Disclaimer : No, I don't own Vampire Knight whatsoever.

A / N :

Um, hellos~! xD This is going to be my first fanfiction--or well, first fanfiction that I've posted up onto the internet. I've always loved to write, and I visit this site practically every day... Hopefully, I kept all the characters in cahracter, or at least not make them too OOC. I tried my best, really! I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that this isn't horrible.

Er... This story will be a ShikixOC fanfiction, because I totally love Shiki x3 I love most, if nto all, characters of Vampire Knight, actually... But that's not the point xD Even though it's not a Canon x Canon story, I hope that people will give this ShikixOC story a chance. But, I'll stop talking. I tend to ramble when I'm nervous and that's kinda what I'm doing but I don't really know if I can stop. Okay, er... I'll just shut up and let you read the chapter -smiles sheepishly-


A Vampire Knight fanfiction.

___"Broken Heart"___


"Cross Academy."


Didn't Kaien age even the slightest since I last saw him?

I blinked at him as he danced around the room, trying to imitate the gracefulness of a butterfly. His face would be surrounded by large sparkles if we were in anime or something, and he had tears streaming down his face like someone had just kicked his dog in the face. The loud sniffs that came from him were probably to emphasize the overdramatic tears of our reunion.

"Ri-chan!" He exclaimed, bounding over to me and wrapping his arms around me. "I've missed you so much! How could you have been gone for so long and not decide to pay me a visit at all?! How come you never wrote me any letters or called me?" He wailed, squeezing me so tight I think my bones would break soon.

I stared at him blankly, no emotion on my face whatsoever as he attempted to squeeze my guts out of my mouth.

Yuuki laughed sheepishly in the corner of Kaien's office, next to Zero who didn't even look like he was listening. If I didn't know Zero any better, I would've thought that he was sleeping while standing up or something. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to do that, though.

Kaien let me go, deciding it was okay to let me live. He sniffed and wiped his tears with the sleeve of his shirt. "I'm so happy to see you again, Ri-chan. You're finally back to where you belong—in my arms!"

I shifted slightly, and picked up a strand of my long, ruler-straight obsidian hair, twirling it in my hands absentmindedly as I tuned out his excited welcome. It's been four years since I've been here at Cross Academy. Four years… I wonder if I still remember everything—of course, while Yuuki and Zero took me to my dorm, they explained (More like Yuuki did all the talking whereas Zero merely insulted me) a lot of the stuff. Like about prefects, the Night Class students, the Day Class students, and all the rules and whatnot.

You could hear the capitals when everyone said "night class."

"…ile, why don't you just call me 'Daddy' so that everyone knows the close bond we share with one another?" Kaien requested enthusiastically, snapping me out of my trance. I looked at him blankly, like I thought he was some sort of freak—and he's not. He's just very… "Wow," if you know what I mean. His enthusiastic, happy attitude might just be fake, but even so, he "acts" it very well. Though his excitement might be overbearing sometimes, you get used to it.

"I'm not your daughter." I didn't mean to sound rude, but really. When you word it like that, and add in a voice speaking in monotone, you kinda get the impression that it's, I don't know… Impolite?

He pressed the pads of his two forefingers together, and pouted innocently, his eyes widening like he wanted to give me the puppy-dog eyes. His voice was slightly childish and very innocent as he murmured, "You're too much like Kiryuu-kun, always minding small details…"

I turned my head slightly to look at Zero, who scowled.

Isn't Zero technically Kaien's adopted son? It wouldn't really be that weird if Zero called Kaien "Daddy," but Zero's… Zero. He's too much of a stubborn-headed, anti-social butthead to call someone like Kaien his dad. But even so, it's obvious that the two care for each other—it's actually kind of cute, the bond they have.

Kaien's eyes, which were beautiful, and yet strange because of the colour, landed on what I had around my neck. It's not like I had some tattoo or piercing on my neck—was it possible to get piercings on your neck? I don't know, but anyways—but I did have a thick, silk ribbon wrapped around my neck once. I had tied a bow more to the right side than the middle, so it was sort of slanted. The ends of the bow extended down to my waist. The ribbon itself was two colours—it was coal black and slowly faded to a pure-white in the middle, so the ribbon, as well as the ends, were a mix between black and white.

He looked into my eyes. "Is that…?"

My lips twitched into a non-existent grimace, but I nodded my head once in a stiff manner. "Yes," I told him blandly, noticing when his face perked up and his face shine. His eyes gleamed and twinkled like someone had just sprinkled a ton of sparkles in them.

