It was Christmas day. The entire Maverick Hunter base was filled with a swell of activity. The entire base was decked out for the occasion with red and green lights, a large tree in the cafeteria, and green and red ribbons and garland.

Everyone was happy and having fun, except for X. X sat at a cafeteria table alone and watched as everyone was laughing and having Christmas fun. Axl was running around playing pranks on everyone, and Zero was talking to Signas.

Dr. Cain was nowhere to be seen, and for a long time he had stayed locked in his office, not even his aids where aloud inside, which was odd Dr. Cain had never done that before.

But X shook it out of his mind and looked back at the cup of hot chocolate in his hands. He was drinking the hot drink from a mug that Zero and Alia had bought him. On the front it had a large gold X, and on the back was the maverick hunter symbol. Zero and Alia had it specially made for him.

X smiled as he looked at the mug and looked up as he noticed someone standing there.

"Hey X. Happy Christmas." Zero said as he sat down across from his friend.

"Hey Zero, Happy Christmas to you too…" X said in a half enthusiastic voice. Ever since the "Nocturne Case" ,as everyone called had began to call it, he had been very depressed.

"So, are you going to be enjoying the party tonight, or are you going to sit this one out?" Zero asked as he drank from his own special mug that the rookie hunters had all bought him, it read "0 ROCKS!".

Which made the red hunter chuckle that they used the number instead of his name.

"No…I think I'll just go back to the records room…"

"X. You've been working in there since the Nocturne Case! What are you doing in there!?"

"I told you! I'm trying to find out more about this Dr. Wily that Nocturne was talking about."

Stop X…please…don't try and look for him…don't do this… Zero pleaded in his head, because he knew that if X learned about Dr. Wily, and learned of the old Megaman and Dr. Light, and Zero's past…

"X…you need to lighten up! It's Christmas! Go have fun!" said Axl as he walked up.

X crossed his arms and looked away from Zero and Axl.

"Well fine, I won't give you your Christmas gift." Zero said as he stood up.

No matter how grumpy X got he would always love Christmas gifts.

"WAIT!" X said making Zero and Axl laugh.

"Fine here you go." Zero said as he pushed a blue wrapped box with light blue ribbon onto the table.

X carefully opened it, as to not rip the paper. As X opened the box he smiled and pulled out a new coffee mug. It was like his old one, only it was the Christmas version. The X was red, with green outlined. And on the top corner of the X was a Saint Nicholas hat.

X smiled and stood up.

"Thanks Zero. Oh and I got you something too!" X said as he reached under the table and handed Zero a box. It was wrapped in red and had a yellow ribbon on top. Zero opened the box and pulled out a yelled scarf.

"Thanks X!" Zero said as he wrapped the scarf around his neck.

"How do I look?" Zero asked Axl.

"Good Hahaha." Axl laughed.

"Oh and don't worry we both got you something." X said as he pulled out a new box wrapped in black with a red ribbon.

Axl quickly, and sloppily opened the box and was suddenly hit with a cream pie to the face.

X and Zero fell into the floor with laughter.

"WHAT THE HELL! THIS ISN'T A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!" Axl yelled through the pie on his face.

"That's what you get for the present you sent me for my birthday." X said.

"And my present from the Christmas last year!"

Last year Axl had placed a gag snake in Zero's Christmas present box last year, which made Zero yell and jump when he opened it, seeing as how the snake was propelled into the air and hit him.

Then on X's birthday Axl had placed a boxing glove on a spring in the box. When X opened it he was struck by the glove.

And now the two elder hunters had gotten back at Axl.

"YOU! Don't worry next time I'll make the pranks on you worse!" Axl said as he ran off.

"NO YOU WON'T!" Zero yelled as he ran after him.

X laughed and sat back down in his seat.

Axl and Zero ran out the door and into the hall, where Axl ran right into Dr. Cain and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry doc……" Axl stopped as he froze in shock.

"It's alright Axl. Happy Christmas!" Dr. Cain said as he walked past the hunter and toward the doors, behind him walked a figure.

Zero froze in the hall and starred at Dr. Cain.

"Happy Christmas Zero." Dr. Cain said as he walked through the door.

The cafeteria was filled with chatter and X sat at the same table.

Suddenly the doors opened and Dr. Cain walked out with a figure next to him. Everyone stopped talking and starred at Dr. Cain and the figure next to him in shock.

The reploid next to Dr. Cain slowly walked toward X's table. X stood and starred in shock and met the figure in the middle of the room.

Everyone slowly turned away and left the cafeteria.

Dr. Cain smiled and turned and left the room, as he did he looked back at X.

X gave him a look, as if to say "Thank you, Happy Christmas."

Dr. Cain laughed and as he walked through the door yelled out.


Megaman starred in shock at the reploid in front of him, it was Alia.

"A-Alia….y-your…I'm not dreaming am I?"

"X…I'm really alive."

X hugged Alia, which was shocking to Alia and she slowly hugged him back.

Alia was herself, just like before she was killed. But she was wearing her hair all the way down, and it was quite longer than before, and she wore a light pink and off white dress.


"Dr. Cain's spent since I died working alone day and night to fix me." Alia said happily.

I'm going to have to buy Dr. Cain a great big Christmas Gift…

"Alia…" X said still stunned.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to talk when I got here, but looks like it's the other way around." Alia said giggling to herself.

"….I'm sorry Alia….it's just…I don't really know what to say…"

Alia giggled again. "Well than, don't say anything."

X chuckled and pulled Alia closer and kissed her.

Zero and Axl stood at the door and watched from the window, when X started kissing Alia then turned around.

"I think we should leave them be, how about you?" Zero said.

"Yeah…let's go…" Axl said.

The snow fell gently, unlike the storm that had fell before the battle, and an aura of peace filled everyone and everything. The world seemed to be in a sleeping state, all the world besides Alia and X.

The two reploids kissed until they could no longer breathe. When they pulled away both of them were blushing.

"Alia…I love you too." X said as he kissed her again.

Alia had never felt happier in her life. But little did the two reploids know that right above them where two red eyes.

Red eyes that watched everything.

Red eyes that symbolized death.

Sigma watched them and laughed to himself.

He may be just a virus, but he had a plan. A plan that involved Alia and X, no one else. And he couldn't wait to execute it.

And as we leave these two be the Maverick Hunter HQ suddenly lit up with red and green light as Signas pressed a button turning the lights on outside. The entire city was filled with red and green lights.





And Hope.

Peace had returned to Earth…but as all people know.

The worst is yet to come, for war always follows peace.