Yay! First SasukexSakura fic ever! Im so excited to write this!

Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto. -Tears-

Domineering What's Mine



You'll notice me, even if I have to rip you apart

So Be a good girl, and pay attention to me



"Please! Please don't leave.. Please.."




With swift movements the girl is knocked unconscious and falling helplessly. Catching her with an outstretched arm he holds her tightly to his chest before softly placing her on the bench.

"Thank you..Sakura."

Deep black eyes close for a moment and every feeling he ever had for the village and the people residing in it was thrown away. He never cared for the girl, but he did, however, realize how much in pain she was going through to keep him here. He couldn't stay.

She should of known she couldn't keep him here. Foolish, stupid, girl. Stupid..stupid..

He never looked back.





Sakura sat up with a bolt and nearly knocked over all the papers littered on her hardwood desk. Blinking, she peered around the room finding herself in her kitchen.. Again. This always happened.

Shed come home from a hard days work in the hospital and crash on her kitchen table after spending hours filling out paperwork and studying intently out of her 'evil' -as Naruto refers to them as- books. Always waking up with her head shooting from her arms lying on her kitchen table and trying to recover from horribly bad dreams of him.

Yes, him as in..

Bastard, arrogant, egotistical, rude, self centered, asshole, jerk, know-it-all, prick.

A.k.a. - Uchiha Sasuke.

She had stopped having dreams about him after a year or two of his departure. Given a lot of personal emotional support by her best friend, Ino, she managed to get over the Uchiha prodigy and move on. She still thought about him, imagined him here with her every so often, but never ever had dreams about him since the two years of her recovery of him. Ironic that they should start back up when he comes back.


The bastard finally came back after 5 years. 5 very hard, lonely, painful, not to mention stressful, years.

When he came back the only person that he told everything to was Naruto. It was amazing the lady Tsunade even let the prick back here. In fact, Sakura would of liked it a lot better if he would of stayed away forever. He was quicksand to her. She would forget about him but the moment he returned her emotional wall was almost crushed by the mere mention of his arrival.

And it pissed her off.

No. She absolutely refused to be in love with him anymore. That was the problem she was having right now. It wasn't the fact that he was back, it was how she reacted to his coming back. She refused to allow herself to fall back into another one of her I-love-you-so-much-I'll-do-anything-for-you acts. She would no longer be that little girl that followed him around and loved him with all her heart.

Everything she ever felt for him was ripped from her chest the moment he chose revenge over them. The moment he turned his back on her and left.


That's what hurt the most. He left. Didn't bother to try and let anyone help him through it. didn't bother to tell anyone he was hurting. He was filled with so much fuckin pride the bastard kept it all pent up inside until it finally broke and spilled over. His heart was bleeding with revenge and anger, he turned his back on everything that ever cared about him. And now he wanted to come back home and try to get everything that loved him, back?

There are just some things even the people you love cant forgive.

At least, not her. Naruto is such a forgiving person, and one of the only people to greet him and treat him like family again. The sad thing about it though was that it honestly didn't take long for things to fall back into place. Naruto and Sasuke did everything together, Kakashi tagged along, and even Tsunade acknowledged the boy as a ninja of the leaf without much thought.

It hurt her so much.

Because out of everyone she was the one that hurt the most over his departure. Naruto was in pain, but managed to get distracted by missions or meeting with other friends to keep his mind off of it. She didn't have the liberty of that. Stuck inside her office all the time she was unintentionally being forced to think of him. Being left alone left her to her thoughts. Which were always about him.

When he came back she never went to go see him. Even after a week of his return she never made any sort of appearance. She stayed completely to herself and she liked it that way. Things would be better for her if she never saw his face at all. She avoided the raven haired boy at all costs.

Tsunade never questioned her openly about her sudden distance and dramatic change in behavior. She already knew the reason and never wanted to bug Sakura with the meaningless question of -are you alright?- because she already knew the answer.

It was hard.

