OK, I know I haven't finished nor update my other story but I had an idea that's been bugging me for sometime, so here it is. I will try to update both my stories soon, but I've been traveling with my family so I'll write when I can (I can't exactly pull out my laptop at the dinner the table and type my way into yaoi happiness -_-; ). But, enough about that, here's the story.

Disclaimer: yeah of course I own Naruto, I am also the mighty goddess of weather and control the stoke market… (sigh) translation, I own nothing. Naruto© belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.



Naruto hated that that word with a passion. It seems all that word declared for him was trouble. For one he was picked on by the 'straight' people in school; no the blonde was not heterophobic, hell most of his friends were heterosexuals. Another was that when he got directions ( usually when it was his last resort) the people who gave it him usually said that the place he was looking for was 'straight' up the street; when it was actually across town. And there was that little fact that people seemed to overlook. Straight rhymed with 'hate' this rhymed with 'eight' as well as 'discriminate'. What does that have to do with anything, well that was simple.

Straight reminded him of proposition eight that existed because there were still some straight people who hate and therefore discriminate against anything that wasn't, well…straight. Hence, why his 'father figure', Iruka (who was worse than a mother hen) couldn't get married to his lover in the state that they were in.

See, the word was the cause of his current headache because of a little game that universe call 'lets make Naruto's life a living hell but letting his psychology class debate if being gay was a disease or a blessing of nature'. It shouldn't have bothered him, it's not like his classmate knew his sexual preferences anyway. There was no sign on the tan boy's head (above the neck pervs) saying he was bi-sexual. What was really bothering him was the fact that he didn't know what to say if his fellow classmates asked a question when they would have to go into there groups to discuss what was said in the debate. Which wasn't so bad, it was kind of nice to hear what other people really thought, plus, he loved to socialize. What had him in a bunch was that Sasuke Uchiha was in his group. Yes the ice prick, Emo king, 'I could careless what you think' man was the reason for his pounding headache. Because that same man was not only his rival, best friend and roommate, but the same person he thought about when he jerked off. He was his crush.

Now don't get him wrong the blond like girls, he just happened to like boys (mainly a certain Uchiha) much, more. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he realized he didn't know if his raven haired fansta..ehh..friend was gay. They had know each other since they were nine and now they were nineteen he still wasn't 100% sure which team his friend batted for. Naruto knew it sounded bad that he didn't know, but it wasn't like the bastard was offering to tell him. All he really knew about Sasuke's sexual likes was that he didn't pay attention to girls, but, he didn't look at guys either. For all Naruto knew the raven could've been asexual. He also didn't know how the onyx eyed man would react to the thought of having a partially gay best friend (he didn't exactly tell Sasuke, yet). If the pale man was straight would he be disgusted, if he was gay would he be thrilled? Would he respond at all?

If he didn't said anything during 'question time' then Sasuke would know something was wrong (if he didn't already) and bug him until he told him. If he did say something and it too suggestive, the asshole would probable figure out what was wrong but would still bug him until he said it because Uchihas do not assume; as it makes an 'ass out of them'. They had to be sure before doing anything about everything.

Naruto groaned and tugged at his soft blond hair. Class hadn't even started yet and he felt like his brain was ready to leak from his ears to save itself from the insanity. The blond put his head on the desk he was at and closes his eyes, sealing cerulean eyes away from the world and its tough questions.

Unfortunately, the world did not like to be ignored and it made that very clear to Naruto.


"What the fuck!" Naruto shot up like lighting, rubbing the back of his head in agony while searching for the cause of his pain.

"Hn…wake up dobe."

Wait a minute, he knew that voice. Turning to seat behind him, the blond saw the only person who could make him red from anger and longing at the same time. Sasuke Uchiha.

"Teme, I told you to stop calling me that!" Sasuke rolled his eyes at the obvious comeback.

"Dobe, you've been calling me since high school."

"Have you changed since then?"


"Well, there you go."

"You're an idiot."

"And you're a bastard." At the man's passive face, the blond through up his hands in frustration "Honestly, why do I put up with your anti-social ass?"

"Because the last time you two were separated Sasuke went ultra emo and you when into depression."

Naruto turned towards the newcomers and scowled. "Yeah, Shikamaru good to see you here early. Kiba you crack head, that's ridicules. I'm bet you don't even know what depression is."

"Hey." Was the only verbal response, followed by a couple of nods to his friends, was all Shikamaru did before he sat next to Sasuke and went to sleep.

Messing up his unruly brown hair, the dog lover took his usual seat next to Naruto and continued. "That's where you're wrong, Fishcake. Where does depression hurt? Everywhere. Who does depression hurt? Everyone."

