Author's Note:

I put my truck in a ditch the other day and was stranded in butt-fuck nowhere Michigan for several hours, freezing until I finally got a hold of someone to come and get me. I was there from 12:30 am to 2:45 am. Miserable. Oh well, I'm alive and well, so might as well continue writing this story.

Chapter V

Cold. Icy. L leaned over the sleeping Light and dumped a cup of water on his face.

"What the fuck?" Light shouted as he jumped off the couch and rolled onto the floor. "What the hell was that for?"

"You needed to wake up. You have a lot to do today, and your plane leaves in two hours." L said as he shuffled into the kitchen to make himself some tea. Grabbing a lollipop, he dunked it into the dark mixture and began to stir as he made his way back to Light; climbing up on a chair and sitting down with his knees pulled close to his chest.

"Plane? How the hell do you think I'm going to get on an airplane with a bomb strapped around my neck?"

"You underestimate my connections, Light," L said while taking a long sip of tea. His eyes peering over the cup, never leaving Light. "The file on the coffee table is yours. The innocent target you're saving is Adam Forrester. When he was a boy, the organized crime group known as Dark Terror took him in and began his training. Despite a constant surrounding of evil, he managed to remain pure. Eventually destroying the organization from within. He has never killed anyone, and wishes to escape a life of violence."

Light opened the file and began to thumb through the papers. Between two pages was a picture. Hair so blond it could be white, with ice blue eyes that seemed to shimmer in front of the camera. A thin neck and subtle jaw line brought his quaint features to life and amplified his beauty. "This pretty boy took down a mob group?"

Nodding his head, L continued, "Not everyone in the group was pleased with Dark Terror's destruction, after several hit-men tried to take him down, he decided it would be best to leave the country. Tonight, he is taking a plane out of Los Angeles, California and heading to Japan. We received a tip off that there will be an assassin waiting for him on the airplane. Make sure that Adam arrives safely, and your one step closer to freedom." L's mouth twitched as he finished speaking. Grabbing the candy out of his tea, he put it in his mouth and crunched down on the hard substance.

Light stood up, changed clothes, and took the file before heading out the door without another word. Waiting outside for him was a car and Watari. The elderly gentleman smiled and opened the door. Climbing in, Light watched as the cityscape passed before his eyes.

Before long, buildings turned to trees, and trees turned to fields. Up ahead, Light could see a concrete clearing with a small airplane stranded there. Watari parked the car, opened Light's door, and led them to the plane.

"If you would watch your head when you climb aboard, but be quick now, we don't have much time to waste." Light nodded and crawled into the passenger side of the cock pit. Watari climbed in on the other side, put on his headset, and prepped the plane for flight.

"I didn't think you could hardly see," Light scoffed, "Let alone fly an airplane."

Watari smiled back at the joke, without losing his grin, he responded, "Well, let's just hope my poor eyesight doesn't deceive me to the point where I accidently shove you out of the plane while we're over the Pacific." Light's cocky smile dropped instantly while Watari chuckled to himself.

Endless ocean passed beneath for hours. Just as the sun began to hover behind them, Light saw the glimmering coast of California. "Exactly how did plan for me to board a plane with a bomb strapped to me?"

"If you'll look in the back, there is a duffle bag with a flight attendant uniform. The collar of the shirt was altered so that it could discreetly cover the explosive. You will board once everyone else has gone through the checks. We have already notified the pilot of your presence so no one will consider you suspicious. Your main goal is to ensure that Adam arrives safely to Japan, and prevent anyone who attempts to harm him."

As they landed on the tarmac, Light crawled into the back and began to dress as the flight attendant. Stepping out of the plane, he was led by Watari to a large passenger jet, where the pilot awaited them and the steps.

"Mr. Yagami, Mr. Watari. Thank you for coming today. The subject is sitting in coach class, awaiting take-off."

"Thank you, Mr. Hanson," Watari said with a bow, "Special Agent Yagami will guarantee that everyone arrives safely."

