A Royal Reality

Chapter One.

"Carter! Carter! I order you to stop!" she spoke, in her royal and royally calm tone.

Carter turned her brown eyes on the girl in a shocked glare and yelled, "You order me?" Rosie, the other participant in this argument, held her chin a notch higher, keeping her dignified pose while knowing what was coming.

"You order me!? I order you to take a long walk off of a short pier." Both pairs of brown eyes lock, both so full of hatred Rosie almost completely loses it.

"CUT!" Rosie lets out the breath she was holding in relief and drops her eyes to her lap as the director shouts that blissful word. Suddenly she's Demi again, and all she's doing is acting. She repeats those words over and over in her head; all I'm doing is acting. She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks up, meeting those brown eyes that, just a minute ago, burned with disgust.

Selena, who just a few minutes ago was furious, now felt horrible with herself. She never saw that look on Demi's face before during a skit. Just two seconds before the director yelled cut, she was two seconds away from yelling it herself. Now, as she puts her hand on Demi's shoulder, she leans down to match her height as Demi sits.

Demi smiles at her best friend's touch and compassion. She follows Selena's gaze as she lowers herself to Demi's height. Now at an equal eye level, Selena flashes Demi a crooked smile and says, "I must be better at acting than I thought if it hit you that deep down."

Demi can't help but laugh; not really knowing why that last scene and the look in Selena's eyes hit her so hard. She shrugs it off and jokes, "It wasn't that your acting was so good, it was just so bad… it upset me Selena." Selena scrunches up her nose as her jaw drops. Demi smiles, closing Selena's mouth with one hand and patting her on the head with the other as she stands up and walks off of the set.

Selena watches her walk off with a smile on her face, "She really is the princess here," she mumbles as she follows Demi.

Selena's lime green converse scuff up the floor as she quickly makes her way over to the dessert table. The best part of this damn movie is the food in between sets, she thinks as she grabs some cheese toast off of the buffet table. She takes a bite as she cracks her neck, relieved to be off of the set for a few minutes.

Demi sits in her chair about twenty feet from Selena and her buffet table. She cracks her knuckles and stretches her arms behind her head, finally laying her head back against the chair. Allison, the director of their current project, Princess Protection Program, walks up to her. Demi cocks her head to the side when she asks, "You don't look happy, why don't you look happy?"

Allison sighs and gives Demi a half smile, "We're going to need you two to film that scene again, camera five blacked out and we didn't get that certain angle." Demi, knowing she has to be professional but now knowing why she wants to cry, nods slowly.

"Of course, Allison, that will be fine," she manages while giving an Oscar winning smile. But Demi can't help but to look over Allison's shoulder towards the buffet table, seeing a girl swallow an entire piece of cheese toast, whole. She smiles involuntarily and tunes out everything her director is saying.

Selena swallows down her last piece of cheese toast, takes a drink of water, and turns around to catch eyes with Demi. The two sixteen-year-olds smile at each other, a genuine smile, and then it ends. Demi breaks the gaze as she solemnly nods towards their director. Selena walks over to them and looks at Demi, then towards Allison. Their director tells Selena what happened, and Selena inwardly cringes. Linking arms with Demi they walk towards the set again, and Selena whispers, "This time, pretend I stole your gold pumps and maybe you'll be able to act just a little bit better."

Demi lightly slaps Selena in mock insult, crosses her arms over her chest and sticks her tongue out at the other girl. She makes it to her mark and knows that this time it won't be so hard. I won't let it be so hard, it's just a movie for goodness sake, Demi thinks as she takes a deep breath.

"And, ACTION!"