Rebecca hurriedly left the Great Hall with Lucy perched on her fingers hooting excitedly. As Rebecca walked further away from the Hall with the chatter and laughter fading, Lucy realised they were going away. The attention loving bird quickly flapped her wings and took flight in an attempt to return to the rest of the students.

"Hey!" Rebecca cried as she snatched the small owl out of midair. She hooted in confusion. Rebecca decided to keep a firm grip on her until they reached the Owlery as Lucy was small enough to fit comfortably into Rebecca's hands.

"You're a cheeky bird, aren't you?" Rebecca said. Lucy looked up to her with her big orb-like eyes. "Do you even understand what I'm saying?" Rebecca asked curiously. Lucy nipped one of her fingers affectionately, appearing to answer 'yes', and continued to look at Rebecca quite innocently.

"I'll bet Mum has a lot of fun training you, hey? I can only imagine how quickly she'd lose her temper. Lots of shiny things to distract you." Rebecca imagined her mother teaching the young owl. Lucy hooted disapprovingly.

"Sorry." Rebecca quickly said, wondering if Lucy had taken offence. "You'll be on holidays too now, until I have to send you back home. No training- sounds good, doesn't it?" Rebecca said cheerily. Lucy then hooted excitedly as though she was glad to have a break and be away from home for a little while.

"I'm glad it's nearly holidays. I just wish I could go somewhere else for a little while. What I'd give just to go home. I need a proper break; it's been a crazy term." Rebecca told Lucy vaguely who just kept watching Rebecca as she spoke.

"Nearly everyone's going and I have to stay here. I've never stayed behind without everyone else before. Can you just imagine; Italy!" Rebecca sighed, dreading staying at Hogwarts without her family for Christmas. Not even her close friends. Lucy hooted softly, comforting Rebecca.

"Oh well. You won't be far away. Only in the Owlery making new friends." Rebecca began as she walked past a suit of armour that had an enchanted candle glowing inside its helmet. No sooner had she passed it, a loud clanking noise was heard. Rebecca jumped fiercely and Lucy screeched in surprise.

Rebecca spun around to see the suit of armour which had moved to adjust its position. Rebecca eyed it carefully, her heart rate increasing.

Suddenly, the suit of armour began reciting Christmas carols as a handful of small glowing lights shot out of it. Rebecca froze, feeling very uncertain, as Lucy's wide eyes widened even further in disbelief. It was safe to say that neither of them had witnessed a singing suit of armour before.

The small glowing lights, which Rebecca had originally thought were sparks being shot out from the enchanted candle, slowly returned to bob about the suit's glowing helmet. Rebecca narrowed her eyes, entranced by the tiny floating lights as jolly carols echoed around the largely empty corridor. She had never seen them before.

Rebecca held Lucy in just one of her hands and bravely reached out her empty one. She gently raised it until one of the glowing lights had rested on it. She was surprised to feel a little warmth being emitted from the small glow. She carefully retreated her hand to get a very close look at the glowing light.

As she looked very hard she was finally able to make out what she thought was a very pretty tiny human body with tiny transparent wings. The beautiful creature appeared to be looking right back at Rebecca, smiling as though this happened all the time. The tiny person stroked Rebecca's hand, although she could hardly feel it, and she thought she heard a very faint giggle. Lucy suddenly hooted, breaking Rebecca's trance-like state. Rebecca looked to Lucy and then back to the small glow rested on her hand.

"Fairies?" Rebecca asked Lucy. Then another several lights slowly floated down to accompany the lonely one on her hand. Rebecca concentrated her sight again as she watched them. The lot of them stood together in the centre of Rebecca's palm, her hand glowing with them.

The group of small glows emitted a burst of silver sparkling dust above them which transformed from a small cloud into a faint sparkling word: fairies. Rebecca heard slightly louder, though still very faint laughter come from the fairies. She smiled at them, having never seen a fairy in her life, and was now holding a handful of them.

Suddenly the Christmas carols ceased with a loud clank and all the fairies rose from Rebecca's hand together, although she couldn't feel the difference. Lucy hooted and managed to wriggle out of Rebecca's closed hand and landed on her shoulder. She gently tugged her clothes in an attempt to turn her around. Rebecca reluctantly turned her head and jumped sharply as she saw Draco standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets.

"How long have you been there?" Rebecca asked.

"Not long." Draco replied quietly, thought he lied. He had been following Rebecca since she left the Great Hall, hearing everything she had said to Lucy and seeing everything she had done. He had thought it was very strange that she was talking to a small silly owl, until he realised the bird was listening and communicating with her. This lead Draco to believe he was right in that Rebecca had a very quiet and calm nature to some degree that she treated animals just as nicely as she treated people. This came across Draco as quite foreign.

Then he himself had jumped when the charmed suit of armour had begun to sing loudly. Draco had watched Rebecca act so gently and thoughtfully towards the small floating lights which he had recognised to be fairies straight away. He was very surprised to see the fairies take to her as he knew for a fact that fairies always kept to themselves. It had taken him all up until Rebecca had said 'Fairies?' to realise that she hadn't come across them before. She intrigued him with the way she observed the fairies in silence, smiling at them. He was refreshed by watching her interact so curiously with something he thought was quite common.

He was also surprised when everything had halted so soon and Rebecca had spotted him so close. It dawned on him that he must have been in a mild sort of trance for him to unknowingly wander so close.

Rebecca and Draco watched as the fairies retreated back into the suit of armour.

"Haven't you seen a fairy before?" Draco asked nearly tauntingly, trying to promote conversation.

"No..." Rebecca said as the last of the fairies disappeared altogether.

"Strange," Draco muttered.

"What?" Rebecca asked, looking at Draco again.

"I've never seen someone hold a fairy before." He explained.

