her some advice.

"Let go of your hate, Inspector. Let go of your hate, your anger and your rage. Once those are gone, then you will be unstoppable."

The next time she had encountered Ryu, it was inside the Ansatsuken Dojo in Japan. Prior to her rematch, Chun-Li had ran into a serious case of bad luck, having been blamed for a botched raid on a Shadowlaw safehouse (by colleagues who were on Shadowlaw's payroll) she was suspended from Interpol. Knowing full well that half of her co-workers were corrupt, Chun-Li headed to Japan to challenge Ryu once again.

This time, it ended in a draw, with both fighters injured.

With returning to Hong Kong out of the question, since she was on her crooked co-workers' shit list, Chun-Li had grown disillusioned with Interpol and resigned. While she was recovering from her injuries, she had gotten to know Ryu a bit better, learning more abut the man behind the karate gi. As she found out, appearances were very misleading, given certain revelations about Ryu Houshi. One was he was a genius, having graduated from both Waseda University and Tokyo University at the age of fourteen. Second was that despite living the life of a nomad, Ryu had plenty of money. Not filthy rich like his friend Ken Masters, but enough to live a comfortable life, should he chose to do so.

Chun-Li was also no exception in regards to secrets. Her father, a Hong Kong policeman, was married to a nurse. Her mother was a member of the Nyuchezu tribe of Amazons, better known in Japan as the Joketsuzoku. Chun-Li's grandmother was one of the tribe's elders. Of course, given the fact that Chun-Li was also part of the Joketsuzoku, she was, as by Amazon law to give Ryu the Kiss of Marriage.

But she didn't, since she believed in modern law, rather than the Amazon laws. Instead, they began dating, growing closer, until Ryu proposed to her.

So far, they've been married for over a year, having the wedding in Hong Kong, at Chun-Li's request, following a six-month courtship. Of course, for Chun-Li, being married to Ryu Houshi certainly wasn't boring, given the fact that the both of them were two of the world's best martial artists.

With the preparations for the Shotokan-Wushu School complete, Ryu and Chun-Li had taken the time out to relax before taking on students.

But in the lives of Ryu, and Chun-Li, this was anything but.


"What the...?! KUSO!"


Something had struck the ground hard. And it came from outside.

"What the hell?" Chun-Li said, rising to her feet.

Ryu followed suit. "Something happened outside."

The two rushed out of the dojo.

Three minutes earlier...

Sakura Kasugano was out in the courtyard, training, since both her sensei and his wife had commandeered the dojo for their personal use.

Dressed in her track pants, a white tanktop, her white headband on her head, the eighteen-year-old apprentice of Ryu Houshi and Toudai student was performing an advanced kata, unaware of the unexpected guest that was about to drop in on her lap. Literally.


Sakura looked up. "What the...?!" she said out loud, before seeing something coming straight at her from the sky.

"KUSO!" she cursed as she narrowly avoided the object, which crashed where she had been standing moments earlier with a loud THUD.

Seconds later, Ryu and Chun-Li appeared. "What was that?" Ryu asked.

Unable to come up with a decent explanation, Sakura instead pointed to the object in the crater. Upon further inspection, the trio saw that it was a boy around Sakura's age. He was bound from his shoulders to his feet with thick rope. A fist-shaped bruise was evident on the left side of his face.

"Is he dead?" Sakura asked.

Ryu checked his pulse. "No. He's alive." He turned to Chun-Li. "Li, do you mind?"

Chun-Li nodded. After several swipes of her ki-sharpened nails, the ropes unraveled, showing that the man was in nothing but a pair of pajamas pants and a shirt. Ryu inspected the unconscious man. "No broken lacerations. He should be fine in a matter of hours."

Sakura looked at Ryu. "Fine? Ryu, he should have broken every bone in his body when he fell. How can he be fine?"

"His's familiar to me," Ryu replied. "I know this kid from somewhere..." He then snapped his fingers. "Of course. One family that Gouken knew has an ability to use their ki to heal themselves from injury, something similar to what the Ansatsuken School uses."

Ryu picked up the boy and slung him over his shoulder before heading towards the lodge.

"So who is he?" Chun-Li asked as she and Sakura followed Ryu.

