
Title: Shattering Souls

Rating: R

Pairing: Merlin/Arthur

Warning/s: Violence, Gore, Character Deaths, sexual situations, AU, Dark Arthur.

Please read and review

All his life, he had tried to keep his people safe, to protect them from harm, he fought for them, sent men to die for them, not for him, as people have been known to say.

He had caught them in a small alcove, lips pressed together in a kiss far to intimate for just friends, bodies rocking against each other in a carnal dance.

Now, the blood came up to his ankles, a dark red, now cold reminder, of his mistake.

He never imagined this, the misty, almost barely visible hands reaching further than any human limbs could, twisting his knights apart like paper dolls.

He looked at the broken soul, the beginning of the unstoppable destruction around him.

All of his people where dead, and it was his fault, it was his words, that sent Merlin to the pyre, his anger, his desire to protect his child.

"Arthur.....Son.......I'm sorry."

The blazing yellow eyes of his only child just looked at him with contempt, a dark reminder of how he had been born, reflected in the red wash staining his pants.

"I loved him......sorry isn't good enough father."

The pale mist solidified around his wrists, ankles and throat.

"I'm sorry"

And Arthur twisted.