*Redundant disclaimer* There are so many people who own the rights to Transformers currently. Hasbro obviously, Bay, IDW, etc etc etc. Anyways Transformers belong to them and not me. My references are Transformers, TF Prime Directive, TF Reign of Starscream, TF ROTF, TF Alliance, TF Defiance, TF Tales of The Fallen as well as a lot of other fabulous TF fan fictions on this site and tons and tons of Wiki reading. Seriously, when I get fandom for something, I get a little excessive.

*Whoot, IDW came out with another movie edition comic book: Tales of the Fallen. There was two cover types to choose from. One was really well designed, but girly looking and the other was just a artist pin up drawing. very blah. I chose girly Ugg. It was designed so it looked pretty though. And Sam looks like Ben 10 or something. But. I like it. Anyways, my only downer about it is they suggest that Bumblebee is impulsive, which seems to stem from way back in the day when they originally were going to have Hot Rod be in Bee's spot. I'm so glad they didn't make him Hot Rod, but it might suggest that Bee may have a merged personality thing going on. I hope not. I donno, I'm prob reading in too much on how it was worded.

Note, I finally figured out how the page breaks work. In the past when I tried editing on FF it made my file unpublishable. Not sure if it was me doing something wrong or if they made an update I missed out on, but now I finally get to make those page breaks like I wanted. *Note I'm keeping my original notes in place. So you get to see my PB rants XD.

CH 1

Plight of the Bumblebee

The sun was brightly gleaming through the early sky and the temperature was already hot and humid. That wasn't unusual. Cars were tightly stalled side by side by side over a busy bridge as they hummed their impatience. That wasn't unusual either. What was unusual was that there wasn't anything to prevent the cars from leaving, other than human curiosity that is. People had stepped out and crowded to the asphalt and nearly everyone of them had a cellphone in hand. Some punched in numbers with desperation. Their efforts were rewarded with busy signals or warnings from electronic voices that lines were busy. Others punched away with their thumbs and fingers writing up messages that when sent, would lock up their phones until a message alerted them. 'Message could not be delivered, try again?' The remainder of people held up their phones high in hopes that their camera would catch something soon.

Even though the engines were relatively quiet, noise bustled through the vehicles. Radios were chattering about a catastrophe on the bridge. Ticking of helicopters hung in the air over head that circled like vultures over a section of bridge. The curious people wanted to know what was out there but it was just beyond their sight. For the best really.

Behind them came the sound of a revving engine and a car alarm. It wasn't enough to alert their attention. Then a loud blasted horn and an unearthly scream ejecting from a radio shattered the air. It jolted the people to turn in confusion. Then they only had a second to react, which was barely enough time to throw themselves to the ground as a blur of yellow metal flew by. Blowing by them was a yellow Chevy Camaro that had hoisted itself up on two wheels, allowing it just enough room to squeeze by the parked cars.

Some how the media had already responded. Lucky chance really, depending on what news crew you were from. One news crew was scattered over the road surrounded by the destroyed vehicles and concrete. Seeing first hand the collateral damage and bodies the sandy haired reporter dropped to his knees. The cameras were set on him, but he was too distraught to compose himself. Another media crew was not as unlucky to get trapped inside the chaos but alas, had not been lucky enough to see the scene. Stranded behind a chain link fence they could only report from afar. The luckiest crew managed to get a chopper in the air. They just now reached the ground zero of the destruction. On the helicopter's side large red letters announced Channel 12 News Skycam.

"We are now over the area and what you are seeing looks to be a giant robot!" The camera swerved to a large gray robot that was in the center of the wide bridge. Around it, the traffic jam had been converted into a junk yard. "The alien robot arrived less than 10 minutes ago and you can already see how much damage and destruction it unleashed on the downtown bridge." A woman's voice was reporting.

Back on the ground was the sandy haired reporter. "I'm sorry," he sobbed with a hand over his mouth, "but, this is just a lot to take in. Fire, police and ambulance, they are all helpless to do anything against this assault. There isn't really anything anybody can-"

"Where is the military when we need them!" He was cut off by a woman's scowling cry who was sprawled out near him.

That was a good question. There was an air base not twenty miles away. Jets would have easily been here by now. The real question is what are they waiting for?

"What is that? Frank look at this! There's another vehicle weaving through traffic to get to the scene!" The camera on the helicopter jerked and jolted to get a better view. A small yellow car with black stripes down it's front was racing in between the scattered cars. It avoided the police officers who helplessly tried to wave it down.

"You don't think it's another one do you?" A loud scraping shriek snapped their attention back to the giant gray robot. "Oh god! It's going after a bus full of children!"

