Chapter Twenty

Far from the truth, my heart lies, unspeakably silent, unable to fracture.

I could've killed him. But he just reminds me so much of the person I used to love, and now, he is that to which I do love. He broke me, and he had no clue that he did. He's clueless about the whole thing.

And I feel like I'm dying.

Jasper and Ace laid in Ace's window bed, french kissing each other passionately. Jasper didn't know if Ace knew, but Ace was being a lot more passionate and forceful with each kiss, swooping and diving in, showing his dominant side. Jasper, who was so used to a playful, childish Ace, was shocked by the odd turn of events.

Ace ignored Jasper's hesitation, pushing their bodies against each other harder. He wanted to feel Jasper—he needed to forget. He needed to block the pain, drown it in passion and lust. Ace slowly thrust his hips against Jasper's, eager to feel a more intimate sense between them.

Ace's hands felt unnaturally cold when they entered Jasper's Levi's, like they were frozen with no fire in the center. Jasper was too lost in the feel to ask about their skin resemblance now, though, putting it with the other ton of questions waiting to be answered in the back of his head.

Ace ran his hand through Jasper's soft pubic hairs, before he dove in for the kill. He grasped the base of Jasper's cock, brushing it with his thumb. Jasper hissed possessively, breaking apart from Ace's ferocious kiss and licking the side of his cheek and butterfly kissing down to his neck.

However, this was immediately stopped when Ace parted slowly. Jasper noticed his eyes were shut, despite their physical contact, and became worried. " something bothering you?"

Ace didn't reply at first, because he was to preoccupied with the approaching of Jasper's adoptive brother, Edward, awaking from the sleep Caleb had left him. But then, he shook his head solemnly, turning his head towards the window. He could feel the rays of sunlight his face through the glass.

Jasper realized this too, and verbalized his concern for it to bring some kind of conversation into the mix. He had never felt so awkward in a complete silence until he met the vociferous boy.

"Wow. I should call Edward and tell him that it's sunny. The forecast said it was supposed to be rainy all day, and all our senses told us the same..." Ace didn't reply, so Jasper mindlessly reached for his phone in his back pocket.

Ace caught his arm. "Don't."

Jasper just stared at him, wondering what was going on. "Ace...your worrying me."

Then, Jasper felt the presence of his older brother coming closer and closer, and he froze. Not seconds later was Edward standing in Ace's room, staring at Ace with...frightened eyes? Yes, his brother was also acting weird! His stance was totally out of the norm, legs apart and shoulders stiffer then a scared cat. His hands were clenched angrily, and the power of anger, sadness, and confusion radiating off him was baffling. Not to mention the look in his golden eyes.

"Tell me what he did to me..."

Jasper naturally sent waves of calming emotions out to him, but they barely effected Edward. Instead, Edward practically screamed his next line.


It was out of natural instinct that Jasper take a defensive stance in front of Ace, hissing at the wrathful Edward. "Edward, calm down," he ordered in a voice much like Carlisle's.

"No, he has a right to be pissed off." Jasper turned around, staring into Ace's face. What was with this attitude? Too caught up in his lover's actions, Jasper didn't notice when Edward ran for him and threw him against the wall. Then, he grabbed Ace's neck, forcing him 's eyes slowly opened, and Edward immediately let go, stumbling back. He was lost in the murderous tone in his oddly-displayed pupils, and at this moment, he felt like his whole body was on fire. He wanted to scream, but his mouth was nailed shut.

Then, it all stopped as Ace closed his eyes. Edward let out the breath he hadn't known he was holding. Ace's rather empty expression made both the brothers' wonder what was wrong—even if it, for Edward, was only a few seconds. This clear display of manipulative torture made Edward's anxiety level lessen, but he was still ready to get an answer.


Both vampires' ears' perked at Ace's words.

"...He let you sleep."

"What?!," Edward blurted out. Usually, Edward would act like Carlisle and think things through before he said things, but this was a different case.

"What I said. He let you sleep. He gave up everything...just to make you happy. The contract he made with 'It' is now completed. Soon, he will die. Just because he loved you. 'It'...will soon destroy him. And then, it will be like he never existed. You will not remember him. No one will. Not even me."

Edward and Jasper were speechless. They couldn't believe such shocking words had left Ace's mouth. Neither of them understood what Ace was talking about—Caleb was going to be killed? And everyone would forget about him?

There seemed to be only one way to find out what he was talking about.