"He is the grandson of Hinata Urashima," Ryu replied. "His name is Keitaro Urashima. I recognize that ki from anywhere. His grandmother is the owner of a inn in Hinata City called the Hinata House. I got a crazy feeling about this..."


The girls of Hinata House had their landlord bound and hanging from the ceiling. Apparently, Keitaro's screams had roused the girls of Hinata House from their slumber, only to find their landlord with a naked Mutsumi Otohime in his bed.

Which led to this impromptu trial.

Kitsune, dressed as the 'prosecutor,' addressed Keitaro. "So, Keitaro, are you going to confess and take responsibility for your actions?" the fox woman asked, one eye open, her index finger pointing at the bound landlord.

"What responsibility?" he spat back. "I said I didn't remember Mutsumi coming in my room, and that I did not do anything to her! I just went to bed after studying!"

"Well, you have responsibility as our landlord to explain what you did last night," Kitsune replied. "Also, you have responsibility for Mutsumi's stolen chastity."

"Chastity?" Keitaro repeated. "I didn't to anything to her!"

"Urashima..." Motoko drew out the name as she drew out her sword, "your actions are unforgivable. The time has come for me to strike you down once and for all!"

Keitaro sweatdropped at the sight of Motoko's sword. "I swear to you, on my grandfather's grave I am innocent!"

He then felt someone poking at his throat. "Eewww...what's this?" the hyperactive genius Kaolla Suu asked. "Looks like a hickey!"

"That's not a hickey!" Keitaro replied. "That's how Tama tells me to feed her every morning!"

Kitsune then produced a microphone and held it at the hot springs turtle. "Is this true, Tama?" she asked.

The turtle raised one flipper up and replied, "Myuh."

Kitsune turned back to Keitaro. "Looks like Tama is denying your claim," she replied in her Kansai drawl.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" Keitaro half-shouted. "I told you I did nothing to Mutsumi! I'm innocent!"

"But if Sempai and Mutsumi were both sleeping naked…in the same futon…" the blue-haired cook known as Shinobu Maehara stuttered, tears streaming from her eyes.

That was all she said before she fled the room in tears. "No! How could you, Sempai!" was her retreating cry.

The young girl ran past Mutsumi, now dressed, who had just entered the room. "Ara...Kei-kun, I would like to have a word with you."

Keitaro breathed out a sigh of relief. "Mutsumi! Tell them! Tell them that I did nothing to you!"

"It's my tests," the buxom Okinawan replied. "They came back positive."

With the exception of Keitaro, who was still tied up, the girls facefaulted.

Motoko was the first to recover. "URASHIMA, PREPARE TO DIE!" she screamed.

However, it was Naru that had stopped the teenage kendoka from gutting Keitaro. Turning to the bound male, the Toudai aspirant gave Keitaro a sadistic smile before screaming, "I hope you drop dead, baka!"

That was followed by a Naru Atomic Punch, which sent Keitaro on his morning flight across the prefecture. As always, he would be mistaken for a U.F.O.

[End Flashback]

Keitaro groaned as the memories of what had happened earlier that morning came back to him. As his vision cleared, he saw that he was looking into the concerned face of a girl his age.

"Hello...hey, Sempai, I think he's coming to."

Keitaro Urashima found himself lying flat on his back. His jaw was sore, as well as the rest of him from landing who-knows-where. As his vision cleared, he saw that he was inside a bedroom. There was a teenage girl around his age looking over him, waving her hand over his face, occasionally snapping her fingers.

Behind her, were two older adults. One was dressed in a white karate dogi with a black belt wrapped around his waist, the red headband wrapped around his head to keep the bangs out of his eyes. Beside him was a Chinese woman, curvaceous, and dressed in a one-piece blue tracksuit with yellow trim. Her long hair was braided and bunned, secured with yellow ribbons. The teenage girl was simply dressed in a white V-necked shirt and a pare of track pants. A white hakimachi was wrapped around her head.

"Take it easy, kid," the man said, arms folded. He gestured to the teenage Japanese girl. "You caused quite a scare in my apprentice when you dropped in earlier this morning."

Before Keitaro could utter an apology, the man continued speaking. "It's been a while, Keitaro. Last time I saw you, you were a little sprat."

Keitaro squinted at the man. "I know you from somewhere, don't I?"

"You should. My sensei is friends with your grandmother, Hinata. We stayed at the Hinata Inn when you were a boy."