Very hard.

Trying to ignore the childish im-still-in-love-with-him side of her. She buried herself in study and work just to keep her mind off of it all. Asked Tsunade for more missions so that she would be as far away from him as possible. Anything and everything she could think to do to keep from even thinking of the Uchiha prodigy. And to her utmost relief, it was almost always complied.

But she knew that eventually all this façade would have to end and shed be stuck facing the boy sooner or later. Whether it be on a mission or simply by passing by. She vowed however that when that day came she would be ready. She would meet his gaze only when it was needed and speak only when it was necessary.

She would never question him or ask of anything of him while he was gone for so long. Because she didn't care. Never would she cry or obsess or beg in his presence. Everything about him made her sick to her stomach. It was a good thing she had Ino and Naruto. They were her best friends in the whole world and she would gladly give her life to protect them.

Especially Naruto. Stupid knucklehead that he was.

A smile adorned the females face. Her thoughts of Narutos happy and grinning face always made her day. He truly was the best friend anyone could ask for. And he went through so much abuse and pain just to make her dreams come true.

She felt a tinge of guilt twist in her gut. Naruto went through so much to bring Sasuke back and now that the bastard was back she didn't give a fuck. Its ok though. Narutos happy with the boy being back so at least it paid and worked out for someone.

Scanning around her kitchen she looked to the clock on the wall above her stove. 5:49 in the morning. Great. Sighing in annoyance at her lack of sleep lately she stood slowly from her seat and rubbed the back of her neck gently.

"Hrmm.. I think I'll just go to the hospital."

Frowning to herself she looked down at the large pile of papers and books on her table. She really needed to make herself a work bench or something, the pile was starting to get too back up and papers were nearly falling off the edges of the table.

Stretching her arms into the hair and sighing happily when her back cracked she lazily trudged up the stairs for a nice warm shower.

She had a feeling today was going to be a very long one.


"Ah! Miss Haruno you're here early!" A woman behind the counter piped up cheerfully. As said pink haired kunoichi walked through the entrance of the hospital.

Sakura smiled gently at the girl. The best part about coming here in the morning was because, even though she didn't know the girls name, that girl was always happy and cheerful to people. The girl probably had no idea that the simple cheerful hello pretty much made he whole morning.

The smile turned more heart felt when she thought about this. Stepping forward she signed her name in the sign in sheet and quickly put the date and time. With the smile never leaving her lips she waved a quick goodbye to the extremely nice girl and happily walked down the long hospital hall and stepped into her room.

Closing it behind her she made her way with unhurried steps to her little desk at the very corner of the room and opened one of her medical books to a spot she stopped and began reading from where she last left off. So engrossed in her book she didn't really notice her door open.

"Miss Haruno?" The cheerful woman asked calmly. Sakura looked up and blinked for a moment before smiling to the young woman.


"I came to tell you that lady Tsunade came by not too long ago and told me to tell you to come see her as soon as you showed up. Im sorry I forgot to tell you when you first walked in." The woman's face turned into a frown.

Sakura immediately stood up and nodded. The look on the girls face was really bothering her though. It was a lot better if she smiled, a sad face really didn't fit the young woman.

"Hey don't worry about it. It happens." Flashing the girl with a last smile she exited the room and quickly made her way out of the hospital.

"By Sakura!" The woman called down the hall to her. Sakura smiled to herself.

Feet clamping roughly on the cement she made her way hurriedly to the hokage's office. Hopefully the stubborn woman would finally give her another mission and get her the hell out of here.

'Cross your fingers girly.' Inner Sakura spoke hopefully.

Sakura sucked in a breath when she entered the large building. She calmly made her way to Tsunades office, smiling and saying a lot of 'good mornings' and 'thank you's' to the chatty people in the building. Either they were telling her good morning or telling her she looked in a good mood.

Sakura was all happy and smiles when she arrived to the blonde Sanin's door. Knocking on it she waited for the loud 'come in' before opening the door and stepping inside.

