Thank you all so much for all of the reviews! A bunch of you guys were ready to kill me after I split Draco and Hermione up again, I just hope that you guys kept reading to see what happens next! That was part one of the story, are you guys ready for part two? Hope so, cause we're about to start (:

Song: My Immortal - Evanescence


My Sweet Ecstasy, My Secret Addiction; Part Two


These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


Draco Malfoy stared helplessly at the girl that lay lifeless in front of him. Her chestnut colored hair was scattered across her her face, her limbs lay in irregular angles. Was this all because of what I have done? Is this because what I have chosen to do in order to keep her safe? Is this all my fault?

"What have I done?" he whispered to himself.

He walked over to her and knelt beside her, but just as he reached to brush the hair away from her face, she abruptly turned to face him. But where her eyes should have been, there was nothing but darkness and where there should have been tears, there was only streams of blood running down her pale face.

"I'm coming for her, Draco. Don't think you can stop me. I know everything," her voice rasped, only, it wasn't her. Not really.

"Bellatrix?" Draco asked quietly.

The face of Hermione just smiled and fell, her body lifeless once more.

"This can't be happening," he said to himself.


Draco awoke with a start. He was breathing heavily. This was the same nightmare that had been haunting him for over two weeks now. When he closed his eyes, he could see Hermione's lifeless body, her bloodied tears.


He hadn't let his mind ponder on her too long. It hurt to know that she was no longer his. Draco sadly recalled her last words to him.

I will always love you. In order to move on though, you have to forget about me.

He thought she was crazy. How could anyone ever forget about a girl like her?

What's wrong with me? Draco asked himself. He sat up in his bed, stressed. Draco didn't linger on what his "aunt" had said, for it had been a good two weeks and nothing had happened. What was going on?

He looked out his window and realized that the sun was high in the sky. Why hadn't his mother woken him yet? He quickly climbed out of bed and pulled on black pants and a white shirt and brushed his hair back with his fingers. Then he walked out of his room and went to search for his mother, whom he found sitting alone in a big chair by the fire place, looking frightfully sad. She looked like this a lot since they had lost Lucius.

"Mother?" Draco asked.

Startled, she looked up at him and smiled. It was not a real smile, but it was a smile.

"Good Morning Draco." She said. "I thought that you could sleep in a bit today since I was going to go to Diagon Alley later to go and get your things."

"Oh," Draco replied, "can I come too?"

She just nodded.

"We'll leave in about an hour. Go get dressed and do something about your hair," she said.

Draco headed up the stairs to get dressed.


Hermione Granger had been wandering around Diagon Alley finishing up her yearly scavenge for school supplies with her two best friends, Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter.

"Mum is letting me get a new owl this year," Ron said happily.

"Which one are you going to get?" Harry inquired.

"I don't know yet," Ron replied.

"Well then let's go look for one," Harry said.

"Yeah," Ron spoke. He turned back to Hermione who looked as if she was day dreaming again. "You coming, Herms?"

Hermione didn't make any move to say that she had heard him. In fact, she had been day dreaming again. She couldn't help it. If she saw a blond-haired boy in the corner of her eye, she thought it was Draco, coming back for her. She she stared at any blond boy for too long, she would see Draco's cruel, but terribly beautiful features. She had been hiding her feelings from Harry and Ron as to not trouble them, but it was starting to get harder since she was getting so much closer to catching a glimpse of Draco again. How she longed for his thin, pale lips to be on hers. She knew that she couldn't have him, but he was too much of a temptation. Besides, she told him that she was going to move on, just like he did.

"Hermione?" Ron asked again, shaking her shoulders gently as to not hurt her.

Hermione looked around wildly.

"What?" she asked.

"Are you okay?" he said.

"Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be okay?" she replied, forcing her facial muscles into a smile.

Ron just shrugged and started walking.

Hermione was just starting to follow when she thought that she spied a blond-haired boy with those pale and pointy features that had become so familiar to her last year. She turned, staring at the back of the boys head. As if sensing her gaze, the boy turned around.

Hermione gasped.

She was sure that this time, it was him.

It was Draco Malfoy.


Sorry for the long wait in updating, but I've been pretty busy. && Besides, I have a life too!

Review it!!


One of the Fallen