Keitaro looked at the man closer. "Sempai? Ryu-sempai? Is that you?"

Ryu nodded. "It's me, all right. You look like hell, Keitaro."

"Tell me about it," Keitaro mumbled. He looked at the teenage girl and the Chinese woman. "Who are they?"

"The girl is my apprentice, and Toudai student, Sakura Kasugano," Ryu introduced. "The Chinese woman is my wife, Chun-Li Xiang. Li, Sakura, this is Keitaro Urashima."

Sakura waved in greeting. "Hello."

Chun-Li responded with a nod. "Nice to meet you, Keitaro."

"Likewise," Keitaro replied. Then his mind backtracked at what Ryu had told him. "Wait a second...did you say Toudai?"

Ryu nodded. "Yup. Sakura is a freshman at Tokyo University. I myself am a Toudai alums. You should be at least a junior in Toudai, right?"

"Actually," Keitaro corrected, lowering his head, "I failed the entrance exams three times already. I'm still trying to get into Toudai." He then blinked. "'re a Todai alums? But...but you were traveling the world when you visited the Hinata!"

Ryu grinned. "I graduated from Tokyo University when I was fourteen," Ryu explained, enjoying the look of surprise from the young Urashima's face. "Before that, it was Waseda University. I hold two degrees in History and Physical Education. Don't feel too bad, Urashima. If you try hard enough, you will pass the exams. So how's your aunt and Hina?"

"Haruka's the owner of a teahouse near the Hinata," Keitaro replied. "As for Grandma, she's been on her little world tour for quite sometime now. Hina's left me the Hinata. She's changed it from an in to an all-girls' dormitory."

"An all-girls dormitory?" Ryu repeated, before grinning. "Keitaro, you sly dog. Landlord of a dorm filled with nothing but pretty women. Must be heaven for you."

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say to Keitaro, as the memories of what had happened earlier that day returned to him in full force, the straw finally breaking on the proverbial camel's back.


Ryu noticed that Sakura was hiding behind him. "Scary," she whispered.


Even Chun-Li was shocked by Keitaro's outburst. 'Poor guy. What the hell did those girls put him through to make him snap so badly?'

Ryu placed one hand on Keitaro's shoulder. "Calm down, kiddo. Take a couple of deep breaths. Come downstairs. We'll talk over tea. You can explain everything there."

Hinata Teahouse.

As Keitaro rants to Ryu and Chun-Li...

"You're joking, right?" Naru Narusegawa asked the owner of the Hinata Teahouse, and former housemother of Hinata House. "Mutsumi's sleeping habits are that bad?"

Haruka Urashima nodded as she wiped down the counter, an unlit cigarette dangling from her lips. "Yup," she replied in her usual deadpan tone, following Naru's account of the incident earlier. Of course, the hotheaded redhead and first-year ronin kept out the part about the 'trial' of Keitaro. "Turtle girl wakes up in the middle of the night looking for the restroom, then the next morning, I find her at the base of the stairs. Now that you mentioned it, I'm not really surprised if she fell in the hole in your room."

Being a reasonably intelligent woman (when she wasn't jumping to conclusions in regards to her landlord), Naru began to connect the dots. ''s possible...more than possible. There was that piece of cloth I found, not to mention that Liddo-kun was in Keitaro's room...'

Naru chuckled softly. "I feel so silly now. Maybe I should have listened to Keitaro after all. That'll teach me to jump to conclusions."

"What was that?" Haruka asked as she lit her cigarette, breathing in the nicotine.

"Oh, nothing," Naru replied, waving her off. "Thanks, Haruka."

As the redhead left the cafe, Haruka frowned. 'Something's happened to Keitaro...and I'm willing to bet that those three had a hand in it.'

She decided to deal with those three later. Right now, the lunch rush was going to start soon and she had to make sure that Kentato was prepared.

Back at the Shotokan-Wushu School of Martial Arts...

Keitaro sipped at the cup of warm Formosa oolong tea. As much as he hate to admit, the Chinese tea was a lot better than what Shinobu or Haruka would make. It also did a excellent job of calming his nerves following his outburst.

Ryu and Chun-Li sat at the table alongside Keitaro. Sakura was leaning up against the counter, arms folded, concern written over her features. The married couple also had concerned looks on their faces as Keitaro continued to sip at his tea.