"This is perfect, Ri-chan! So, so perfect, you have the best timing~!" He exclaimed, swaying around and continuing his "Dance of the Butterfly" thing, or so he calls it. The three of us—Zero, Yuuki, and I—just watched him blankly as he twirled here and there around the room, bumping into things. He crashed into his shiny, oak desk—for some reason, it was taped vertically right down the middle—and stumbled before he not-so-gracefully began to dance around the room again.

I turned and looked at Yuuki dully, like I was silently asking her when he was going to stop dancing around. She looked at me with an apologetic smile, as if she was saying he won't stop for a while.

After a few more seconds of watching him dance around, my eyes wandered around the room. It was like your normal office—neat, tidy, organized. The walls were a pale, but pretty shade of green or green-grey, and he had a large glass window behind his desk. There were bookshelves here and there and a few filing cabinets—you know, just the typical office kind of thing.

"Ri-chan, do you mind doing me a tiny, tiny favor?" Kaien asked, looking at me innocently and batting his eyelashes like it would make me swoon or something.

My eyes instantly became guarded and wary as I stared at the man before me. "It depends," I stated nonchalantly, analyzing his face. I've learned from experience that though Kaien's favors are never exceedingly difficult or impossible, his favors are those that seem harmless at first, but can completely mess up your life later on. His "favors" can change your life for the better or for the worst—I suppose it just depends on your actions. And that's why I'm always suspicious when he asks me for favors.

He grinned, excited. "Become a prefect with Yuuki and Kiryuu-kun~!" He sang.

I looked away from his grinning face, and asked a question I already knew the answer to. "Why me?" My voice was uncaring.

"Why, it's because you know the whole truth about vampires, Ri-chan! Do you think I can drag in an innocent student here and fry their brain out by telling them that vampires, who they think are mythical creatures, exist and currently walking amongst them every day? Oh, no, no! I will not do that to my poor innocent students!" Kaien exclaimed, his eyes hopeful.

"Chairma—Daddy! It's Riku's first day back, don't make her do something like being a prefect right away!" Yuuki protested on my behalf, obviously thinking about how I would feel about this whole thing.

Kaien grimaced at me and pushed his face closer to mine, his eyes accusing. "Ri-chan, you don't plan to turn down my offer, do you? After all, you know that all the prefect duties are a big burden to Yuuki and Kiryuu-kun, and that it takes tolls on them. You don't want to leave them tired, do you?" He paused and scrutinized my face, ignoring Yuuki's frustrated call for him to stop torturing me.

"Being a prefect is very simple, Ri-chan~! You just need to meet Yuuki and Kiryuu-kun at the Moon Dorm gates at dusk every day and protect my adorable Night Class students from my obviously obsessed Day Class students. You also just patrol around at night to make sure that none of the Day Class students sneak out of the dorms and are out pass curfew to do anything to my Night Class students!

"I think you know that fighting, drinking blood on grounds, being out pass curfew and everything is prohibited here at Cross Academy." He paused for a split second before tears streamed down his face and he exclaimed, "You'll do this for me? Oh, thank you, Ri-chan! You're the best!" He squealed like a girl and handed me something white with red on it. Kaien didn't even wait for my answer—he accepted his own offer on my behalf, even though I was clearly going to protest with this whole prefect thing.

"Cha—Daddy! What if Riku didn't want to do it?" Yuuki argued, once again, for my sake.

I wanted to face-palm myself or take just grab Kaien and throw him into some machine that turns him into a girl. See how he likes being a girl or something—I'd love to see him suffer. But he would probably enjoy it—his hair might grow out longer and he'd be all obsessing about it, flipping it over his shoulder and everything.

On the inside, I gagged and puked at that thought. In reality, however, I glared at the white prefect band for a few moments before I reluctantly tied it around my wrist. I had no idea if it was supposed to be on your arm or whatever, but I didn't care. If Kaien was going to make me protect his adorable Night Class students, then he sure as hell better let me wear that prefect symbol thing however I want to.

Kaien shook his head at Yuuki's comment, smiling. He hugged me tight, and didn't seem to notice the slight glare I gave him. "Thank you, Ri-chan~! You've made me so happy! You're the best, it's for the best, I'm the best~" He began to sing some weird song that sounded horrible—he was improvising it on the spot, and let me tell you, Kaien isn't the greatest singer.