"Good morning Sakura."

Sakura looked ahead towards Tsunade and stopped right in front of her desk.

"Good morning Tsunade. You requested my appearance?" She asked happily.

"Yes I did, I figured you'd be up so I sent for you. I wanted to tell you that your request for a mission has been granted."

Clapping her hands together Sakura grinned widely.

"Cha! A mission to get the hell out of here!"

"So, What is the mission?" Sakura hopped from one foot to the other rather impatiently. Happily impatient though.

"Word has come in from our spies that there is criminal activity happening in a little village just outside of Konoha. Normally we wouldn't bother much with it, however a description of what the man looked like had me deciding to send reinforcements."

Sakura listened intently, pursing her lips together tightly in thought.

"Who?" Sakura finally asked.

"Akatsuki. Apparently Kisame was spotted around there, I'll need you to get over there as quickly as possible and see if he's still there. If he is, kill him."

Tsunade put the folder of Kisames profile in front of her and leaned back in her large chair. Taking the portfolio from the desk, Sakura calmly looked it over and peered at the woman from above the top of the folder.

"What if he's not?"

"Come back here with your team immediately. Be sure to ask questions. Even if he already got away I want to know if there is anything new on him. Any information we can find will benefit us."

Nodding her head she slowly tucked the folder under her right arm and eyed her mother-like idol with a calm stare.

"Who will be accompanying me?"

There was a sudden twitch to the woman's lips, not a good sign. Narrowing her eyes, Sakura couldn't help but know that something was up.

"You'll see."


"Be here in a couple of hours. You are to leave immediately." Gaping at the fact that she was just cut off, Sakura crossed her arms over her chest in protest. Oh yah, something was definitely up.


"You are dismissed Sakura. Pack everything your going to need. Now shoo! I've got things to do in here."

Sighing in exasperation Sakura slumps slightly and turns her back on her idol and trudges out the door. She felt like her 'mother' was keeping secrets from her and it was really getting to her. Tsunade almost never kept things from her.

Rolling her eyes at herself she hurried home to pack all of her things, ignoring her stomachs sudden twist of unease.


Sakura sat gently on the edge of her bed, her already packed bag lying on the floor a few steps away from her feet. She thought silently to herself.

The moment she got home she had packed all of her belongings in about an hour. What was she supposed to do now? Should she go see Tsunade? After all the elder woman didn't say exactly when to be there, a simple 'couple hours' was all she said.

A couple hours seemed rather boring and annoying to her, she wanted to get the hell outta here now. She was rather proud of herself for being able to avoid the damn Uchiha for almost two months now.

"You go girl!" Inner Sakura cheered bringing a smile to Sakuras lips.

"Now what?" She sighed to herself and walked calmly towards her little bag.

Sakura had taken her time by packing her little ninja bag and taken another shower to ease her nerves. Kunai's, poisons, and Chinese stars all packed neatly in her little pack. With her hair still wet and clinging to her neck she ruffled her hair a bit to get it to un-stick.

Clipping it along her waist she walks to the mirror on her dresser next to her bed and grabs a brush from inside one of the drawers. She eyes her reflection as she brushes her hair. Who in the hell was going with her? This was surely a new thing for her to do, its not often she isn't told who she'll be with on a mission. In fact now that she thought about it, whenever she was supposed to go on a mission with someone they were always in the same room as her getting the necessary info.

Slamming the brush on the dresser Sakura scowls at her reflection.

"Just who the hell am I going with?"

Deciding at that moment that she wasn't going to wait any longer she stalks out of her apartment room and hurries down the stairs and out into the sidewalk. With a couple of hours to spend she might as well go see Ino before she leaves. There would be hell to pay when she got back if she didn't say goodbye to the crazy blonde.

