Chapter 1: For no One

I ran inside my apartment slammed the door and collapsed onto the couch. Then I started to cry. I know what you're thinking Sam Puckett NEVER cries! Well there was that one time Spencer glued his butt to an office chair and rolled down the stairs. But those tear were from laughing too hard. These tears were from sadness and anger. I walked over to the ihome and hooked my ipod up to it. I went to artist. Clicked on Beatles. Went to albums. Clicked Revolver. Searched for the song 'For no One' and put it on shuffle after that. Then I proceeded back to the couch. I looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone around. I cried so loud. I had kept everything wrong in my life bottled up inside until that moment. Let's flashback to why I am crying in the first place.


Let's start with something that happened 7 months ago. Something that changed my life. My first kiss. I had told people that Freddie never kissed anyone. He got teased about it for a week. Then on the next iCarly I did something I thought I would never do. I apologized to Freddie publicly. Then I went ove to his house to go talk to him. I found him sitting alone on the fire escape listining to 'Running Away' by AM. I knocked on the glass. He seemed suprised and confused. He signaled me to come in. I sat down on the edge of the fire escape.

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing" he said as he got up to rewind the song and lower the volume. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Meatball?" I asked. God i'm so stupid. A meatball?

"No thanks." He said slowly. I shrugged and chucked the meatball. Then he spoke

"That was really brave...what you said."

"You heard?"

"You didn't think i'd miss iCarly?" even when he was mad he coldn't stay away from iCarly. I sighed

"I'm sorry about telling people you've never kissed anyone...and about putting blue cheese dressing in your shampoo bottle." he smile

"And for sending you cell phone to Cambodia."

He started to laugh


"So this means you're not going to mess with me anymore?" I stared to laugh

"No i'm still going to mess with you I'm just going to aplogize every few years so I can start fresh again"


"Good?" I was suprised.

"Yeah it'd be too wierd if you didn't make my life miserable all the time." I started laughing again.

"But maybe you could pull back just a little bit-" I cut him off

"I don't think so"

"Yeah I didn't either" I scoffed

"It's so dumb"

"What do you mean?"

"You people get all..freaked out over their first's stupid"

"So you weren't lying you've really never kissed anyone?"

"Nope...Somethimes I wish i could just...get it out of the way"

"Yeah I know me too"

"Right? You know so I can just stop worrying about it"

"Yeah" He laughed. I could tell he had an idea.


"Nothing it's"

"Tell me"

"Nah it's dumb"

"Say it!"

"Ok...I was just going to say-" I cut him off I love doing that

"That WE should kiss" I could tell he was scared that i'd do something bad to him

"You're going to break my arm now right?"


"Well...Should we. Just so both of us can get it over with?"

"Hmm" I sighed "JUST to get it over with" I emphasized.

"Just to get it over with" he agreed

"And you swear we go right back to hating each other as soon as it's over" I moved closer to him

"Totally and we NEVER tell ANYONE"

"Never" We sat there in silence for a minute.

"Well...lean" He sighed and leaned forward. He bobbed his head to the left and right trying to indicate which way I wanted to lean. I tipped my head to the left. Our lips met. It was a magical moment. I thought it would never happen in a million years. I kept my eyes open. I don't know why. The kiss was longer than I expected. It was 9 seconds long. As we pulled away it was awkward. Realizing I just kissed the dork. The person out of everyone in the whole world I could bully without getting in trouble. He said the first word.

"Well that was umm..."



"Good work"

"Thank you you too" I decided now was a good time to leave. As I slowly made my way out of the fire escape he called me

"Hey" I looked back

"I hate you" he said with the biggest grin on his face. I laughed

"Hate you too"


But the kiss isn't why I was crying. Something had just happened today. I've been going out with Jake Krandel for a month now. I should say WAS. What happened an hour ago is why i'm really crying.

Flashback of what happened an hour ago...

I was at my locker talking to Carly.

"So today is you one month with Jake"


"Anything special planned?"

"Well he said he's giving me a suprise at the end of the day." Carly looked behind Sam. There she saw him kissing Valerie.

"Uhh Sam don't look behind you"

"Why?" I turned around and saw Jake sucking face with Valerie. I hated Valerie ever since she'd hurt Freddie. Now she's taking my boyfriend. I went up behind Jake and spun him around.

"Oh hi Sam"

"Hi Jake umm what's going on here?"

"It's not what it looks like" I crossed my arm and glared at him.

"OK fine it is what it looks like but come on Sam we've been going out for a month and you havn't kissed me what do you expect?"

"Uh for you to wait!"

"Well I can't wait anymore. I'm breaking up with you and now i'm going out with Valerie. Goodbye Sam" I ran out of the school. As fast as I could. Carly stood there in shock.


Carly didn't follow me. She knew I needed alone time. So she went to go buy some ham and fat cakes to cheer me up. She wouldn't be back for an hour. I heard the door open. I quickly got up wiping away my tears and trying to look like I wasn't crying. It was Freddie

"Carly...Carly are you-" "Oh hi Sam"

"Hey Freddie"

"Hey you finaly called me by my name"

"Yeah. And Carly isn't home by the way"

"Are you ok"

"Yeah why?"

"Well you looked like you've been crying" He said sitting next to me.

"I told you i'm fine" "NO i'm not ok!" I said breaking down. Not caring who was there. Freddie just looked at me concerned.

"Tell me what happened"

"Well..Jake...he..he's....cheating on me with Valerie!" I finaly managed to cry out.

"Well why would he do that?" He asked putting his hand up in the air going to rub my back but stopped in mid air. I fell onto his chest crying. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his shirt.

"Well we'd been going out a month and he complained we haven't kissed yet."

"Well he's stupid."

"How's he stupid? it's my fault!"

"Not it's not. shhhhh. Sam you need to calm down" He said rubbing my back.

"Well it is"

"How could it your fault you an attractive smart funny sensible girl get dumped by a jerk who doesn't appreciated who he just lost."

"Yeah.. you know what you're right" I said standing up. "I wasn't comfortable with him yet to kiss him. I wanted to take it slow."

"Right" he said also standing up and walking over to me.

"I mean you can just rush into kissing with someone you barely know"

"I get what you mean"

"That's the most important part to any relationship"

"Yeah I mean you can't just go up to someone you're not comfortable with and do this" He said wrapping his arms around me waist ducking and kissing me with such power such force. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his neck. We kissed about a minute before our human need to breath kicked in. He let me up. We were both gasping for air panting.

"Thanks Freddison...I needed that."

"Hey old Sam is back!" just then Carly walked in.

"Hey guys. Sam are you feeling better?" I looked over at Freddie. We both smiled.

"Much" I said still looking into his warm chocolate brown eyes. Was I falling for Freddork?