I hadn't intended to upload this but, I don't know it, kept demanding to be shared!

Disclaimer: I thankfully don't own KHR because if I did it would be a yaoi with no plot and never updated.

BTW: this turned out to be 600 words exactly before the author's note!

Yamamoto had a problem that he didn't know how to deal with. Not that this was to unusual for him, but this wasn't some math problem. This problem involved Gokudera. Mostly his annoyance at Gokudera's fanclub. Yes the girls really had started a fanclub for him and Yamamoto couldn't stand it. They were always jabbering like they really knew him and cared about him. "What's your deal?" Gokudera said looking at him curiously. "Hey, you're going to crush that soda can if you're not careful." He was right Yamamoto hadn't realized how tightly he had been squeezing onto the can. "Geez you've been in this mood for weeks normally you're all smiles." Yamamoto couldn't help the look of suprise that crossed his face, he hadn't expected Gokudera to notice. Gokudera blushed and Yamamoto couldn't help but smile at that until he heard the squeels and giggles coming from behind the door.

"I can't take it anymore." He said standing up and throwing open the door revealing five girls with cameras. Gokudera walked up behind him with a look of suprise on his face, "Why don't you all take a picture of this?" Yamamoto said with a hint of an evil smirk. He grabbed Gokudera by the waist and pulled him into a fierce kiss. Yamamoto grinned as the fangirls gasped in shock, one even followed his order and took a picture, probably because she knew that the other's wouldn't believe her without one. When he pulled back Gokudera was almost purple and stuttering, suprisingly though the cries of dispair Yamamoto had expected to hear from the girls never came.

"Finally!" One girl screamed.

"Do it again!" Another said.

"I got," The one who had snapped the picture stuttered, "I-I actually got it!"

"Let's go make a poster!" The girls ran off leaving Yamamoto and Gokudera standing there confusedly.

"Well that was unexpected." Yamamoto said confusedly.

"What the hell are you thinking!" Gokudera screeched grumpily. Yamamoto sighed kissing him for real this time.

"Just about how sexy you look with your glasses on." He said smirking when he pulled back.

"That's not what I meant!" Gokudera's blush deepened. "Besides one of them's filming." Gokudera pointed towards the door where one of the girls was standing holding an video camera up to her face.

"No need to stop this is great stuff." She said, "Only idiots leave with just a picture." She smiled at them like it was the most normal thing in the world to be filming the two of them.

"Huh?" Both said confusedly.

"Oh, I suppose the neither of you got the memo." She smiled digging through her bag, she pulled out a piece of paper. "'And so the Yamamoto Takeshi fanclub and the Gokudera Hayato fanclub have decided to call a truce in light of the recent developement of a new and brighter possibility the Yamamoto-Gokudera fanclub aka the 8059 club. All members are now asked to try their best to produce proof of this blossoming love!'" She finished. "So as president I have to bring the best. Please continue."

"Get out of here!" Gokudera shouted trying to throw bombs at her. Yamamoto stopped him, he didn't want to have to worry about hiding a body when he had better things on his mind.

"I guess you two do deserve some privicy." She said shutting the camera with a sigh and then the door as she exited.

"Privacy for what!" Gokudera screeched. Yamamoto smirked fully prepared to show him now that they had that privacy.

"I need to remember to charge the battery next time." The fangirl said as she walked down the hall, "Damn thing ran out just as things were about to get good."