Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or Pokemon Special and their characters.

This is Grantedshipping. My friend supports it so I thought I'd try a bit at writing a fanfic for it. Reviews would be appreciated.

Lance stood atop his dragonair, staring down at this new distraction in his plans. Yellow was his name? This boy who looked at him with so much determination in his eyes, not at all ready to give up. He admired that determination, though he found it annoying at the same time as he kept staring at the boy. They were very far apart and he didn't have any intention of closing the space between them.

He was pretty good too, but all that really set them apart was the way they felt about humans coexisting with pokemon. I certainly don't think that humans could keep living like this while destroying the things around them with their way of life. It would be better, much better if most humans were wiped out, why can't he see this the way I do?

"You're wrong! Humans and pokemon can live together!" the boy yelled up at him, clenching his fists, "As friends!"

All that really sets us apart is how we think.

"Go on! Convince me then! Tell me how this can be, even with all these people in this world who will endanger pokemon without a second thought. How, I ask you, can they exist together peacefully?" Lance asked, wondering what Yellow would say to make him change his mind. He was willing to at least give him this chance.

Yellow faltered a bit, eyes wide and lips slightly parted with surprise. From what? Surprise or shock? Surprise from him actually asking this in the midst of battle? Shock from the fact that he couldn't answer it?

"Then, we'll protect the peace!" Yellow answered with the same defiance as before, no uncertainty in his entire body.

Lance raised an eyebrow. This Yellow was a rather idealistic person, huh? He wondered if the "we" included him, but most likely not.

He was almost moved by the outburst, but unfortunately, he had no time for naive ideas that would never work. "Your answer is not good enough," he said, sighing, "This fight is over."

But it really wasn't. Through some miracle, the boy managed to survive and even deal what he probably thought was the finishing blow. But that too didn't signify the end, either.

No, it would go on for a bit more.

"A girl?" The question lingered in the air for a little more, as if waiting to be reconfirmed again. He stared down at the boy, no girl who was now firmly lodging her straw hat back on.

Lance's dragonite thrust its nose next to his face, in an attempt to distract him from his confusion. He shook his head, wearing a slight smirk on his face.

It doesn't matter what gender you are, not at all, he repeated this thought over and over again, finally persuading himself to think nothing of it. After all, it wasn't that surprising. He probably would've found out earlier if he had been paying enough attention.

"Your plan is wrong! Humans and pokemon can be friends!" she argued as she was attacked by him, her resolution not fading one bit.

He thought that she should stop trying to persuade him into thinking differently. She had already had her chance after all.

He stood, looking down at her and watching her struggle to try to take hit after hit. They were so far apart and he was sure that if he closed the distance between them, she would make him regret it in some way. He countered her reasoning with cold laughter and condescending words that did not show what he actually felt.

"Will you give up yet?" he asks, wearing a confident sneer on his face.

"I won't ever give up!" she replies in an instant, the answer that he knew she would give.

"That's fine with me!" he exclaims, but it really isn't.

He had lost their last battle together and she had successfully stopped him from destroying most of the humans in this world. It wasn't the end though. It wasn't like getting his plans ruined had caused him to suddenly change and agree with Yellow's way of thinking, but he found no need to now that Yellow had managed to make things better by using her powers to heal the wastelands and make things grow.

So he went into hiding, not sure of what to do now. He would probably be wanted for his actions, so the best thing to do was to hide until it was forgotten.

And he met Silver who had been tracking him. Silver was the only one who knew where he was hiding and Lance felt that he could trust the boy with that secret. So when he heard someone walking into the hideout, he immediately assumed it would be Silver visiting to get something from him.

"Hello there, Silv-" he turned around, stopping the sentence as soon as he saw who it was.

Yellow stood there, hair a bit wet under her straw hat, with her eyes staring directly at him. She had a vague look on her face which looked like she couldn't believe that he was there.

"Did Silver tell you about this place?" he asked, crossing his arms and frowning a little. Perhaps Silver wasn't so reliable after all.

"No, I had a feeling that you were still alive and I asked Silver, but he didn't tell me," Yellow shrugged, "So I read the minds of his pokemon and found out more than I expected to, like how to get to where you were."

