Hey! This is my first Fan Fic, I have loads of idea's but I thought I would share this one with you,

I don't own anything.

Oh, and if you got confused from the summary this IS an ashes to ashes fic! Just be patient for the next chapter and you'll see!

My name is Nicole. I'm 15 years old. When I was 12 years old my Dad had a major accident. He was kept in a coma for 3 years. Last year, by a miracle he woke up. My dad found who he wanted to, and he made sure I carried on with my dreams, now in 2009 we're all living together as one complete family. But it's not 2009 I'm here to tell you about.

~22nd May 2005~

"Mum what are you doing here?" Nicole stepped out of school to see her mother standing there, her make-up was smudged like she had been crying. Nicole noticed and suddenly felt sick with worry. "What's happened?"

Cheryl bent down to Nicole's height. She took a deep breath in, "Nicole, there's been an accident." She had to try to fight back more tears and be strong for her daughter.

Nicole knew it had to be her Dad. He had one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but her Mum was crying, why would she cry about her Dad? "What kind of accident?" Her voice was shaky.

Cheryl gulped, she knew she hadn't given Nicole the best life she could have, she left her at 3 years old, and had never been to one school play, but now she had to be there. Her Dad was Nicole's world, he done everything for her. "Your dad."

The tears stung her eyes, and she was suddenly very aware she was stood outside her school with everyone watching her break down into tears, "Is he dead?"

"No." Cheryl replied quickly, "But, there's a lot of complications Nicole, he may not make it."

"But he has to! I can't live the rest of my life with you!" She couldn't stand there anymore, she hated her Mum. She was so selfish, she asked for a child and when she got it she just rejected her. Nicole ran, the tears violently flowing down her cheeks.

"NICOLE!" Cheryl called after her. But it was no use, she knew she where she was going, so she just let her go. Again.

Nicole ran around the corner to the big stone cottage on Haywood drive, completely out of breath but she didn't stop running until she got to the big oak door. She pushed it open and walked into the big living room, where she saw her grandmother sat in her favourite Chester-suite back chair, with a hankie in hand. She looked up and saw her granddaughter walking towards her crying her eyes out.

"Mammar." She whimpered and put her arms out to hug her.

"Oh come her Nicole." She smiled bravely and hugged her affectionately. "It's all going to be okay." Nicole sniffed, out of her whole family, there was only 3 people who really cared about her. Every one else just wanted fame and money.

They stayed there for about 10 minutes, until Nicole stopped crying. Alice wiped her eyes dry, and went to get her a drink of water. When she came back Nicole was sat looking down at the floor. "Where do you think I'll stay?" She muttered.

"What was that darling?" She asked as she passed her the glass.

"When he dies. What will I do?"

"Nicole, you Dad is not going to die. You know that. As long as you are on this earth he will breathe for you."

Nicole took a sip of her water. "I don't know what I can do without him Mammar, he's the reason I am what I am today. Without him..."

"Honey, what did he say to you the day you were born?" Alice asked.

"That, I would be a star one day." She replied.

"Exactly, and what happened?" Alice urged Nicole to answer.

"I got famous... Somehow." She smiled weakly, even know Nicole didn't believe she had the great singing voice everyone said she had.

"And what else did he say?"

"He would always be there for me." She took another sip of water.

"And that's what he's going to do. Be there for you. But right now, he needs you to be there for him." Nicole nodded.

"I know."

Please review, as it's my first fic I haven't got a clue how I am. And don't be scared to tell me if its rubbish!