Suddenly the scraping noise, a slow sound of a helicopter blade ticking, and a bus full of screaming children could have just as well been the only sounds on Earth. Visually, everything went monochromatic except for the yellow school bus that was now being dragged into the clearing of the bridge. The ticking sound faded from the adrenaline pumped senses and the screams grew louder. It didn't register with the two that the screams were imagined or even coming out of their own mouths because in reality, they should have been too far to hear them. Yet the bus and the robot were the only things that flooded their senses. Even the bright yellow Camaro that launched itself from an over turned car and was now flying through the air, was dull and nonexistent as far as the chopper crew was concerned. Simultaneously the robot raised it's arm aligning up with the center of the bus. The arm rotated and configured itself into a cannon. The mechanisms glowed and spun; swirling faster the energy blighted with intensity. Then just as plasma shot forward from its barrel, a partially converted Camaro robot rolled into the arm and pulled it just off course. The large robot stumbled in surprise as Bumblebee rolled to his feet on the ground below.

Bee shot a glance at the bus. The blast hadn't completely cleared. It ticked off the bus's back corner sending it whirling towards the concrete barrier. It broke through spilling concrete into the air. It wasn't enough to stop the vehicle. The bus's rear flung over the edge and the chassis dropped and screeched into the pavement slowing it to a stop. There it teetered over the abyss of dark unforgiving waters below. Bumblebee snapped back at the giant robot who towered over him. He launched three charges into the Decepticon as he ran to keep himself from being an easy target. The charges connected solidly. Even so, the Decepticon turned without even a flinch and returned a single charge. Bee skipped out of the way as the blast left a large crater.

"Oh man, It looks like David verses Goliath down there." Frank called out from behind the camera.

"I don't think David has a big enough rock." She pulled the chopper back to get a better view of the bus. It rocked as the bridge shook below it. Two men were weaving their way through the crushed cars, as the robots kept themselves busy, they were going to take a chance and rescue the children.

Busywas the only thing Bumblebee could do. He now knew he had no chance of taking the gigantic Decepticon down. He would have to bide time for Optimus and the others to catch up. He could only hope they would get there before it was too late. Bee rolled out of being crushed from a heavy foot. He ran forward and banked off of the back of the Decepticon's lower leg. He clasped a piece of armor that protruded out of the shoulder and leaned in blasting his cannon point blank at the Decepticon's face. He curled his legs up for a brace and tossed himself into the air and vaulted over his foes head. All the while launching more blasts into it's body. Bee landed hard and his optics flashed with fright when he realized he miscalculated the Decepticon's speed. He was knocked back, tumbling across the concrete. The Decepticon growled with frustration and was now determined to turn the tables. He ran up to the Autobot and connected his feet down five inches into the concrete. Bee tumbled. The bridge shook and a chorus of screams erupted from the bus. The shaking caused it to slip farther past the bridge's edge. Under his battle visor Bee's optics scanned the bus. A small twinge of relief arose when he saw the two men pulling out children. More men and women rushed to the children to lead them to safety.

'I just need to buy more time!' Bee thought. Before he could turn to react a large hand grabbed him. Bumblebee let himself be distracted too long! He felt his body fly through the air then compact with the ground. Before he could recoil a large foot landed on top of him. He could feel his armor slowly cracking as he struggled from underneath. Bumblebee leveled his cannon. The Decepticon growled, having enough with getting pelted, relinquished his foothold and reached down to grab Bee's cannon arm. A yellow shot blasted out completely off target. A police chopper swerved as the energy rocketed too close for comfort. The large gray snarled and pulled the Autobot to his feet and spun him pinning his arm awkwardly behind him. Bumblebee whirred his gears as his optics widened with in the nanosecond of realization of what his foe was up to. He jerked and tried twisting his body free. As he did that the vice grip strengthened and a sharp pain of pressure tore across his sensors. Bee's vocals shrieked, then screamed as his arm was ripped off his body. He staggered a few steps as his remaining arm grasped at his sudden wound. As soon as he semi-caught his balance the stories tall creature pounded Bee across the head with his own arm. Bumblebee dropped to his knees and elbow. A flow of fluids seeped out and blotted the ground with a strange color liquid as his sensors ached for a connection. Bee fought back the pain as he whined his vocal processor. A high pitched scream pierced his audio receptors. He grimaced and picked his head up to see a young female child screaming and a man trying to hold her quiet. First reaction was horror, then anger, 'Don't just stand there!' He screamed in his head. Quickly he pulled an audio clip from his memory banks and screamed it over the radio,