"Ace...," Edward said, stepping forward. "Tell me about your brother. Tell me about Caleb"

Ace suddenly laughed—no, it was more of a chuckle. A very menacing, evil chuckle that Jasper had never dreamed would depart from Ace's lips.

"What does it matter, Cullen?" Cullen. "You've already killed him. Knowing about his past wont do anything."

"Then what's the problem with telling me?," Edward spat back.

A long, silence formed, one, that was filled with many words soon after.

Caleb's Story

"I was born one year after Caleb was born. The only thing was, though, that I was not born from the same male as he was. Caleb was the one who was my father's and mother's blood—I was the blood of my mother and a man that she had cheated with. For that reason, my father hated me. Every day, he would look down at me with a glare, and he would try to punish me any way possible. I didn't realize it then—it was too young. But Caleb did.

"I loved Caleb with all my heart. He was the one who took care of me after my mom died after being brutally murdered by my father. If Caleb hadn't cared for me, I would've died. If Caleb hadn't...." Ace paused. "If he hadn't protected me, I would've been murdered in the exact same way my mother was. But this time, instead of being drowned, I would've probably be set on fire. It was only till a certain day that a realized Caleb was being raped and abused by our father.

"There were times, when I would watch Caleb make breakfast or dinner—because father wouldn't make anything— thatI would notice the way he stiffened every time Father passed him. And, I would see Father's hand on his ass. At first, I thought he was just rubbing his back like a regular father does, but as I grew older, I found out more. I stayed in silence, however, because at that age, I didn't even know what was right or wrong...

"But then, one day, I actually saw them. In fact, they did it right in front of me. My Father and his best friend had come over, and they were, like usual, drunk. They were stumbling around, and Caleb was making me breakfast. When he heard them, he told me to go upstairs, but then, my father and his friend came in, and they had sick grins on their faces.

"My father grabbed Caleb by the hair and threw him against the wall. Caleb screamed, but my father didn't care. He just slapped him, and started stripping him. My father's friend tried coming at me, but Father listened to Caleb's pleads and told him not too. I didn't know what was happening at first, but then, when I saw dad stripping too, and then..." Ace clenched his fists. "...he started fucking him, and Caleb screamed. He screamed so much. He had tears too. And he was staring strait into my eyes. I was horrified. Father and his friend laughed at us. I didn't know what to do. I was frozen."

"But then, Father said his friend could touch me. And that's when everything exploded. Caleb suddenly kicked Father in the face, and he stood up, running to the cabinet, pulling out our biggest and sharpest butcher knife. My dad ran after him, and when Caleb turned, he slammed the knife into Father's heart. Father screamed and rolled around on the floor, and I watched all the blood. Father's friend left, but Caleb continued to thrust the knife into Father.

"He stopped when I ran over, crying. There was so much blood, and circles were spacing my eyes. I started to cry. I had never seen someone murdered—not even my mother's. I was only six. When Caleb saw me crying over Father's body, he dropped the knife, and tried to touch me. But I couldn't let him. He had murdered Father. He was covered in blood.

"Then, Caleb left. Caleb took a bath in a river not far from our house, to get all the blood off. He wondered around naked for a while, until he stole a pair of clothes from a store a few hours later. He wondered for the two years or so of his life, living off the streets. He stole most of the things he needed, like food and water.

"But something horrible happened while he was walking on the sidewalk one day. A car pulled up beside him. A man around the age of twenty was in it, and a boy around twelve was beside him. The man asked if he had a home, and where his parents were. Caleb said he didn't know. The man asked he wanted to come with him. Caleb wasn't stupid. He knew he wasn't supposed to drift with strangers, but since the boy was there, he knew it must've been okay. But he was wrong.

"After Caleb agreed, the man and boy tied him up and put him in the back of their car. Caleb stayed in their for hours upon hours, and then, the trunk opened. When the man pulled him out, he was in the middle of nowhere. All he could see was sand, and hard yellow land that had no life what so ever besides the dead brush. The only thing there was the camp-looking houses. Very old.

"The man forced him to walk, and then he threw him in a room with about twenty other boys. It was a cage-like room, because there were rusty fences. Hay covered the ground, and chickens were in there. Almost all the boys looked anorexic, and it was clear just by the look in their eyes that they were afraid. They were all naked. Caleb was soon stripped too. One night, everything was revealed to Caleb when all the boys were huddled into the wooden part of the cage. The door was locked behind them by the man. Caleb hadn't been fed in the week he had been there.