"Hn, you did your report on depression." Sasuke said while shaking his head in disapproval, when he noticed Kiba had begun to fidget.



"Why, what's wrong with that?"

"Over half the class is doing their report on depression since the sample paper Kakashi gave us had it."

"Well, so…Naruto could you please tell your boyfriend to stop picking on me!"

Naruto rolled his eyes at Kiba. Just because of the fact that he and Sasuke were close and sometimes still shared a bed, the brown eyed boy said they were a couple. How Kiba found out was Sasuke's fault. 'Honestly doesn't he know what Sasu and I would be doing by now if we were a couple.' Sighing, the blond looked at Sasuke, then back to Kiba. "One, you're on your own; the bastard stops insulting me as much when you do things he considers stupid. Two, he's not my boyfriend, nor are we friends with those kind of benefits." The blond added that quickly when he noticed Kiba was about to open his mouth.

"Well explain what I saw that time in you guys room." Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the brunet's comeback. He had forgotten that little miss hap, the one that was Naruto's fault. Damn, he hated being awakening by a screaming Kiba but then something a lot worse happened. Obviously they hadn't been the only ones to hear his wail. Frightened students had called campus security, who rushed over with a teacher. Sasuke could deal with the security guards and the school idiot screaming about going blind, but when he saw Kakashi walk through their door he knew they were screwed. A minute later, he and Naruto were sitting on his bed in their boxers, with Kiba by Naruto desk counting the cracks on the wall while Kakashi gave them 'the Talk'. Sasuke knew what sex was…well he thought he had anyway. After 'the Talk' he realized how lost he was. Hell Kakashi made it sound like art! He and Naruto didn't sleep in the same bed for a month after that.

"…ght Sasuke."

The said raven looked at Naruto and blinked. Had Naruto been talking to he while he had went down nightmare lane. "…Hn…" From the lowering of the tanned man's head to form a golden curtain over his eyes to the shaking his shoulders, Sasuke knew that he was in for a painful ear full.

"Teme! Why do you always do that?"

"What dobe."

"Ignore me when I'm talking. For your information my speech was very important! Dammit teme, I'm talking about both our lives here. If you were listening tell me what I said!"


"You were talking about us."

"What else."

"It's not like I haven't heard it already." There are times in one's life where they should just admit they are wrong. Now was one of those times for Sasuke.

"Well sorry, my speech wasn't as interesting as Karin's slutty act for you! I was telling Kiba that we've been doing that since we were kids and in a non-perverted way. "

Ok, now Sasuke was confused and he hated that. "What does that slut have to do with anything?"

Naruto pointed to the scene across the room. Following his finger Sasuke, saw what he meant. Karin was sucking and nibbling on a banana. Shocked the raven quickly turned to his blue eyed friend to explain, only to find the seat empty. He quickly turned to Kiba.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know, but that's one hell of a show." Sasuke gave the brunette a disgusted look before getting up.

"Ah, Sasuke where do you think you're going to." The raven stopped as he recognized that voice. Of all the times for Kakashi to actually come to class early…well earlier than usual…it had to be today.

"Kakashi-sensei, you're here early."



"Ah, I see you were just coming to look for me." Sasuke glared at the silver haired man; he knew damn well that was the last thing on earth the nineteen year old would do. "What a good little student you are, but since I'm here now why don't we begin our lesson."

Sasuke sat back down in his seat. There was no way he was telling Kakashi that he was going after Naruto; he didn't need any of the pervert's personal advice on his love life, eh…friend life. He would find and explain to the blond in their dorm.

Smiling at his students, Kakashi sat down at his desk. Pulling out a top hat and his favorite 'novel' he gave out his instructions for today.

"Today we're going to discuss whatever topic is pulled out of this hat…"

"But Sensei, weren't we suppose to have a debate?" Sakura's disappointed voice rang through the classroom. Sasuke knew that the pink haired loved to debate, she had told him once it was her way of showing her strength without the blood getting her outfits messed up. He didn't mind those either but he was happy they were doing something else.

Putting his book down, he sighed. "I'm aware of that but since Sasuke…"

"Don't blame me for your faults."

"…nor anyone else for that matter came to get me earlier we will be doing a report instead since we don't have enough time." Long groans and shouts of protest were heard but ignored by the teacher as he went on. "You will also be but into groups of twos…randomly. So write your names on piece of paper so we can get this done before class ends."


So that's that. Read, Review and well basically tell me if I should continue. Oh and Thanks for reading ^_^.