#Fly you fools!#

He tore himself from the ground with determination. He couldn't allow himself to be distracted any longer. It reached for him, Bee skidded to the left. Bee jumped, twisted, jumped, grabbed and jabbed down with his feet trying to pry something loose. It didn't work. He leap back as a hand tried to assail him. He turned and opened up his shoulders to launch his missiles. The hand caught up. Bee was pinned and worse his launcher was obstructed by metal fingers. If he launched he'd risk, no, guarantee a back blast. Optics darted around quickly trying to make heads out of the situation. The hand grasped around tighter around his body. His launcher was plugged, his cannon was laying on the ground elsewhere and his remaining hand clawed frantically for a grasp. Finding none he lifted his arm and flicked out a new configuration of metal. A blue orb of energy bulbed at the end. It launched upwards and electricity arced to different paths on the metal. The blue light bounced up and breached the face before fizzling out. The creature howled as welts of melted pools steamed at the effect. Bee mused pathetically. His weapon at hand was a slagging tool. Used way back in the days long before he was a soldier, before he was a peace officer out arresting a so-called traitor, even before that when he was called to a make-shift guard duty as the others went out to an excavation site. It was a lowly arc wielder used to make repairs back when he was just a technician. At least it stung!

"Do you not get it!" The creature howled in Cybertronian. Even though the language was un-organic, the voice was dripping with organic frustration. He reached down with the other hand and crippled the device. He then picked the yellow Autobot up. Most of the weight of the metallic body slumped onto the neck that was pinched by metal joints. Bumblebee winced under the now thrice broken vocal processor.

"You can't beat me! Why do you keep trying!" He screamed into Bee's processors. Without flinching Bee unleashed the missiles. All of them. Directed right to the Decepticon's face. He screamed again and dropped Bee to the ground. Finally, after all it's prior attempts, a stomp attack solidly connected. Bee's voice box slurred again as he huddled himself on the ground. Meanwhile he heard the large robot stomp hardily on the ground around him. Bee couldn't pay any attention to him now. All his focus was trying to brace his broken body up for more punishment. He slowly attempted to pick himself up.

"That's all of them! Run! Get out of here now!" A male human voice broke the clatter. The towering Decepticon stopped his pacing and glared at the humans. Hot air cycled out of it's vents then his optics narrowed back to the Autobot's position. Bumblebee had his optics fixed on the fleeing humans. The Decepticon above him growled. Stepping towards Bee he landed a kick. It was a painful blow but not enough to sail him across the bridge.

"Is that it?" The Decepticon fashioned. He picked up Bumblebee by the leg and tossed him into an onslaught of piled vehicles, towards the direction of survivors and emergency personnel. Bee skidded across the piles of torn and twisted metal until it bunched up enough to stop him. His body slumped. Not far away from him the Decepticon stomped through the cars. His eyes gazed down to a group of emergency personnel who were trying to help the wounded. Now they were fleeing from a large metal hand reaching out for them. A young adolescent with a broken leg seemed suitable. He tried to spring away with his mothers help but the hand grasped down. The mother screamed as she feebly tried to hold onto her son. But with minor motion by the giant robot, they were separated, both shrieking for one another, as one was lifted into the air while the other was stranded down below. Pained screeching and tumbling metal, the Decepticon turned to face the Autobot.

"Stay down!" He ordered and folded out one cannon and launched a blast at the concrete at Bumblebee's feet. The expanding energy was enough to disable Bee's legs and they collapsed underneath him. In large strides the Cybertronian returned to Bumblebee and planted a foot back on Bee's chest. This time it wasn't to do any damage but to pin him. The Cybertronian floated the hysterical child over the yellow Autobot's face. Bee's optics lit up wide full of questions and pleading.

"One worm." The creature raised the child beyond Bee's grasp. The boy was then slipped inside the palm of the metal hand. The boy was screaming and crying in sheer terror. The same terror was spreading over Bee's spark. The robot lowered it's damaged head closer to Bee's. "If you can't save one worm," a small crunch then the Decepticon's hand went silent. Bumblebee screamed in protest, kicking his vocalizers past their broken capabilities. "How do you expect to save their entire race?"

He stepped off the Autobot and his hand made a gesture. For the first time Bee flinched and brought his hand up to protect his face, only to feel a lifeless body bounce off of his broken armor. Upon realizing this, Bee shifted his weight to examine the boy. He carefully picked him up with his hand and cradled him while scanning it with every scanner known to Autobot hoping for a fleeting chance that the boy could somehow have a spark of life. He whined his servos as more and more sensors where coming back negative. At his back he felt the large robot tick with frustration.

"I get no satisfaction in watching you suffer." The Cybertronian muttered back in his standard emotionless Cybertronian tone. Gears and servos worked themselves together as Bee could hear the powering up of the powerful cannon. Bumblebee's eyes darted back towards the Decepticon but he refused to turn his head and face him. Who cares if he took a cowardly death. And cowardly by who's standards anyway, Decepticons? The cannon was still charging. Even for one who has lived longer than an advancing race's entire written record, waiting for the inevitable blast edged on towards an eternity. Then a loud blast and explosion. Bee's body violently jolted.