Another End

I saw him standing near my window. The sky had grown dark and the only light that shinned came from the full moon. I could tell something was wrong. He was cold, distant as he had been the first time he told me of the terrible news that he would be leaving as his way of protecting me but this time I was ready for it, I knew what was coming. As much as I wanted this to be a dream and not have him leave, I knew this time was different because unlike last time there was no choice to be made, it simply was.

I crept to the edge of my bed with my feet underneath me. "Do you really have to go," I whispered to him knowing full well he could hear me.

He turned and looked in my direction and a sad smile crossed his face. "I have to go; I don't have a choice Bella."

"Of course you do."

"No love, I don't, not this time. As much as I want to stay you know I can't."

"This isn't fair," I said slumping a little. Edward walked towards me and sat down, placing me on top of him.

"I know," he said. "You know I love you, right."

I perked up some, "Then take me with you."

"Now that's not fair. I can't Bella. As much as I love you I can't bring you with me, I can't put you at risk."

"What's more dangerous- I've handled the Volturi, werewolves gone awry, and even young immature vampires. You'd think you'd learn by now that I'm capable of taking care of myself."

Edward laughed, "Not without help you can't."

I looked down and then at him, "By when do you have to leave?"

"Before sunrise," he replied.

"Good so that gives us four hours."

Edward looked up at me curiously as if trying to read me but knowing he couldn't, "What's in that head of yours Bella Swan?"

I got up from Edward's lap and stood in front of him. Gently I started to take off my top shirt revealing to him the bra underneath. I was never the type of girl to throw myself at a guy but given that this was Edward's last night, I had to try. He instantly gave me the reaction I knew was coming but that didn't stop me. I started removing my pajama pants as well; standing in front of him in nothing but my underclothes and not even feeling ashamed or embarrassed despite not having a clue as to what I was doing; I was simply going through the motions and feelings that rang deep within me. Edward still looked away though I know he noticed.

"We can't do this Bella," he said.

"Why not," I asked knowing what his answer would be.

"You know why, we can't be together without me hurting you. I could never bring myself to hurt you that way."

"Edward, nothing can be as painful as when you left me the first time. I can handle this."

"What about Charlie?"

"He's a heavy sleeper," Edward still didn't look convinced, "Please Edward? You're leaving for who knows how long. I don't want to waste another minute by not being with you."

"Is this really what you want?"

I nodded.

"And the risks don't scare you?"

"Not when I'm with you," I replied.

Edward looked at me and I could see that he was examining every inch of my being.

"How did I get so lucky," he asked in soft and near poetic tone.

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

It was then that Edward stood up. He caressed my face with his finger down to my lips which I gently kissed even though I knew I couldn't hurt him if I tried.

"You know if I didn't love you so much," he said to me, "I would never agree to this. If I hurt you though don't hold back, let me know."

"I promise. I love you two Edward."

The two of us made our way to the bed. Though I couldn't have my other wish come true of becoming like him at least I could have a part of him that belonged to me and no one else. And likewise with him; Edward would have a part of me that I would never in my life share with others. This was it for me and I was content with that. From the moment I had met Edward Cullen I had fallen so deep that I was suddenly irrevocably in love with him. Nothing else mattered except this moment: the touch of his cold skin against mine, the touch of his lips as he caressed my body, the sensation of my lips against his skin. Nothing could have been more perfect than this night. And then just as quickly as the moment had come it was gone in an instant.


I cannot remember what time I fell asleep only that I did much later after we had finished. I was restless on my bed; the comfort of Edward no longer there as he always was when I fell asleep. Being human sometimes had its disadvantages.

I looked over and when I was finally fully alert did I become aware of the destruction. My pillows had been smashed in- the cotton spread all over the place, my headboard had several cracks and the bed beneath me, I realized, had sunk in, my knees having reached the floor if I rolled over. How would I explain this to Charlie? I had several bruises on my arm but nothing major, I could easily handle it. I had to. The forecast called for more rain today so I could easily cover them with one of my long sleeved shirts.

I got up from my bed and went to the window- an involuntary reaction now since Edward used to be there waiting for me; standing near his car outside, waiting as always. I couldn't help but smile at the memories though they pained me.

I got dressed and made my way to school as usual; half expecting to see Edward's car or any of the other Cullen's there in the parking lot. The day had gone slowly much like it had the first time he left but rather than ignoring my friends, I sat with them.

"So where's Cullen," Mike had asked.

"Yeah," replied Jessica, "For the most part you two are inseparable.

"He's out of town," I said. What else could I tell them, that Edward and his family had gone off in search of some of Edward's biological family that he stumbled upon in which Edward had a strong feeling that they were somehow immortal too? No that wouldn't fly well at all.

"Why don't you just go with him," Mike asked.

Why did he have to say that? Of course I wanted to go with him, I would have given anything to be with Edward even if it meant risking my own human life but after my many close calls, Edward wouldn't have any of it.

"Charlie's the chief of police remember," I said to my group of friends, "I don't think it would look good if his daughter went out of town with the boyfriend he doesn't approve of."

"I guess you're right," Jessica said with her demeaning tone as always.

In a part I was right. Many "official" stories had been circulated about me and Edward. And having a father who was the chief of police certainly didn't help much. We just let people go on believing the stories while the truths were out own secrets.

I was too lost in those memories to realize that my friends were trying to get my attention. It took a thrown piece of food at me to wake me from my reverie.

"So what do you say, Bella," Eric said to me, "You in?"

"In for what," I asked needing him to repeat the question.

"La Push beach, we're all headed down Saturday."

La Push. Great. Surrounded by werewolves and not to mention Jacob Black. Given the tension there was, he was the last person I wanted to see and surely I would run into him at La Push.

"I can't this weekend," I lied which was all too common when it came to my friends. "I'm actually going hiking."

"You can't do that another time," Mike always asked the same question whenever I had to bail.

"Sorry, I had all ready set it for this weekend," I said shrugging a little.

"Well," said Angela, "Do you want us to tell Jacob 'hi' for you? We're bound to see him."

I looked down at my untouched food wishing she hadn't brought him up.

"No," I replied. "That's cool. Just- just don't tell him anything."

The rest of the day flew in a foggy haze. I somehow made my way home and up to my room. I put my school pack on the broken bed, then made my way to the closet and pulled out my duffle bag. I smiled at its significance: Edward had surprised me with it one afternoon.

"In case you have to leave home again," he said to me with a coy smile.

Packed inside were some hygiene products, a couple of books, some survival gear, and clothes that I would actually wear. It amazed me that he was somehow able to get past Alice on that.

I made my way downstairs leaving a not for Charlie on the fridge:

Gone hiking. Don't send the search parties. –Bella

Though I didn't give specifics as to exactly where I was going I figured it was better than nothing at all like I had done so many times before.

I made my way to the truck making sure the rest of my gear was there. Edward had made sure to leave some camping supplies and extra jackets underneath a tarp. I was good to go.