"The room had all these sorts of tools like screwdrivers and saws. Then, the man ordered one of the boys to kill the other. Caleb watched a boy kill another boy, and all the blood splatter. The boy screamed, and the murderer boy just cried. Then, a saw was given to Caleb, and he was told to kill the murderer boy.

"Caleb had had trauma boiling up inside him, and it all came back while he was forced to hack apart that boy. Caleb curled into a ball later and cried, and the man left. Caleb watched the other boys eat the two dead ones. The bones and the inedible parts would be buried with all the other carcasses.

"Caleb was forced to kill for a whole month, before a new boy came upon them, and formed an already worn out idea. They would escape. Late that night, the remaining boys—which was only about seven, climbed out underneath the fence. Luckily, they were all small enough to fit. But then, the alarm sounded. The man came out with a gun and started shooting anything he could find. Two boys were shot and killed. The rest got away, but then died from the heat, no food or water, and other stuff.

"No one ever found a city or anything...except Caleb. He managed to live. He collapsed on someone's doorstep, and was found in the morning. He was sent to the hospital, and took sanctuary there for three years. Two years he was in a coma, which they thought he would never get out of. But then he got out of it, and he spent the rest of the third year there with trauma therapy. It didn't work that well, because he ended up staying as an empty shell. The family that adopted him were very careful with him, and started him up in a highschool.

"People tried to pick on Caleb at first, but he never responded, so they soon stopped. Caleb was a walking corpse. He managed to keep up A's and B's in his class, and he never had to preform in P.E because of his trauma issue. No one bothered talking to him, because he never replied. Somehow, though, there was one person. His names was James.

"He looked allot like you, Edward. His attitude was very jock-ish, however, and he was the schools star quarter back. It was the day that Caleb decided he was going to commit suicide by jumping off the school building that he concluded he would leave a note in James's locker, telling him about his love for him.

"But James had read the note early and had already found Caleb the moment before he was about to step off. He wrapped his arms around him, telling him that he loved him back too. And for the first time in ten years, Caleb smiled

"Their relationship progressed, and they went on dates and stuff like that. Caleb became open more and more every time, and they even got so far as too sex. It was highschool graduation day when everything was destroyed.

"Caleb was nineteen, and James twenty. They had gone out to the park late at night to celebrate, and James was planning on giving Caleb the bracelet he had said he had liked. Caleb was very...innocent back then, even after his hardships.

"Out of the darkness, though, a man came up to them. He said that he needed payment. That he needed James's soul. But instead, Caleb told him that he could take his. He pleaded. When the man agreed, and Caleb's contract was formed, James forgot everything about him. He remembered nothing. No one did. Caleb was a shadow now. He learned he had to shut out the world around him or he would go insane, which practically crushed him since a lot of his life depended on music... So, now, Caleb was just empty. There was no way he could fall back in love with James, who was back with his girlfriend. He was hollow inside."

The silence that followed after Ace's long speech was unappealing. Ace turned his head to face the window, again. But this time, his heart surged. He pushed his lips together, but it was impossible to hold back his tears. He pressed his head against his legs, sobbed into the sheets.

I...Edward was speechless even to himself. Now, everything made sense. And he felt like a complete asshole.

Jasper sat by Ace once against, and pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you!," Ace cried into his shoulder. "I love you so fucking much!"

"I love you too," Jasper assured. He rubbed the back of Ace's head, trying to calm his lover. His eyes slid over to Edward for a second, before they slid back.

There was no need to see his pitiful face.

Edward grabbed his mouth, and he stared at the floor, feeling the urge to throw up. "Do you know where he is now?," he asked. Raped, abused, forced to kill, forced to break up with a loved one who would never remember you...

"I already told you, it doesn't matter."

Edward looked up, surprised. He met the now steel cold eyes of Caleb's not-so-complete brother. Looking inside those, it made him wonder what had happened to him. But it was a topic for another time.

"He's going to die, Edward. You can't stop it."

You can't do anything, you weak fool.

Sorry for:

Grammar Mistakes

Spelling Mistakes

Opposing Information

Other stuff you notice and complain about(just like i would xD)


What you need to do:




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(Authors Note: AND YA'LL CALLED CALEB AN ASSHOLE!!!!! Hehe, now you know! Does it hurt? Do you feel bad for hating him? You better! Hehe,wellz...I actually edited this, because I'm a good person. Review! CLICK THE GREEN BUTTON!)