Sometimes she wondered just how in the hell she would of ever gotten over Sasuke if it wasn't for that crazy get-in-your-face blonde. How? She didn't even want to really think of the answer. For she was sure, in the pit of her heart, that she would have been broken and in pieces if it wasn't for her. Sakura owed Ino so much, and 'thank you' just didn't seem to be enough in Sakura point of view. Ino disagreed, telling her that that's what friends do.


It felt good to know that Ino was her friend. Not only her friend but her best friend, besides Naruto of course. That woman is the only person that could ever really hold her up mentally. Because Naruto, though he was her other best friend, he did not have the nature to help a crying and mentally crushed woman get back on her feet. She needed someone to cry with, someone to know and share her 'love' pain. Ino was the only one that could do that.

Suddenly finding herself in front of the typical flower shop Sakura couldn't help but shake her head. She'd been thinking again and lost track of time or rather where she was even going. Her feet just magically took her here.

"Ino Pig!" Sakura called loudly.

Almost immediately the blonde was out of the shop and pulling Sakura into a swift hug. Ino always smelled so organic, it was a real pretty smell. Hugging the girl back with the same amount of force she stepped back after a minute and grinned at her best friends bright smile.

"Forehead. What are you doing here, huh? Thought you'd be at the hospital or something." Ino walked calmly back into the flower shop, Sakura followed.

"Yah I was but Tsunade called me for a mission." The pink haired girl spoke softly as she walked passed different types of beautiful flowers.

"Oh, really? Heh. So you came by to tell me you were leaving?" The petite blonde looked at her best friend over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow and grinned.

"Listen pig! You'd throw all hell if I didn't." Sakura playfully glared at her best friend.

"Damn right I would forehead! Now come here I got something for you." Motioning with a flick of her hand Ino walked behind the desk and pulled out a very small pink box. "I was hoping I'd see you today. I found something that I want to give back to you."

Blinking Sakura grabbed the tiny box and raised an eyebrow in Inos direction. There was a sad smile on her face and it made Sakura's insides twist. It seemed that whatever was in this little box made Ino some-what upset. Why it was being given to her, she didn't know. Opening it would be the only way to find out.

"Hurry up forehead. And I expect you to wear it too." Ino stated softly.

Opening up the tiny box Sakura nearly dropped the box when a pretty red bow came into her view. The very sight of it brought back too many memories. It had been the token of hers and Ino's friendship a long time ago. A time before he came into the picture.

Now she had another reason to hate the arrogant Uchiha. It was his fault that she and Ino stopped being friends so long ago. It was all his fault, if he wouldn't of gotten both of their attention maybe they would have never stopped being friends.

"Hey, you know that's not right to blame your own faults on someone else." Inner Sakura spoke softly.

What?! It was his fault! Sakura angrily shouted at her inner self.

"No, it was your fault. If I recall, you were the one that broke your friendship with Ino because you found out she liked Sasuke too. Its your fault."

Sakura winced at the bitter memory. Yes. It was true. She hated to admit it and agree with her inner self but the truth was the truth. She had done that, and it was her fault. A strange emotion of regret pained her chest. How much pain did Ino go through when she had dropped their friendship over a boy? What a lousy friend.

Looking up at Inos saddened face Sakura almost wanted to break down and cry. Her best friend, oh what the hell was she thinking when she did that!? What was wrong with her? How could anyone throw away their friendship over a boy? It was just sickening!

What kind of a person does that make me?

"A typical one. Everyone makes mistakes Sakura. Its up to you to realize them and learn from it. Take the bow and wear it for her. You know that's what she wants…"

Grabbing the bow from the box she carefully places said box on a rack and walking over to Ino, handing it to the blonde. Pain almost immediately flashes through the girls eyes and her best friend looks away in anger. Sakura frowned at the reaction and suddenly realized her mistake.

She looked like she was giving the ribbon back to her.

Trying to cover for her really retarded mistake she quickly asks, "Ino you mind putting it on for me please?"