"At least Riku's somewhat suitable for the prefect job," Zero muttered, glancing at Yuuki. "Unlike you," he told her.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Yuuki whined, sounding offended that Zero would say something like that to her. I, on the other hand, wasn't the least bit surprised that Zero said something like that—it seemed so him to insult everyone.

Kaien sniffed, blinking away his tears. He gave us a thumbs up, and wiggled his eyebrows. "It's almost time for my adorable Night Class students to take their walk to their class! You need to go, go, go, go! Protect my lovable students from being ripped to shreds by the fan-girls! I won't forgive you if you fail!" He looked up, pumping his fist into the air. And then he seemed to remember I'm new to this job, because he looked down at me with a strange expression.

"Oh," he stated. "Ri-chan, because you're new to this, you can just watch how to do things for today," he grinned. "You'll learn how to take care of everything in just one day due to my fabulous daughter and son!"

"I'm not your son!" Zero argued. And by his voice, I think they've had this argument a lot of times before.

Kaien waved Zero's hostile tone away dismissively. He leaned in and whispered to me, as if Zero wasn't right in front of us, "Kiryuu-kun can be a feisty one. Watch out, he's like a gorgeous tiger."

…Was it me, or did Kaien sound like he strangely admired the fact that Zero was "feisty"?

Zero glared daggers at Kaien. "Don't talk about me like I'm a piece of meat," he grunted, shooting Kaien one last glare before he walked nonchalantly out of the room, Yuuki hesitantly trailing after him. She gave me a look that told me to follow, which I did.

"Thank you, Cross-san," I told Kaien quietly as I slipped away and out the door, gently closing it behind me. Zero and Yuuki were out in the hall, waiting for me.

"Shall we go now?" Yuuki asked, smiling in an unsure manner.

Zero shot Yuuki a look that said he clearly didn't care—how typical. I would bet away all my hair—My precious, precious hair—to the fact that Zero clearly didn't like being a prefect, but didn't complain about it. He would most likely prefer going around finding some dark corner to sulk in or something.

I merely nodded my head stiffly—just once, and together, the three of us made our way towards the Moon Dorm.

Yuuki must've figured something out about me, because her eyes kept darting in between Zero and me, and then Zero, and then me again. I wouldn't be surprised if she finally figured it out—I mean, Yuuki isn't stupid, and Zero isn't, either. They've noticed—Kaien noticed. They should. It's obvious.

I've become an anti-social, heartless jerk that nobody really bothers talking to. I fall into the category of "bad attitude" and supposedly, "freak" and whatnot. I'm not surprised—it's actually not that bad after four years. You get used to it.

Suddenly, Yuuki's hand rested on my shoulder. She grinned at me, her crimson eyes determined. "How was America, Riku? We haven't seen you in so long… Did you have fun? Did you meet anyone new? Were they friendly? We've missed you." She bombarded be with questions, and she spoke so fast her words were glued together.

Answering her questions in order, I said, "Fine, I know, yes, yes, yes, and I've missed you too." Though I was supposed to sound happy and have a smile on my face, my voice came out in monotone, and my face was kept blank.

Yuuki smiled at me. "You're going to love it here at Cross Academy," she told me.

I nodded my head once, not knowing what else to say.

The whisperings of the students we passed by rang in my ears. Their stares burned holes into my face and body, and I eavesdropped on what they said. It was probably just the usual, though—nothing people say is really new to me anymore. It's actually kind of amusing, really—the whole point of gossiping is trying to keep it hush-hush, and yet, they were talking loudly amongst themselves. There's no doubt that Yuuki and Zero heard, too, but I have no idea if they were listening like I was.

"Ew. New girl."

"Huh. Looks like she's not in the Night Class—weird. She looks like she's supposed to be there."

"I bet you ten bucks that she's got the same stupid, cocky attitude as Kiryuu."

"Is she and Kiryuu related? They both have lavender eyes."

"I think our theory of the Night Class is wrong—if it was true, then Kiryuu and that new girl would be in the Night Class."

"Weird—she has the same vibe was those guys. And so does Kiryuu."

"I hate her already."

"Why the hell does she have the prefect symbol?"

"Just by looking at her, I can tell she's some anti-social freak. I can already tell I hate her guts."

Yep—it's just the usual.

"They think we're related," I told Zero, blinking. It made me wonder—can they not see that our hair is like… Completely different colours? His hair is like a silvery colour and my hair is… Well… Obsidian. We're both pale and we both have lavender eyes, but really? We look nothing alike.