"Sorry for blowing up at you earlier," Keitaro apologized. "It's been a bad morning for me already."

Keitaro then told the three about the impromptu 'trial' and 'verdict,' which led him to the school's doorstep. He also told them about all of the hell he had been put through ever since stepping foot into the Hinata, from being used as a scapegoat, a test dummy, a human punching bag and a personal bank.

"Hmm..." Chun-Li began. She then ticked off her fingers. "Assault, criminal negligence, battery, destruction of property, blackmailing, sexual harassment, and attempted murder." Off Keitaro's shocked look, Chun-Li shrugged her shoulders. "I'm a former member of Interpol. Trust me, I know the law."

"Any sane man would have called the cops a long time ago," Sakura said. "Why did you let this continue?"

Ryu answered for Keitaro. "It's because Keitaro tries to see the good in the bad, as what his grandmother Hina had taught him. All he ever wanted was to achieve his dreams of becoming a Toudai student. He gives it his all and asks for nothing in return. Even the most disciplined and the most innocent of people have a breaking point, Kasugano. As you have seen earlier with his outburst, Keitaro has reached his."

"My guess is that the girls each have issues that they are not willing to deal with," Chun-Li interjected, one finger on her chin as if in thought. "They see you as a human doormat to vent out their frustrations on. I'm surprised that they haven't killed you, or you haven't snapped and killed them. Why don't you just evict them beforehand?"

"It's not what Granny Hina would have done," Keitaro replied. "But it doesn't matter anymore. I need a break. Otherwise, I'm going back to the Hinata and evict those three."

"Hold on a minute, Keitaro," Ryu said. "I think I have a solution for you." When it was clear that Ryu had Keitaro's attention, the Street Fighter champion pitched his idea. "Take some time off to clear your mind. Let someone else run the dorm as the kanrinrin."

Keitaro thought about it. "I can do with a nice vacation from being the landlord, but who am I going to find to run the place? Hina's somewhere on her world tour with my stepsister, Haruka can't do it because she is running the teahouse, and if I call Tsuruko, she would probably gut Motoko where she stand."

"Tsuruko?" Ryu repeated. "You know Tsuruko Aoyama, the Shinmeiryu kendoka?"

"Yeah. She's the elder sister of one of the three tenants I want to throw out – Motoko Aoyama. How do you know about the Aoyamas, Sempai?"

"Aside from being a master in Ansatsuken and several other styles," Ryu replied,"I am also the shihan of Ansatsuken's weapons style, Ansatsuken Shinjutsu. I fought Tsuruko to a draw ten years earlier." A smile crept across his lips as he turned to his wife.

Chun-Li caught the look and knew what her husband was thinking. "'re thinking about taking over as landlord of the Hinata, aren't you?"

"No. I want the both of us to do it."

Chun-Li blinked. "What? Are you serious?"

"Think of it as training before we open the school. And it's been a while since we both had a decent challenge, right?"

Ryu had a point on that, Chun-Li had to admit. After all, if one kanrinin who was a no-nonsense, world-class martial artist was bad enough, then how would the girls handle not one, but two kanrinrins who were both martial artists?

Keitaro then spoke. "You two are going to take over as landlords? Seriously?"

Ryu nodded. "Seriously." He turned to his wife. "Chun?"

Chun-Li nodded as well. "Sure. Why not? I can use the practice." She turned to Keitaro. "Anything we need to know about the tenants?"

Keitaro thought about it before responding. "I can tell you off the top of my head. There are seven girls living there. First up is Naru Narusegawa."

"I've heard of her," Sakura butted in. "She was number one on the mock exams last year."

"She's also a first-year ronin," Keitaro continued. "She is also very violent and Naru-punches me for the slightest offense, which is how I got here. Next up is Motoko Aoyama, the heiress to the Shinmeiryu School in Kyoto, having been granted her black belt at fifteen years old. She thinks all men are perverted and only wants to get into a woman's pants. I've also been on the receiving end of her ki attacks. It's a miracle I'm not dead yet. She is also scared of turtles."