Whipping her head back to Sakuras, Inos face brightens immediately. The sadness her eyes clearly gone, the ribbon is snatched from the pink girls soft hands and roughly turned around. He hair is lifted up so that the bow can be tied around her head, unfortunately it doesn't fit.

"Damnit forehead! Your heads too damn big!" Ino huffs in annoyance.

"Pig! Try it again!"

"What!? You want me to rip it or something? No way, its not gonna fit around that big head of yours."

Sakura turned to face her best friend with a glare. She was about to retort something when a sudden gasp came from the blonde. She had an idea apparently. Skipping to behind the large counter she pulls up a pair of scissors.

"Oh my god! Your not going to cut my hair are you?!" Sakura shrieked in horror.

Hell no!

Rolling her eyes at the pink headed girl Ino cuts the ribbon in half and places the scissors back on the top of the desk.

"Don't be an idiot forehead. I just came up with a great way for us both to have a piece of this and for it to fit your head."

Raising an eyebrow at the half cut piece of ribbon Sakura blanches at the absurd statement.

"Cutting it in half will make it fit? Ino have you completely lost it-"

"Don't be so narrow minded. Now stand still."

Grabbing a nice thickset of hair from the right side of Sakuras head Ino quickly ties a little bow at the top of the strand and leaves enough of the red bow so that there still two pieces hanging halfway down her hair. Stepping back she eyes it for a moment then grins.

"Yep, that'll do just fine." Smiling to herself Sakura doesn't even bother to see if it looks okay, she already knows it does.

"Thanks Ino." Sakura says softly then hugs her best friend.

"So what's the mission?" The blonde finally asks.

"Kisame was seen around a tiny village not too far from Konoha." Inos body became rigid. Staring at Sakura with shock.

"What? So your being sent alone?" Ino frowned deeply.

"No I've got two other people going with me." Nodding to herself Ino suddenly raises an eyebrow.


"I don't know." Both eyebrows go up now.

"Tsunade didn't tell you or something?"


"Hrmm..I wonder why." Ino thought, confusion written all over her face.

"Yah me too. Whatever I'm going to go see her now anyways." Nodding her head Ino takes Sakura into another fierce hug and takes a step back.

"Be careful wont you forehead? If anything happens to you im going to raise hell." Sakura couldn't help but grin at her friend.

"Sure pig. I promise I'll be careful."

Turning her back on her friend she walks calmly out of the shop and heads towards the hokages office. Not really caring at this point whether shes there early she breaks off into a decent jog.


Knock. Knock. Knock.




"Lady Tsunade? Are you in there?" Sakura calls through the other end of the door. Just what the hell was that woman doing anyways?

Sakura waited for a moment then glares at the door. Grasping the knob she forces the door open and walks into the room blinking.

"Tsunade-sama are you alright?" Sakura raises an eyebrow as she stares at a familiar back.

"Ah, come in Sakura." Tsunade finally speaks, leaning to the right to peer around the ninja and get a view of Sakura.

"Sakura!" Naruto whirls around and smiles broadly at her.

"Hey Naruto." The blonde Ninja embraces her in a rough hug and grins widely.

"Guess what!? Granny Tsunade said were going to be going on a mission together!" Naruto cheered happily and grinned at her, never loosening his tight hug.

"Really? About time." Sakura spoke softly a faint smile adorning her lips.

God she hadn't been on a mission with Naruto in forever! Maybe it was a little over exaggerated but whatever, point is its been a while. Happiness filled her heart at the thought. Finally! Some time with her best friend without him being around. Naruto didn't know how much she missed having him around.

Wrapping her arms around the blonde she leans her head against his shoulder and closes her eyes. It felt good to be embraced like this again, he really did want to beat and pummel that arrogant asshole for stealing Naruto away from her.

"Yah! And lucky for us the Teme is going as well!" Sakura suddenly stiffened against him. He didn't seem to notice.

Time stopped.

Did he just say-?

"Sure did."

Oh no!

"Now now, don't panic.."