He shrugged his shoulders casually, obviously not caring. "Let them think what they want," he told me nonchalantly.

Yuuki laughed sheepishly. "Sorry, Riku. People here tend to talk."

I nodded my head in understanding. I wasn't necessarily very happy with it, but I didn't mind. It's not like they'd do anything to me, anyways. I got the impression that Zero is intimidating to the students here because of the way they speak about him. And when he walked, people seemed to clear a path for him like he was some sort of god. They were most likely doing it out of fear—I think they thought he'd rip their heads off if they made him angry.

Not too far ahead, I saw a mass of moving black clothing and a bunch of heads bobbing up and down. It looked like a swarm of insects, and I could hear the excited and loud screams of the female students from where we were. They were screaming—obviously—for the Night Class students. It's surprising, though—they were standing right in front of the Moon Dorm gates, just waiting for something interesting to happen or something.

Why did I get the impression that maybe, just maybe, the Night Class students are mostly gorgeous-looking males?

My eyes narrowed slightly at this.

Yuuki grabbed my wrist. "We need to hurry if we want to make it in time," she told me, smiling. She ran towards the girls, dragging me along. She was running so fast that when I tried to run along side her, instead of being literally dragged, I found myself tripping again and again, not able to get a good footing on the ground. Yuuki was running so fast that the ground and everything around me was just a blur of colours. Eventually, I just settled for letting her drag me there.

After a while, we appeared there, and she let me go. She turned to look at me seriously. "Be careful—you can stay and watch us. It's not as easy as she looks." When I nodded my head, she smiled and pumped her fist into the air.

"Alright! Time for prefect duty!"

I could feel my body being roasted like a chicken at all the glares or looks I was getting. I ignored all of them and stood beside a glaring Zero, who had appeared shortly after we did. The girls seemed to think his glare shot lightning out of his eyes or something because they scampered back when he glowered at them. When you compare Yuuki and Zero's side, it's obvious that Zero's better at controlling the crowd. I don't think anyone even listens to Yuuki as she shouts at them to stop talking.

I stared blankly as the gates began to open and the girls scream louder. Standing at the gates and walking down the path like it was some sort of red carpet, were around eight students, who were all inhumanly beautiful. I swear—they don't look real. It's like someone painted their faces or drew them, because there is no freaking way that people can look that gorgeous.

A male with dark brown hair and dazzling red eyes, which looked sad, was in the front. He reminded me of Yuuki, with the red eyes and brown hair. He was very tall, and was smiling just slightly, like he didn't want to be rude. His face was blank except for the smile, and he radiated power. Power and confidence.

Walking right behind him were two girls—one had beautiful, long, wavy hair that reached her waist. It was like a beige colour, tainted with slight pink—weird, but it still looked beautiful. She had a few strands in front of her eyes, but you could still see that her eyes were the colour of her hair, but more pink. She was beautiful, and her head was held high, clearing not paying attention to the screaming fan-girls. She acted like she was the first person's bodyguard or something. The other girl had short, pale blue hair a few shades darker than periwinkle. Her hair reached her chin, and she had bangs that ended just above her eyebrows. Her face held no emotion in them as she stared ahead. Her eyes were the same colour as her hair, but they seemed a little darker.

Following those two, came a blonde with wavy blonde hair. His eyes were an amazing shade of sapphire blue, and he walked with pride. He shouted things to the girls that made them crazy, and he smiled at them cockily. His eyes gleamed—it was almost like if there were large sparkles around his face.

A tall male with orange hair was next to him, his hands stuffed into his pockets casually. He had beautiful amber eyes, and he looked like he was trying to drown out the screams of the girls. He had a calm aura around him, like he never lost his cool. He looked around, but didn't really seem to be paying much attention.

Another blonde male came next. This person was also really tall, and had blonde hair lighter than the other person. His eyes were a stunning shade of emerald green, and they sparkled with kindness and cheerfulness. He smiled warmly at the fan-girls, but not in a flirty way. It's like he was trying to be nice to everyone, and by the looks of it, he is nice. He responded with warm "Good evenings" and other greetings to the girls who said it to him, and flashed gorgeous smiles at everyone.

Lastly, walking beside each other closely—almost too closely like they were either couples or super close friends—was a male and a female. The female was amazingly attractive—she had a hair colour in between gold and bright orange, but whatever colour her hair was, it was completely beautiful. She had her hair tied into two pig-tails with black ribbons, and she had blue eyes. Her face screamed boredom—she looked like she was only here because she had to be.

