Arthur's POV:

I walked through the wood, searching for the place where I would find the antidote that would make Merlin better. Behind me, I heard a hissing noise. Turning around, I saw a great beast coming towards me. It looked like the Cockatrice that I was shown. I didn't have time to draw my sword to defend myself. I backed up a few paces and started to draw my sword. In a rush of movement, a figure darted in front of me, sword drawn. The person engaged the beast, fighting fearlessly with it. In the end, the beast was defeated. The person turned towards me and lowered the hood they were wearing.

"What brings you to this part of the world?" She inquired, flashing a soft smile.

"You're a girl…who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Angel. Who are you? Why are you here? It's not safe, especially with the Cockatrice around." Angel answered.

"I'm Arthur. I'm searching for a cure, to save my friend." I said.

"He was poisoned, then?" Angel asked.

"Yes, he was. By drinking the wine himself, he saved me. So, I have to save him." I responded.

"That's very noble." Angel replied.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I inquired.

"My…brother." Angel answered, nervously sweeping her hair off her shoulder. As she did so, I caught a glimpse of bruises that were on her neck and shoulder. My eyes widened a bit, but enough for Angel to notice. She quickly but her hair back to where it had been to cover the bruises, her eyes holding worry and fear.

"Do you know where the Mortaeus flower is?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do. I'll show you how to get there." Angel replied, starting to walk. I followed her, pausing at the mouth of a cave.

"We have to go in the cave?" I said.

"Yes, we do. I know exactly where it is. I'll get the flowers for you. Come on." Angel replied, walking into the cave.

"Alright." I said, following her. We walked for a little ways, and then Angel stopped.

"Wait here for a moment, okay, Arthur?" Angel whispered.

"Okay, Angel." I replied, leaning against the wall. I watched Angel walk into a little entrance and disappear.


Angel's POV:

I walked into the small cave like room, immediately noticing the tiny ledge with nothing underneath it. If I fell…then I'd be gone, I guess. But I wasn't going to fall. I was going to get the flowers, which were growing on the ledge right across from me, and give them to Arthur. I walked onto the frail ledge, which groaned and crumbled a bit beneath me. Reaching the end of it, I reached out for the plant. It was a little farther away then I would've liked, but I could get it. I leaned forward a bit more, and grabbed the plant, and pulled. Suddenly, I heard a noise. Looking to my right, there was a gigantic spider sitting there. My eyes widened in shock, and the spider came closer. I started to back away, and then the spider jumped towards me. I raised my hand, and the spider landed there. Without a moment's hesitation, it bit me. I screamed in pain, and fell down. The spider stayed where he was, and I heard footsteps. I saw Arthur run into the room and kill the spider. After that, everything faded into darkness.