"Why isn't the plane just grounded if there is a threat of attack?" Light asked.

Watari responded, "It is imperative that Adam gets out of the country immediately. Also, this is a chance to roundup a remaining member of Dark Terror. There is a gun sewn into the inside of your jacket. You are not to reveal your fire arm to anyone unless absolutely necessary. The other passengers are not to know there is any threat."

The group shook hands before everyone turned away. Following the pilot into the plane, Light looked back and watched as Watari drove off. The pilot directed him to wear the flight attendants wait. Strapping himself in, Light closed his eyes and felt as the airplane began to pick up speed. Faster and faster until it lifted from the ground and broke free into the sky above.

Most of the flight was boring. As Light would walk across the aisle, he watched Adam do nothing of particular interest: reading a book, looking out the window, or taking a nap. It wasn't until the target stood up, unbuckled his belt, and his way to the restroom.

Light watched as another passenger, sitting three rows back, got up and began to follow Adam to the back. Feeling the gun against his breast, Light began walking towards them. As Adam tried to shut the door, the other passenger shoved his foot into the opening and forced his way in.

Quickening his pace, Light reached the door just as he heard the click of the lock slide into place. The other passengers looked back as the sounds of a commotion ensued. Smiling at them, Light knocked on the door several times. All fell silent. Using a key the pilot had given him, Light opened the door. A pair of hands grabbed him and pulled him into the restroom.

"Hello. I suppose you were the one sent to protect me?" Adam said. Behind him was the body of the other man, slumped over on the toilet with a small trickle of blood coming out of his mouth. Lying just out of reach of his hand was a scalpel.

Light's eyes widened with panic as he tried to piece together what happened, "W-who was he?" he stuttered.

"He is a council member for Dark Terror, holding the position known as 'The Doctor.' Don't worry, he's not dead, merely unconscious."

"I don't understand what this is all about, I was sent here to protect some innocent kid who got out of a mob, and-"

Adam shushed him, "It doesn't matter. Consider your job done. Once I'm in Japan, I should be safe, and, as you can see, I am more than able to protect myself." Adam turned to walk away, but stopped suddenly before looking back. "Innocent? Innocent?" He chuckled to himself, "Well, I suppose, depending on your definition of 'innocent.'" With that he cupped his hand around Light's crotch and ran his tongue against his ear. Smiling back at him, Adam said, "Goodbye forever, Stranger."

Once Adam stepped out, Light locked the door behind him and went to the pilot. Using an American agent who was also on the plane, they took the body of 'The Doctor' and detained him in a small supply closet. For the rest of the trip, Light simply looked out the window and awaited the sites of his home country.

One life saved, though he did nothing to help. God knows how many more L had planned for him, and the odds were against everyone being this easy to help.

Still. As they hovered above Japan, gliding through the night sky, he eagerly thought of returning to L. Every little thing the detective did drove Light into a frenzy. The times that he had already taken L burned brightly in his memory. Even now, his greatest desire wasn't to break free from the detective, but instead to hold him. To feel his nails dig into his back and their breath pant in unison. He wanted to hear L scream out into the night before biting his lip and whispering into his ear.

For the first time in a long time, he felt something move inside him. Something beyond the physical restraints of lust, he felt a human emotion squeeze his heart and hold tight. With a small breath, he muttered, "L," as a single tear broke from his eye and made its way across his cheek. For the first time, he felt love.

After Note:

Not much to say about this chapter, pretty much just a shout out to y'all who've read my Abusive Heart series. Though I did take the opportunity to show Light develop emotion towards L, just to show that the blooming love isn't one sided. And for those who enjoyed the darker aspect of the earlier chapters, there's still plenty of horrible things yet to happen ;)

Oh, and I dyed my hair black! I uploaded a picture to my profile, so now you all can know what I look like! Wait… maybe that's not a good idea… please don't stalk me .

(Though feel free to message me at anytime, I like talking to ya'll ^.^)