He took another sip of his tea. "Next, is Mitsune Konno, the fox of Hinata House. Everyone calls her Kitsune. She claims to be a freelance writer, but all I ever see her do is drink sake and bet on horse races. She also wiped out my life savings when her and Motoko were looking for me last year. She is conniving and I have to bribe her with sake or deduct from her rent of I want her to do something. She even goes as far as to set me up for attacks from Naru and Motoko. The next-to-youngest is Shinobu Maehara, the dorm's cook. I know she means well, but she is much too young for me.

"Then there is Kaolla Suu. She is a princess from the island of Molmol. She is hyperactive and likes to kick me in the head. She is also a geinus and uses me as a guniea pig to test her inventions on me. Why I'm not dead or missing something I'll never know. The last two girls are Mutsumi Otohime and Sara MacDougal. Mutsumi loves watermelons and is very friendly. However, she is prone to fainting spells and anemia. Sara is the adopted daughter of Norimasu Seta, an archaelogist. She has a tendency of smashing clay pots over my head."

"So that's it?" Ryu asked.

Keitaro nodded. "That's it."

Ryu turned to Chun-Li. "Well, Li. What do you say?"

Chun-Li smiled evilly. "I'm game. But first, we got to make this official." She turned to Keitaro. "Can you draw up a contract, Keitaro? The contract should be that you relinquish all responsibilities as manager for two months and hand them over to Ryu and me. That way, the girls don't have a legal standing to try and get us removed. As for the kendo girl..." She turned to Ryu. "I'll let you deal with her."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Keitaro asked. "She is extremely skilled with the sword. Come to think about it, I've never head of Ansatsuken Shinjutsu before."

"In that case," Ryu replied as he stood up, "I think a demonstration is in order. Come with me."

Outside the courtyard, Keitaro watched as Chun-Li and Sakura set up several training dummies, wondering what Ryu had planned.

Minutes later, Ryu exited the dojo. In his hand, was his primary weapon, his Masamune (think Vergil's Yamato sword from Devil May Cry 3); beautiful, yet very deadly. The sword was given to him once he made shihan of Ansatsuken Shinjutsu.

The sword was a priceless heirloom within the Ansatsuken school, the blade itself considered to be indestructable. The sword was perfect in every way. On the scabbard, was the slogan Fuurinkazan carved into it in Japanese kanji. The term translated as 'swift as the wind, silent as the forest, fierce as fire and immovable as a mountain.' According to Master Gouken, the slogan was based on the personal motto of feudal warlord Takeda Shingen.

It was also how the warriors of Ansatsuken and its kendo counterpart carried themselves in battle.

Ryu was trained in the art of swordsmanship by both Gouken and Gouki since he was six, now a master himself, with Gouken, who favoring the non-lethal version of Shinjutsu, while Gouki used the style to its purest. Ryu, however, went down the middle path, using both variations of his masters' styles and created his own style.

"Allow me to introduce a friend of mine, Urashima," Ryu drawled as he brought the sheathed sword into view.

Holding it by its scabbard in one hand, he grasped the handle with his other hand and drew the blade out of its sheath. The blade itself was forged from a special type of metal that was only found in the Hokkaido region of Japan hundreds of years ago, giving it a light cobalt blue color.

"Keitaro, meet Ashura," Ryu said, introducing the three-time ronin to his sword. "Ashura, this is Keitaro."

Ryu stuck the scabbard into his belt before focusing on the training dummies. "Like the Shinmeiryu Kendo School, Ansatsuken Shinjutsu was also used to slay demons and youma, as well as performing Shinto exorcisms on possessed innocents," Ryu explained. "But that is where the similarities between the two schools end. Whereas the Shinmeiryu uses mostly wind-based ki attacks, Ansatsuken Shinjutsu utilizes the power of the four elements: wind, earth, electricity, and fire. Observe the power of destructive ki. I will show only three of the techniques of my style."

Keitaro watched wide-eyed as Ashura's blade began to glow with a soft blue light, the result of Ryu channeling his ki into the blade.

Then he unleashed his attack.

"Shippuzan!" Ryu shouted as he swung his sword. The ki blast of supercooled air, similar to the Shinmeiryu technique Hiken Zankuusen, only much more potent, sailed towards the dummy at blinding speed.

Keitaro's eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets as he watched as the ki blast decimated the dummy into sawdust.

Ryu turned to a second training dummy. "Shakunetsu Retsuzan!" he shouted as he charged, coming in very low, before leaping into the air, spinning, the blade on fire as it struck the dummy numerous times, reducing it to ashes.

