
100 years after the titans... Starfire was still living. But only shattered rooms and broken high tech tower pieces, were shown in the darkness. Along with green smoke that was lurking around every corner. Until, two police officers were seen. One coughed from the the smokey debris, while the other took the green eyed baby alien. He ran to the ambulance, thinking the place may blow up, or have something to do with chemicals. So he was wearing a face mask. Star was breathing very heavily and she was squealing, as if her her lungs wouldn't work. The doctor gave her a small face mask over her mouth, as he was now carrying her to the ambulance.

The Next Day At The Hospital

At the Hospital Starfire didn't look any harmed, but still needed a home. She got a checkup and other things.

And when she was done they took her to the nursery. Leaving her there for a little while. While the others were searching for any parents, or a good adoption center. Then she could find a family.

A blond haired man looked frustrated at his research. "Anne, I'm not finding anything, are you sure her parents didn't die in the building?"

The women had no expression at all and wasn't even looking at him. "Certain, we found no bodies." she finally looked over at him. "only her."

The guy sighed. Another man with dark brown hair looked at the others. "Hey guys I think I found something."

He showed them a picture of the old titans tower. "And... if we look at this..."

He dragged the mouse to the 'My Documents' in the start menu. Then went to 'pictures' and clicked on the a picture of the broken down tower, that the CBS news took when they broadcast the destroyed tower. He was comparing each of them. Anne looked at it. "What the heck."

The dark haired man named Eric zoomed in on the half broken T's top. Sakatis studied the two pictures. "So... what, you think we found out where she was born, raised, whatever."

Anne looked at the screen "Or she could've been visiting family or friends."

One of the guys asked "Speaking of the little orphan, hows she feeling?"

"She's fine Saka."

"Its Sakatis not Saka."

He got up and walked to the nursery taking Starfire out of one of the cradles. He held Starfire against him, while he walked over. "So... find anything else."

"Pictures of the inside." Anne said, leaning against the computer desk. Starfire smiled at the Pictures. "Apparently the internet has a tour of the place."

Anne looked at her. "Um... Saka,Why does she have bright green eyes and something that looks like ovals for eyebrows?"

He shrugged. Starfire made a weird noise and looked at Anne, trying to do something with Anne's face. Anne looked at the Tamaranien girl, in anger. "Hey… Don't do that!"

Next Sakatis said, "Wow... you're gonna be a good mother."

Tears formed in Starfires eyes while he laughed. The now furious Anne walked outside of the room, rolling her eyes. Whispering she said, "Ugh! I hate being a doctor; I'd rather work as a police woman!"

The two boys stood there looking at each other confused. Then shrugged. Eric after that went back to his work and Sakatis sat on a chair playing with Starfire. Trying to make her happy again.

Creepy slades lair

"Perfect... all i need to do is get her to come crawling over to me... Besides she is the last of the teen titans."

An evil smile crept onto the masterminds face, which was hidden behind the orange and black mask.