Bumble Bee came to, he was back in Autobot HQ, lying on a berth.

"What happened? Where's Sari? How long have I been in stasis?"

"One question at a time kid. The answer to your first question; you've been out cold for three solar cycles." Ratchet said. Bumble Bee's optics moved from the doc-bot to Optimus.

"Sari will be fine, she's resting right now."

"You really kicked Unicron's tailgate little buddy."

"I did?"

"Don't you remember? You were inside him. He exploded into a million pieces! It was awesome!" Bulkhead in an excited tone.

"And all of the planets he devoured have been restored and the other alien robots are free."

"Prowl! You're okay!"

"It takes more then Unicron's defense system to stop me, even if they are robotic crab-claws."

"You should be proud Bumble Bee. Not only did you save Sari, but you also saved the entire universe."

"Correction Prime; Sari and I saved the universe. Wait, what about the Decepticons? What happened to them?"

"They took off with Megatron, typical." Ratchet said

After a well deserved rest, Bumble Bee was ready to get to what he loves to do…playing video games.

"Turbo boosters…speed…and blast off!" He lost consentration when heard Sari's voice calling him, "Hey Bumble Bee."

"Sari!" His finger slipped and lost the game.


"You're looking well."

"Thanks, and thanks again for saving me."

"Hey, I'm an Autobot, it's what I do. So, you miss being the chosen one?"

"A little, but I'm glad everything is back to normal, sort of." They both laughed a bit.

"Anyway, I just came by to tell you that I'll be taking a few days off. I'm spending some quality time with my dad. I guess that whole chosen one and being eaten by a robot planet got him a little over protective."

"It's cool, have fun."

"Thanks later days." She was about to leave, when Sari said, "Hey Bumble Bee?"

"Yeah?" She kissed him on the cheek. Bumble Bee had a surprised look on his faceplate.

"I love you too." She ran off and then Sari was gone. He turned his head and touched his check with his servo. Bumble Bee sighed in a lovesick way.


Suddenly, he heard some bot laughing behind him; he turned around and it was Bulkhead.

"Ha ha! I knew something was up! Hey every-bot! Guess what? Bumble Bee likes…"

"Noooooooooooooo!" The bashful, love struck, apprehensive yellow bot's cry echoed and he launched himself into the air to stop Bulkhead from saying another word.

The End