Ryu turned to the remaining dummy. "And now...the coup de grace. Ansatsuken Shinjutsu final attack...Zantetsuken!"

To Keitaro, all he saw was five flashes, before Ryu smoothly sheathed his sword. Once the CLICK was heard, the training dummy fell to the ground, neatly severed in five pieces.

Ryu dusted himself off before removing his sword from his belt. Resting it on one shoulder, he turned to Keitaro and the two women.

"As you can see, Urashima," Ryu drawled, "There is much more to harnessing ki energy than just making the wind blow. That is why Ansatsuken Shinjutsu is a force to be reckoned with. And if Motoko wishes to find out the hard way, then it's on her head."

Keitaro shook himself out of his stupor following Ryu's demonstration. "Um...when can you two start?" he asked. Clearly, Ryu's knowledge of ki-manipulation had did it for him.

"We can start today," Chun-Li replied. "I'll go on ahead, Ryu. You, Sakura and Keitaro follow tomorrow."

Ryu nodded. "Fair enough." He turned to Keitaro. "I think you should let your aunt know what's happened."

Keitaro nodded and returned to the house.

Hinata Teahouse.

The phone rang. Once...twice...three times before Kentaro answered. "Hello, Hinata Teahouse."

"Kentaro, is my aunt there?"

"One moment," the Sakata heir replied. "Haruka! Keitaro's on the phone."

Moments later, Haruka picked up the phone. "Keitaro?"

"Aunt Haruka," Keitaro began, "I'm taking some time off as kanrinrin."

Haruka's comment regarding Keitaro addressing her by that title died in her throat with her nephew's proclamation. "If you think I'm going to take over as landlord while you're gone, you got another thing coming, nephew. So what happened this morning? Naru came down to the shop asking about Mutsumi's sleeping habits. Knowing your luck with the girls, something happened, right?

"It has," Keitaro replied. He then gave his aunt a detailed account about what had happened. Suffice to say, Haruka was very, very upset. Sure the girls were rough on her nephew, but this was going too far. It also showed just how petty Naru and the other two really are.

"It's either I take some time off and clear my head, or I come back to the Hinata with a police escort so I can evict Naru, Motoko and Kitsune and have them arrested."

Haruka noticed the seriousness in Keitaro's voice. Apparently the little stunt that Naru, Motoko and Kitsune had put him through earlier that day had made him reach his breaking point. "Any ideas as to who you got taking over as kanrinin?"

"Remember Ryu Houshi?"

Now that was a name that Haruka haven't heard in a long time. "Yeah. He was a guest at the Hinata along with his sensei and his friend. He's back in Japan?"

"I'm at the dojo he owns with his wife on the other side of the prefecture."

Haruka blinked. Ryu? Now married? This was something she didn't expect. "Go on."

"I'm giving them full control over the Hinata for two months. I'm hoping that the girls either learn to respect me after Ryu and Chun-Li put them through the wringer. If not, then they can evict them from the dorm. Ryu and I will arrive with his apprentice tomorrow. Chun-Li will arrive later on today."

"Okay. So what does she look like so I know?"

"She's Chinese," Keitaro replied. "Hair done up in twin buns. "She's packing as we speak. In the meantime, go and tell the girls that they will be expecting their new managers soon."

"Will do."


Shippuzan (Gale Slash) is the basic move of Ansatsuken Shinjutsu. It is similar to the Shinmeiryu Kendo School's basic attack, the Hiken Zankuusen, given its use of the power of wind. However, the Shippuzan goes a step further by using supercooled air to numb the opponent. Ryu's variant of the Shippuzan is especially deadly because he is using raw ki instead of emotional ki, which has the ability to destroy anything it touches.

Shakunetsu Retsuzan (Scorching Heat Whirlwind Slash) was also a wind-based ki technique, until Ryu, given his knowledge of raw and elemental ki, combined it with the same type of ki used for his Shakunetsu Hadouken. The Shakunetsu Retuzan is an anti-air technique, and as Keitaro had witnessed, a very formidable technique.

Zantetsuken (Steel-bladed Sword) is by far, one of the most lethal techniques in Ansatsuken Shinjutsu. (i.e., if you want a demonstration of its effectiveness, play Final Fantasy 8. That's where I got this move from).