As Harry and Draco prepared to leave they discovered their luggage was considerably heavier than when they had arrived. (Probably due to the huge book Hermione had given to each of them.) But Draco also discovered something else: he didn't want to leave. Harry noticed something was bothering him and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing, really. I've just enjoyed being able to spend all day with you. It's gonna be hard to go back to not seeing each other as often," Draco answered.

"Yeah, I know. And I thought it was hard to go back to school at the end of the summer. It's even harder now," Harry said.

"Well, we'll make it work, don't worry. I love you, my Angel," Harry said softly nuzzling Draco's neck.

"I love you too, Harry, and I always will," Draco said hugging him.

"Get a room," Ron said jokingly as he walked in.

"We have a room, you just happen to be in it," Draco told him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Mum says we have to leave soon," he told them before hurrying out of the room. Harry giggled.

"Well then it's a good thing we had the common sense to pack last night, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Draco agreed smiling. He kissed Harry softly and ran his fingers through his messy black hair. He loved Harry's hair.

Sirius bounded into the room in dog form carrying a small cloth bag in his mouth. He set it down on the floor and turned back into a man. He bent over and took two small framed mirrors out of the bag.

"Sorry I didn't give these to you on Christmas, but it took me forever to figure out where I left the book with the spell in it. These are two way mirrors. Remus and I used similar ones to talk to each other over holidays when we weren't together. I figured they might come in handy seeing as you two aren't in the same house. And Remus and I still have our old ones, so if either of you needs to talk to one of us you can. Just say the name of the person you want to talk to into the mirror and you can see and hear each other," Sirius explained handing them each a mirror.

"Wow, thanks, Sirius!" Harry said. "(See? I told you we'd make it work)," he added to Draco.

"I never doubted it," he grinned. "Thanks, Sirius."

"You're welcome,"

"Harry! Draco! We need to leave!" Mrs Weasley called.

"Go on. And I'll expect at least one of you to call me sometime," Sirius said pushing them out the door.