Next to her was the male. He had maroon hair that looked like it would be a beautiful shade of dark brown if the red hadn't been so dominating. Either way, his hair was a shade of dark red, and he had a pair of magnificent, light cerulean eyes a few shade lights than the girl he was beside. His expression, however, was a lot like hers—bored. He had a vibe of nonchalance around him, and when I studied the two of them closing, I realized that I know those two.

Well, I don't know them, but I know their names. They're the two models sitting on the top of the world right now—Shiki Senri and Touya Rima—they are so famous it's not even funny. Every time you pick up a magazine, BAM! It's either one or the other or both on the cover. I don't think any other story or anything had taken the cover ever since those two decided to become models—and damn. I can't blame the magazine people—those two were completely godly.

They were all so beautiful… It made me feel self-conscious. Of course, this wasn't shown at all as I stared blankly at them. I noticed the dark-haired male speak a few words to a blushing Yuuki.











I wanted to face-palm myself at how obsessed they sounded—sure, they were good looking, but really? All the camera phones they had out were blinding my eyes.

"Riku, don't you dare turn—"

Zero was cut off as I turned around to look at him, only to be met with a swarm of female students rushing forward. They rammed into me, knocking me backwards. I felt the breath leaving my lungs as they all ran into me like I was some sort of chocolate that they wanted. Obviously, I tried to step backwards to regain my balance, but I stepped on something and tripped, falling backwards. I waited for the impact to break my bones or something, but it never came. Instead, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and stop me from falling.

I looked up and met a pair of nonchalant blue ones.

Shifting my eyes awkwardly, I saw Zero glaring daggers at me, clearly irritated I didn't listen to him. I shot him a look that said I didn't hear what he said, and he merely scoffed to himself quietly, clearly not believing my "excuse."

Yuuki was on her knees, and she looked up with wide eyes as the first guy crouched in front of her. The two exchanged a few words and Yuuki blushed red like a tomato. Aww, how cute.

My eyes wandered back to the pair of bored blue ones.

"Do you intend to get up anytime soon?" He asked, his voice almost sarcastic. It held the same nonchalance as his expression.

Embarrassed, I quickly stood up and freed myself. But in my haste, I tried took a step, stepped on something, and tripped again. I was, once again, caught by the bored model. My eyes searched for what tripped me, and they landed on a foot that was stuck out. It belonged to a girl with bright, flaming red hair and forest green eyes. Her hands were clasped behind her back and looked around innocently, as if she didn't do anything wrong.

"Foot," I told her flatly as I nudged it, glaring at her. She quickly retrieved it, and carefully, I stood up. I bowed to this Shiki guy. "Thank you for catching me… Twice," I added the last word on a lot more softly than I did to the others—because, hello? It was killing my pride to have fallen down twice—both times in a very idiotic fashion.

He nodded his head, and I turned around to where I felt a pair of eyes burning holes into my back. It was that guy—the brown haired guy. His dark red eyes were guarded and suspicious as he looked at me, like he was searching for something. His lips were pressed in a tight line, but he didn't say anything.

I felt Zero's hand wrap around my forearm, and he yanked me away from the maroon-haired model. He glared daggers at me. "Idiot," he muttered softly, clearly unhappy.

I wanted to throw some insults right back at him, but I didn't. I bit my tongue are stared at him blankly for a while before shifting my gaze back to the Night Class students, who began walking away towards their class again.

When the Shiki guy passed by me, I couldn't help but look at him from the corner of my eyes. Unfortunately, he decided to do the same. Our eyes flickered to each other's for a moment—just a brief, awkward second—before we both looked away in unison.

I've been here for like… What? Two hours?

I can already tell problems are going to form.

A / N : Errr, yes. That concludes the very first chapter of my very first fanfiction posted on the internet. I'm hoping that I did decently, adn that most of the characters were kept in character. Personally, I didn't really like this chapter. I don't feel really confident about it--I rewrote it over five times. No kidding. It still just doesn't seem very right to me, but I promise you that the next chapter will be better xD I find first chapters somewhat boring since nothing really happens, but yeah...

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Please review for me. I want to know how I did--and I don't mind if the review isn't the nicest xD I've been told I take critisism well, so it's all good. I would just like to know how I did, so please review and tell me! I appreciate it greatly -smiles-

Well, I guess I'll talk more next chapter... If there is a next chapter, that is... x.x

-EverlastingxSong- ;D