"I've never seen a fairy before." Rebecca reinstated.

"I've never seen fairies willingly interact with someone before. Fairies never associate directly with people." Draco added. He thought the fairies interacting with Rebecca must have been a clear example of her nearly too kind nature. As he thought, he couldn't help but think why the singing had stopped, the fairies had disappeared and the small owl had become wary as soon as he had appeared.

"What are you doing with that owl?" Draco quickly disrupted his own thoughts as he looked at the small grey owl perched on Rebecca's shoulder. The owl stared at Draco with huge eyes.

"Lucy? Oh, I was taking her to the Owlery." Rebecca replied and noticed how Draco still looked a little sick.

"I'll leave you to it then." Draco said and walked back the way he had come before Rebecca had a chance to ask of his sickness. She thought it was strange that Draco had found her without anything to say. Draco was uncertain as to why he had followed her in the first place. Without himself being able to realise it, subconsciously he only wanted to make sure she was alright after the previous day's quidditch match that he hadn't attended.

Rebecca took one last glance at the silenced suit of armour before continuing towards the Owlery. Both herself and Lucy remained silent until they got there. It was a long walk from the Great Hall to the top of the West Tower.

The Owlery was a large circular room made of pale stone and the floor was thickly covered in straw and owl droppings. As the days were growing colder and colder the large open room was becoming icier. This was because the windows had no glass in them so that the owls were able to come and go as they pleased.

Lucy ruffled her feathers in an attempt to preserve her own body heat. She openly looked around the large stone room to see hundreds of owls on perches which began near the floor and rose to the very top of the high tower. She had never been here before. Rebecca, however, used to come up to the Owlery all the time to send letters home before Lucy joined the family.

"This is where you'll stay until I send you back home again." Rebecca said, offering her hand to Lucy who perched on it rather than her shoulder. "I'll visit you when I have the time." Rebecca promised and Lucy flew up the wall to perch between a plain pair of school barn owls that were at least twice her size.

Lucy hooted appreciatively as Rebecca left the cold and drafty room. She was sure Lucy would enjoy being in the company of so many owls for a change.

The weekend soon ended, and the first day of the last week before the holidays commenced did too. Rebecca and Draco met up in the broken down classroom once more, which by this point wasn't so broken down anymore. All that was left was a few chairs that needed mending and about half of the connecting storage room's objects to be sorted and cleaned.

The entire room had been cleaned and rearranged and it had taken the pair at least a week longer than they had originally thought. This was because of the limitations Snape had placed on their wands at the beginning which only took effect in that room. As they progressed they discovered that a lot of spells and charms didn't work, and instead of anything happening, their wands made a 'dud' noise. Nearly everything they had to do in order to restore the room had become manual labour. The most they could do was conjure water.

Rebecca had left Draco in the room by himself for a while as she had to go and scrounge up some more nails to mend the broken chairs. She took a little longer than expected simply because any interaction with Filch, who she had to get the nails from, was always unpleasant.

"Took your time." Draco said as Rebecca closed the classroom door again.

"Not me, Filch." Rebecca said as she sat on the ground by an upturned chair with nails sprawled beside her and a hammer in her hand.

"What did he say this time?" Draco asked, already amused as he sat at a table polishing jars in a bucket of soapy water. The both of them had returned to the classroom several times with stories of Filch because they had needed brooms, buckets and mops over the past few weeks as well.

"Just some things about students doing things manually rather than using magic. Couldn't understand most of it." Rebecca said before hammering a nail into a chair leg loudly.

"I reckon he's jealous." Draco said, trying to hide his smile.

"Jealous of us having to clean up a whole classroom?" Rebecca frowned.

"Jealous because we can do magic. I bet he thinks it's great that we've hardly been able to use magic this entire time." Draco said.

"Why?" Rebecca asked absentmindedly as she hammered a second nail.

"Because he's a squib. Everybody knows that. His family is magic, but he's not." Draco reminded her as they seemed to have had this conversation countless times by now.

"Oh, right." Rebecca responded simply, standing up and turning the chair upright to test it. Draco watched in anticipation as he dried the freshly polished jars. The amount of furniture they had to mend more than once because of testing them was more than a handful, also elongating their stay.

Rebecca slowly sat down on the chair, neither Draco nor herself daring to breathe. Luckily, the chair hardly splintered and the pair unnoticeably sighed. Rebecca matched the chair with a mended desk before upturning another broken one and sitting on the ground again.

Draco carried all the jars back into the storage room and stored them appropriately. He then began to drag old objects into the better lit classroom repeatedly until all the dirty and unsorted ones were out. Rebecca looked up to see him sorting through the big mess he had just created and sighed.

"Is that the last of it?" She asked, upturning yet another chair.

"Yeap. It's about half of that room though." He answered without looking up from the huge assortment in front of him. This explained to Rebecca why there was so much of it. From where she was she could see all sorts of dusty old things ranging from textbooks to vases to crystal balls. She would help him go through it all when she finished mending all the broken chairs.

Neither of them spoke for a long time as they worked. The only noises to be heard were the hammering of nails in wood and the occasional sound of falling clutter. Amidst all the things Draco was sorting through, half of what he would call rubbish, he came across a large box with switches and dials.

He blew the dust off the top of it and pulled it out of the pile of 'rubbish' to set it on a table. What looked like a curvy golden megaphone was attached to the top of it. Next to it was a large black circle with a long stick with a needle on the end propped above it. He dusted it off properly while making sure Rebecca was still busy and looking the other way, as he was sure he knew what it was.

He returned to the pile of odd objects and rummaged through it until he found more flat, round black circles to match the large one on the top of the box. He dusted them off and tinkered with the strange looking box for a little while until it worked. He was sure Rebecca would like it.

A/N: What do you think?