I don't own Sm or Gw.

Hotaru Tomoe, princess of Saturn was dancing on air. She couldn't be happier. She was turning fifteen in two days. Hotaru had no idea that at that age she was to be married. In fact her parents were already looking for a young man of the right stature to wed their young daughter. Hotaru had, had a rough life. At the age of three she had been abandoned by her biological parents, she had been put in an orphanage where she had been teased relentlessly about her pale skin and large violet eyes. Hotaru had been adopted at the age of thirteen. She hadn't talked to anyone for the past two years until a couple of months ago when two girls had finally broken her silence wall by figuring out that Hotaru was a Sailor Senshi just like them, those girls were Minako Winner, and Rei Barton. They had been Hotaru's first and only friends for a very long time. (Minako is married to Quatre Winner the sole heir to the Winner fortune, and Rei is married to Trowa Barton a former Gundam pilot and a friend of Quatre's who also is a Gundam pilot.) Both Mina and Rei knew that the young princess was going to be married but they hadn't said anything at all. In fact they didn't want to because they knew that Hotaru's parents were very strict, the marriages were always arranged on the planet of Saturn, and the king and queen had to follow their own laws. Of course, the princess would have to marry someone rich and powerful, so her parents were looking into all the famous princes of the other planets and their moons. They had found a particular young man who was of the right stature and age to marry Hotaru, all that was left was to introduce them, and make them love each other. The Senshi knew that Hotaru's parents were making arrangements for the young man and his family to come and visit them in Saturn's grandest and largest palace, but they weren't sure if Hotaru would care to stick around if she found out that she was to have an arranged marriage.

" Brother," Hotaru called out " Where are you, we are supposed to be training right now and as far as I can tell we aren't."

" Alright, I'm coming, you've made me come out of hiding, Firefly, are you happy?" said a young man who had cobalt blue eyes and long chestnut hair that was pulled back into a braid.

        " I'll be happy when we are in the training room and I'm kicking your ***." She replied sarcastically.

        " Hey, watch your language, ladies aren't supposed to talk like that." The young man whose name was Duo said with a twinkle in his eye. " Who said you were going to beat me today anyway, I think I'm tired of letting you win."

        " What! You don't let me win I win on my own, you've never let me win a thing in my life." She yelled before realizing that her older brother was joking. Duo laughed after his little sister finally realized that he was joking around. It was true he'd never let her win anything; she had always beaten him although she was smaller and sicklier than him.

In the training room

The room they had entered was lined with mirrors. On one wall there was an assortment of weapons, including a long deadly looking glaive, and Duo's trademark weapon the scythe. On another wall were all sorts of weights and other workout tools. The last wall was covered in gear; each piece had the royal insignia of Saturn on it. The entire floor of the room was covered in black mats.

        " Well brother, are you ready to be beaten?" Hotaru asked coming out of a room dressed in black athletic pants and a dark purple shirt.

        " Are you ready to beat me?" he asked lightly.

        " Let's go." She replied, picking up the glaive off its stand. Hotaru readied herself while her brother went to get his scythe. They both took their fighting positions Hotaru was ready to try something new, so she gave up her usual offensive position and took the defensive.


       That is definitely a cliffie. My first cliffie my friends would be so proud. Anywayz pleez review cuz I won't write anymore if ya don't cuz that means no one is reading my story so there is no point in writing it so I won't waste my time.