Don't panic!? The reason why I wanted a mission was so that I wouldn't have to be near him! How could she do this to me!

Sakura couldn't keep herself from shooting her idol an accusing glare, betrayal reflected in her green irises. Turning her head in the other direction she refused to look at her former 'mother.' How could she do this to her? How? She knows how much she detested him and yet she is purposely teaming him up with her.

Sakura couldn't keep herself from glaring more fiercely, her gaze baring daggers into the wall she was currently staring at. It was no wonder Tsunade wouldn't tell her who was coming with them. This was obviously the reason. But why though? Why out of all the other ninja did it have to be him!

I cant believe she's doing this to me..

"It's ok Sakura. Remember what we talked about, just ignore him and pretend he's not even there."

Your right. I'll be fine. No need to worry. I'll be able to get through this no problem.

Her inner self shook her head and looked unconvinced. Its ok. Sakura wasn't really convinced by her own words either. Still, there was nothing else she could do besides handle the situation with cold stares and an uncaring attitude.

"That's..great..Naruto…" Sakura trailed off, forcing herself to pretend to be thrilled by the idea.

"Yah! It'll be just like before! Right Sakura? Good 'ol Team 7!"

Sakura inwardly growled. Yah good ol fuckin team 7. Snapping her gaze towards Tsunade again she noticed the woman looked completely uncaring of the predicament she was in. It amazed her, no, down right infuriated her to see her teacher look so uncaring at her misfortune. That she did! That was the worse part about it!


"Hey, where is the Teme anyways?"

As if on cue the door to Tsunades office opened. She knew it was him immediately, no other person but Sasuke could have such a dark yet soft aura about them. It seemed almost fitting that he had a darkness about him. Still, she refused to let her body stiffen or have her heart pound wildly.

No no no no! She wasn't going to do this. She just needed to calm down and things will be ok. He isn't there.

"Say it with me Sakura, he isn't there."


"Hes not there."

Hes..not..there.. Sakura thinks softly.

"That's right. He is not there."

Becoming more confident with the thoughts floating in her head she softly nods to herself. She could do this, she knows she can.

Hes not there. Sakura states and smiles to herself.

"Ah, Sasuke, there you are." Tsunade called softly. "Now that your all here, you know what needs to be done. You may leave now."

Dismissing them immediately, Sakura gently pulled out of Narutos hug and took a step back. Nodding her head she turned around.

He was standing right in front of her.


Not at her, mind you, but he was staring in her obvious direction.

"Don't look at his eyes! Just walk right passed him and pretend he doesn't exist!" Her inner commanded.

I am I am! Jeez.

Listening to her inner self she looked only at the door and walked right passed him without any emotion on her face. Getting used to the idea of carrying around the same stoic expression as the Uchiha Sakura didn't even notice what he looked like. Cause she wasn't looking at him.

Making her way out of the door she almost leaped for joy at her bravery and obvious triumph. Oh hell yah! She should get a gold star or something for that! Walked passed him and didn't even notice him at all.

"Great start! Now you just need to get through the whole rest of the mission."

Sakura's happy moment immediately died and she found herself itching to get away. Her inner was right though, how the hell was she going to get through the rest of this mission?

Surely I cant completely ignore his existence on this mission.. She thought.

"Or can you?"

Oh how Sakura loved how evil her inner self could be. Her conscience sure did help her when she really needed it. Thank god for being a freak and talking to herself.

Think we can do it?

"I know we can. It'll be like he doesn't even exist."

It was odd how Sakura liked the idea of him never existing. A smile formed on her face.

"Sakura!" She nearly fell forward when arms encircled her from behind.

"Naruto." Light laughter escaped her lips as she choked his name out.

Untangling herself from the hyperactive blonde she turned around and ruffled his hair in a friendly manor and began walking towards the konoha gates.

Sasuke didn't comment nor pay any attention to anything that was going on and calmly walked beside Naruto who was chatting as usual. Mainly to himself since no one was really listening.

