Title: Owari

Author: Beermoney5

Theme: Break

Genre: General

Rating: T

Warnings: None

Word Count: 400

Summary: Kagome returns to a surprised Sesshomaru.


The blue light enveloped her after she jumped in and within a few seconds she was at the bottom of the well again. She looked around and saw the familiar vines on the sides of the well that told her she had arrived back in time. She started the incredible task of climbing the vines, something she had done many times before. Half way to the top she grabbed a vine, not noticing the break, and tumbled back to the floor of the well when it gave way.

After checking on his ward and retainer, Sesshomaru headed back to the well to resume his vigil. He had regretted his words to the miko the instant she left and he waited everyday after she'd gone hopping the well would reopen. He had Inuyasha try jumping in a few times, till he got tired of it, to see if it would transport him back to Kagome's time.

He stopped short when he recognized a familiar sent and aura. 'It couldn't be. Could it?' He heard a scream and was instantly at the well peering over the edge. He saw Kagome standing at the bottom of the well rubbing her backside. "Are you going to help me or are you going to watch me climb out?"

Sesshomaru jumped in, picked up Kagome, and was out in a flash.

"Thank You."

"I told you to leave, that I have no use for you."

"Yeah, I know what you told me and I don't care. I know you really didn't mean it and you sent me home because of my family. I'll miss them but I want to be with you. And I'll never regret my decision to stay."

"Are you sure?"


He instantly wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. Burying his nose in the nape of her neck to breath in her familiar sent. Instantly he noticed another on her that shouldn't be there. Surely Kagome had bathed in the days she had been gone. So why was it that his sent was so strong. Did she see him in her time? If so, why did she come back? It was something he would have to ask her about later, knowing he probably wouldn't get any answers. Right now he just wanted to enjoy their reunion. He tilted her head up and placed a gentle kiss to her lips. "Welcome back."

A/N: If your wondering what Owari means, it's Japanese for The End.