"I don't want you anymore, Bella."


He's gone he loves me no more. I can go on, right? He doesn't want to be with me; therefore, I don't want him! I can live my own life without him. Who the hell am I trying to convince, he is my life! He's the love of my life without him I'm dead! No longer living! I'm dead inside an empty shell he took everything. My love for him is what was keeping me alive he was the air I breathed each day, he was my sun and stars. I can't possibly go on without him, but what about Charlie? He was so crushed last time I left, I couldn't possibly do that to him again, I would be doing to him what HE just did to me, and I will go on for Charlie!

I went through the daily routine for Charlie. I was up off to school in the morning, got home did homework, made dinner for Charlie, then at night away from Charlie's watchful eye I would cry myself to sleep. I play the part of the active partially alive teenage girl during the day for everyone to see, but when I was alone in privacy of my room, I would cast off the coat of armor and cry. The tears that no one could see, the tears that Charlie told me I shouldn't shed, HE wasn't worth my tears they all told me. The tears were precious and I shouldn't cry such precious gems for someone so unworthy, but to me he was more than worthy. He was my love, what can be more worthy than love?

A few weeks later, a rumor was going around school that we were getting some new students. Quite a big deal for such a tiny town, and a new piece of gossip to turn away from the fact that THEY left so quickly and unexpectedly. The new students were said to be arriving the next day! Why we were finding out this information so late was the real question. News spread like a wildfire in Forks, apparently though this spark spread rather slowly. That day it snowed—no big shocker there it was Forks after all—so on the way home the road was extra wet and slippery. I had to go to the store we had no food for dinner since I was putting it off hoping to avoid having to drive in such terrible winter weather. On the way to the store, a driver slid on a slick spot hitting my car just enough to send me out of control and running off the road to end up hitting a tree. I was on the highway outside of town and in this weather; no one was in the traveling mood so there wasn't anyone around. I check my cell only to see the phone flash once with a low battery warning, then proceed to die. In my attempts to move to get 0out of the car I find not only am I in a lot of pain and bleeding, I was pinned inside of the car, on the side of a deserted street, in horrible weather, with a dead cell phone, and did not alert Charlie of where I was going. Just my luck.

I knew I was going to die here inside of this horrid car. On the side of the road wrapped around a tree! That was around the time that the pain started to get me, eventually, I blacked out. Sometime later, I came to feeling someone pulling me from the destroyed car, and running with me in their stone cold arms; a vampire I was wrong I was not going to die around a tree I was going to be drained, even worse. Blacking out and dying cold and alone on the side of the road was better than dying in the hands of the species of my love, the one I would have once given anything to be with, I hope to god that they killed me fast and painlessly!

"Hey I'm back from hunting people," A beautiful voice said.

"Hey Apocalatia, what did we say about humans they are friends NOT food!" A low, gravely but attractive voice yelled at whom I guess these people are talking about. Are they vegie vamps to like the Cul-Other vampires I knew?

"I know that Josh! I wasn't going to eat her I was going to ask Hailie Jade to change her she's dying and I really like her." The beautiful voice rang out again. Well shit, while at one point I would have wanted this now I just wished death to claim me before this Hailie Jade girl could change me.

"Um... Tia you don't know her!"

"I know but my power lets me know everything about her we are so alike but I can't know a lot it's like half of her is covered up."

"Well if you want to change her either you have to do it or go out and find her she went for a run 7 vampires came by here and told us to stay away from a girl name Bella Swan if we interfere in her life we are going to be dead! Then one was feeling really mad and upset and that got her really mad and upset too so she went for a run to work off all the negative feelings."

"Damn those bloodsuckers! Who are they to tell us who we can and cannot associate with? It's not like we actually make really good friends, they can't tell us what to do they are not a part of our group nor are we breaking any law. They can shove their rule up their arse!" The beautiful voice rang out strongly and fiercely.

"No they aren't bloodsuckers. They drink animal blood and they are The Cullen's." When I heard that I winced they came to keep these vampires away from me, so much for not interfering with my life.

"Well then I'm going to change her. I hope I can resist, I really do like her!" And with that, the fire started. It consumed me. It hurt to breath. I screamed I heard everyone around me trying to calm me down and tell me not to scream but why I was going to die soon anyway. Then I heard a new voice.

"What did you two do? Why are you transforming someone else you know that's what I do so that they don't hurt too much! Let me get to her before someone hears her." The new voice trilled sharply. Suddenly the pain faded to the point where it just felt like a really bad sunburn. A while later the pain dimmed from my fingers and toes. Then all the pain went to my heart and my heart was beating at what seemed a pace of a thousand miles per second. Then it stopped. There was nothing. Hesitantly, I opened my eyes and freaked out I was in a house that was exactly like THEIRS. And I was in a room that was really similar to HIS. This hurt too much to be here, to be in a place so uniquely HIM. I heard people moving around downstairs, not just moving but breathing and talking. I could hear the birds chirping and a light wind blowing through the trees the branches knocking against each other with their lack of leaves. Remembering the people, I called out.

"Um...Hello I'm a wake now I now. I know your here!"

"Oh sorry we didn't know you were awake I'm Apocalatia Monroe but most people call me Tia because they think Apocalatia is a mouth full it's really not that much to say but people are lazy so I go with Tia." Tia said she was the owner of the beautiful voice and her appearance matched it she was really pretty. She had pin straight blonde hair in layers that went just below her shoulders, her bright golden eyes were strikingly bright an alight with excitement. She and was wearing a really cool outfit that Alice would like. A purple tank top with a black vest over it and skinny jeans with a pair of black heels.

"Hi I'm Isabella Swan but please call me Bella." I smiled hesitantly at her.

"Hey! I'm Hailie Jade Monroe and I liked to be called Hailie Jade don't just call me Hailie I really hate that!" She trilled in her light airy voice. She had dark black hair, which offset by her topaz eyes made her look extremely lethal and beautiful. She wore a white camisole with a grey jacket, a black scarf and black skinny jeans and a pair of grey high heels.

"Hello I'm Josh Michaels. And I have to live with these two alone talk about annoying!" Josh was handsome! He had blond hair and was wearing a white polo with jeans and black converse it was simple but hot at the same time. They stared at me intently golden eyes pinning me in my place unable to move or to think much at.

"Um...I heard that some vampires have powers do you have any?" I wanted to know what was up!

"Yeah I can feel emotions. Tia can know anything about a person with a touch. Josh has no powers but he has me so it ok! We never told you we were vampires. How did you know?" Hailie Jade questioned me with hard gleaming eyes riddled with confusion.

"Um...I've met others before you. We had a small problem with them a while ago." I lifted my wrist to show them the scar left by my run in with James. "Before you changed me you said something about the...uh...Cullen's?"

"Yeah they came by here telling us to stay away from some human but they have no need to worry we don't talk to humans. And now we need to move but don't worry about it I hate Forks its way to small."

"What was the humans' name? And what did you feel Hailie Jade?"

"The humans name was Bella Swan. And I felt sadness, agony, anger, guilt, misery, loss, and so many more intense bad emotions why do want to know?"

"Well that human is me!"

AN: Ok I know I have a weird name Apocalatia but it is apocal_I_tia!

HEY SO- This story is being revised as of currently. This chapter was revised and edited 6/19/2014 just to let you know. I will be posting the date of the day I revised each chapter at the end so you know when I get around to each chapter. I left writing for a while and when I started, it was bad, the story lacked editing and any stricter at all. If you still follow this after the LONG hiatus thank you so much! I promise the story will be so much better!


Nicole Rosalea