"Sakura I like the bow in your hair!" Naruto piped, smiling widely at her.

She turned to face Naruto. She really did adore the blonde boy. It was a bit of a shame the he belonged to Hinata. If he didn't she might of actually thought him as something more than just a friend. Shaking her head at the boy's compliment she looked up to the bright beautiful sky and only smiles wider when Naruto pushes her gently.

"Come on Sakura! Im bored."

"Dobe, we havnt even made it to the gates yet." The Uchiha commented lowly.

Sakuras insides almost melt. Oh god. Deep, masculine, silky smooth, and yet so mysterious. Damnit! She was so not thinking about anything that had to do with him. Jeez, he barely spoke a sentence. What the hell is wrong with her?

"Well im bored." Naruto commented again. Sakura thought for a moment, and an idea popped up in her head.

Whenever she and Naruto would go on a mission, in the past, they would play a game where she would think of a random thing and say it aloud, Naruto would have to say the first thing that came to mind. Sometimes the boy was so obsessed with ramen that every time she asked about a color of object he would reply 'ramen' and rub his stomach hungrily.

Needless to say, it put a smile on her face and had her laughing hard.

"Hrmm, why don't we play a game then?" Naruto grinned at her. He already knew what game she wanted to play.

Sasuke watched the two with a cold stare. They acted like the best of friends around each other. Both secretly knowing what the other was thinking. It was irritating to listen to, even more so to watch.

"Ok lets start."

"Alright!" Naruto beamed.

They finally passed the gate, the guards bowing their heads in silent good-bye. The three ninja do the same and continue walking on.




"Ramen." Sakura giggled.

"I knew you were gonna say that!" Looking at Sakura he grins and scratches the back of his head.

"Whatever. Keep going."






"Sakura! Enough with the colors!" Naruto whines. Sakura on the other hand is laughing under her breath.


"Yondaime." She smiles at the mention of his father.


"Sasuke & Sakura"

The smile on her face slightly leaves and she bits her lower lip. What. The. Hell.

He said his name first.

"Don't be so hurt Sakura. It's just because Sasuke is finally home. Hes going to be the center of attention for a while.

But he still said that bastards name first.


Blinking the pink haired girl turns to face the blonde with raised eyebrows.


"You ok?" Shaking her head and getting out of her reverie she smiles widely at him and nods.

"Yep. Was just thinking about the mission. This shouldn't take too long if hes not there. I want him to be there though."

Narutos lips became a thin line. He didn't like the last part of her statement apparently because he was now facing forward and looking grim.


A bit surprised by the way he was acting Sakura couldn't help but wonder just what the hell about what she said could possibly make him mad. Whatever.

"So we can kill him. Tsunade would probably feel a lot better knowing that another of the Akatsuki was dead."

She waited for his reaction to change, it didn't.


What the hell?

"Yah.. Don't you?" Sakura frowned.


His short and obviously angered reply was starting to get to her. What the hell was he so angry about? All she had said was she wanted to kill Kisame.

"Maybe that's the reason. He probably doesn't want you fighting Sakura. You know hes very protective of you."

Sakura pondered this for a moment then gave a soft sigh. She needed to reassure the blonde so nothing got out of hand, after all, he had a tendency to make things bigger than they were.

"Don't worry about it Naruto. Tsunade said she was almost positive hes already gone. So we'll probably be there just collecting information."

Finally his face turned towards hers and he nodded. The fierce look in his eyes and the thin line of his lips hadn't loosened up, but at least he looked at her. Sighing inwardly she just couldn't bare having him like this, so she did what any person would do to cheer the knucklehead up.

"You know…I hear they have a good ramen shop over there. Wanna get some?" She asks. Hopeful.

He blinks for a moment before his eyes twinkle with delight and his lips turn up into a bright smile. Thank god.

"Yah!" The blonde cheerfully yells, hugging Sakura tightly as a result.