That didn't seem at all like something Yellow would do. Why had she been so desperate to find out where he was? He repeated this question out loud, furrowing his brows.

"Ah, I had something to tell you, it's been bugging me a bit!" Yellow laughed nervously, fingering the edges of her hat, "That time we first met. Were you really willing to let me change your mind that time or were you just toying with me?"

Lance is a bit surprised by this. Did she really come here to ask something so trivial?

Yet again, he noted the fact that they were standing far apart. He wanted to walk closer to her, to actually see her face up close, but he refused to. His pride wouldn't let him and she didn't seem too bent on being closer to him.

It would be so easy though, just to say a few words, just to walk up to her and tell her that he didn't hate her like she probably thought he did, but it isn't like Lance to say gaudy words like "I love you the most" or "You're the only one for me" which can mean nothing at a convenient time for the person who says them.

"Lance? Can you answer?" Yellow's voice reminded him of where he was and who he was facing.

"Yes, I can answer, so what of my question? Maybe I really was serious in letting you change my mind, maybe I wasn't," Lance answered in a tone that meant that he didn't want any more asked about that time.

"Do you still think the way you did back then?" Yellow took a step forward, looking up at him with a concerned face.

What is she doing? Did she come here to just try to convince me to think her way again? Lance sighed, turning away from Yellow to look at the wall.

"And if I do?" he asked, mildly annoyed by her persistence.

"Then, can you try listening to me over this?" her voice seemed closer than before and when he turns back to face her, she was almost right in front of him, still looking up at him with a whimsical expression.

"Sure," he murmured, keeping his voice calm and not letting the uneasiness get to him.

Yellow takes a breath, pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts, "Ever since that day we met, it's always been bothering me at the back of my head. Why would you ask something like that? Did you want someone to change your mind because you knew that what you were doing was-is wrong?"

"Not one bit, "Lance comments, chuckling a little by her words. She was obviously trying to see the "good" in him. She frowned, glaring at him.

"Then why? Why did you ask me to do that?" Yellow demanded.

"It shouldn't be that big of a deal, right?" he mocked, sneering at her flustered words. She shook her head and clenched her fists together. He was secretly glad that she had been so bothered by such a simple action of his. It was reassuring to see that he could just as easily make her feel as uncomfortable as she could make him.

"You're right, I shouldn't have made such a big deal over it, "she smiled weakly, "I have another question though. Do you plan to try to destroy any cities ever again?"

Of course, the hero comes to check up on the evil villain to see if he is up to any of his old tricks. He should've known that that would've been the sole purpose of this visit. Just go away already.

"Of course not, "Lance replied, giving her a look of contempt. Her eyes widened from the look, but she didn't look away from him.

She took another step towards him, trying to get a closer look at his face to see if he was lying. Lance could only think about how near she was. They had never been this close before or at least in his memories. Involuntarily, he held a hand out and lightly touched her cheek. She flinched under the touch and he withdrew his hand quickly, trying not to show his disappointment. Of course she would be afraid of him, after all he had done.

He forced a grin and laughed, "Are you really that scared of me? How amusing."

She glared at him, clenching her teeth, "I wasn't afraid, just surprised." She trailed off, her face turning a light shade of pink.

"And however did you get here?" Lance inquired quickly, changing the subject, "Last time I checked, you only had one water pokemon."

Yellow grinned a toothy smile as she told him how some wild pokemon had helped her get here. He smiled at the sincere expression. She hardly ever smiled around him, which was not so surprising, what with their "mutual" hatred for each other.

"Lance," Yellow whispered.

"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow when she said his name.

"I'm going now, bye," she turned, waving as he let out a small breath of relief, "See you." He froze.

Wait, see you? She plans to visit again? What does she want from me? She really doesn't trust me that much?

Lance sighed, staring at her retreating back.

What do I do to make this damn feeling go away?

It be done! Well, I was planning to just make this one chapter, but now I'm not sure, yeah............-insert intellectual comments-

I hope it was enjoyable!