She had to laugh. The boy was so predictable, god did she love it. He meant everything to her, seeing him upset because of her didn't really suit well.

"Hey Teme wanna come?"

Great. Did he have to kill the mood by inviting him??


"Cool. As soon as we get there let's get some ramen!" The blond was so happy.

He didn't notice Sakuras aggravated stare. Nor the way she rolled her eyes at the mention of 'teme' a.k.a Sasuke. However a certain Uchiha did. He didn't miss the way she completely ignored him in Tsunades room either.

It was clear that not everyone in the village had forgiven him for his betrayal. His eyes narrowed on the pink haired woman. She was acting as if he didn't exist. Though he would never admit it, it irked him terribly. See despite how annoying it was, Sakura was always the one clinging to him and trying to get his attention.

Now it was quite the opposite. And judging by the way she reacted whenever he was mentioned, she clearly didn't like him, let alone want to be with him like before. That was a good thing in his opinion. The pink haired girl was annoying as hell and it wouldn't do good for her to be attracted to him. And vice versa. Not that he would ever like her.



Would he like her of all people.

So she could just hate and despise him. He didn't care.

He watched out of the corner of his eyes as Naruto, for the third time since he'd even seen Sakura, pulled her against him and draped his arm over her shoulder in an attempt to hug-walk with her.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his hands clenching into fists.

No he didn't care.

He didn't give a fuck.

Stupid, annoying, clingy, Sakura Haruno.

But he couldn't stop himself from wondering about something. Why the hell was she so close to Naruto of all people.

And all he could think about was the fact that she wasn't supposed to be letting Naruto drape his arm over her.

She wasn't supposed to be ignoring him.

And she was not supposed to be annoyed of him either.

Stupid pink haired nuisance of a girl.

Why was she letting him touch her anyways? Didn't she know he was taken? And if that's the case why was Naruto doing it in the first place?

Closing his eyes he forced himself to relax.

It wasn't like he cared or anything. It was just Sakura. But still. How they could act so friendly around each other bothered him to the point where he, though he wont admit it, desperate attempt to get the two to separate.

"Dobe." His soft murmur and the sound of a sword being unsheathed was all it took to get the blonde off of Sakura and next to Sasuke.

"Hah! I knew you'd show me eventually Teme. Now let me hold it will ya?"

Sakura inside was positively fuming. The bastard had done that on purpose! She just knew it! She looked sideways at him and narrowed her eyes, glaring at the raven haired boy.

Giving her a cold expression he couldn't stop the smirk from plastering his features. Oh yes. Let the games begin.

Pay attention to me.

She glared harder. Gritting her teeth. That bastard! Looking smug!

That's right. Give me more attention.

Sasuke glared at the girl for looking away from him. She always, always, loved him. She was the one who always begged for his presence, spent so long pestering and running after him. And now, now that he is back she wants to pretend that he doesn't exist?

A blow to his ego.

He sneered at the girl.

How dare she ignore him. He was an Uchiha, and everyone wanted his attention. It no longer mattered that he hated this girl. The simple audacity of her uncaring nature for him was enough to make him decide.

He was going to make her notice him.

Because he was an Uchiha.

Because he went through hell to kill his brother just so he could even come back home.

Because she damn well needed to be put in her place.

No one, and he means no one ignores an Uchiha, no one ignores him.

Oh she will pay. He'll make damn sure of it. Sasuke turned to face the view ahead of him, completely tuning out the blonde who was now holding his Katana with much glee.

Closing his eyes the Uchiha prodigy smirked to himself.

She'll pay attention to me soon enough.


Wow, I just started writing this for no apparent reason. Literally, I just heard a song and began writing with Sakura and Sasuke.

And now its become a story. Oh god please help me.

You guys are going to have to forgive me. Sasuke will be sort of dark and twisted in the head. Not too bad, but you'll notice his sudden change in behavior.

R & R - I will love you forever if you do. Haha.