IT'S THE LAST NIGHT! IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! GAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This was a really fun week, but I've been itching to play FF10 and Harvest Moon the WHOLE TIME, but I couldn't because of my determination to get my chapters out on time. I'm excited about this last chapter, I think it'll turn out well. So let's get to it!

AU, same time period.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.

Lavi couldn't wait for Allen's visit today.

He scribbled on his manuscript, adding in progressive decrescendos, leaving the dynamic in a pleasant pianissimo. His quill wrote in and scratched out retards and accelerandos, trying to make sure that when the parts are played together, they would wind around each other and dance with a life of their own.

He glanced out of his window.

Since their childhood, whenever he would compose a new piece, he would always have Allen run through it with him to make sure that it sounded ok and was easy enough to read.

Well, that was how it started, anyway.

As time went on, Lavi got to hear Allen's singing more and more. Lavi became popular, so he had to compose more, meaning Allen was coming over more.

Now he was over almost every day.

Lavi loved it.

He had actually started composing songs for the sole purpose of giving Allen a reason to sing for him. It's not like Allen possessed the voice of an angel or anything, it's just that Lavi loved it. It was smooth, with great tone, but went a little flat sometimes. Lavi made sure to make fun of him whenever he caught it.

Allen's voice had improved incredibly over the years.

It still wasn't perfect, but Lavi liked that.

Lavi loved how his voice would get hoarse after a while, the sheepish smile that would cross his face when he didn't come in on time or got the words wrong.

It wasn't perfection he had fallen in love with.

It was just Allen.

A knock echoed through his house.

"Coming!" Lavi's footsteps echoed loudly off of his walls as he flew down his steps. He flung open his doors with a broad smile, happy to see Allen reflecting his expression.

"Have I ever told you that you sound like an elephant coming down your stairs?"

Lavi stepped aside to let Allen in. "Only about a thousand times."

"Well, I thought I'd remind you anyway," Allen chucked as he made his way upstairs ahead of Lavi, toward their usual practice area. The room was empty except for a mirror-polished black piano with a matching stool, and a single white chair a few feet away. The front wall was comprised completely of windows, all opened, curtains swaying with the breeze. "So, what do we have today? The same piece as yesterday?" Allen took his habitual place in the chair.

Lavi sat at the piano. "No, I actually have something new for you," he handed the sheet music over. "It's a duet."

"A duet? That's unusual, you usually only write full arrangements, right?" Allen looked over the music, observing that there was only one line for voice and one for piano.

"Yeah, but this is something special I've been working on for a while now."

"Really? Why haven't you told me about it before?" Allen looked to where Lavi was arranging his own set of music on the piano.

"It wasn't ready yet," Lavi turned to face Allen. "Ready to start?"

Allen shook his head, looking at his music again. "Not really, I can't really pronounce these words. What language are they?"

Lavi smiled. "Japanese. I was getting bored of Latin, so I thought I'd give myself a challenge. It's actually really simple, I'm sure you'll get it."

"If you say so," Allen sighed, sounding out the verses in his head before they started. "Ok, let's give it a try."

Lavi took a deep breath, readying himself for what he was about to do. This piece was written for one reason, and he'd been putting it off because he was afraid of the consequences. When he said that "it" wasn't ready, he had meant that "he" wasn't ready.

His fingers gently descended to begin the melody. It was soft, sweet, sweeping, and a little sad.

Just like Allen.

"Soshite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita, ikizuku hai no naka no hono-o" Allen looked up to see if Lavi showed any displeasure at his pronunciation. He was still playing, a serene look on his face, so Allen figured he was doing well enough and continued.

Lavi was lost.

This was - God it was beautiful. Allen followed along with his part effortlessly, only messing up the words here and there.


Perfectly imperfect.

Lavi continued to play his circular melody, barely paying attention to his part.

"Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru, douka konoko ni ai wo, tsunaida te ni kisu wo."

Lavi let the last of the notes ring out, fingers shaking now in anticipation.

"That was great! Another success!" Allen stood to hand the music over, only to have his wrist be caught in a gentle hold.

"Do you like it?" Lavi wouldn't raise his eyes.

Allen blinked. Lavi was acting weird again. "Yeah, I thought it was really pretty, and the melody was fun to sing."

"Good. I - " Lavi half rose his head, before deciding against it. What he was about to say could be catastrophic; it could be wonderful. "I wrote it for you." He finally met Allen's eyes; surprised and shining. "Because of you."

Allen couldn't understand what was happening. Had Lavi found out? Had he messed up somewhere along the line? "B-because of me?"

"Yes. I - " Lavi had to look away again. Judging by the slightly horrified expression on Allen's face, this wasn't going to end well. He was already in too deep now to stop though. "I wrote it to express my feelings toward you." He hunched down, shutting his eyes and squeezing Allen's wrist. "I love you."

There was a silence where neither one moved. Lavi was trying to stop himself from exploding and trying to play it off as a joke. He had to confront this face on, and he wasn't about to take it back. He sat, quietly shaking, just barely holding himself together.

He felt arms wrap around him, a warm embrace from behind.

"You beat me," Allen dropped a soft kiss into flaming red hair. "I was going to tell you after dinner." He pressed against Lavi's shoulders, urging him to turn around. Lavi complied and sat, staring, in front of him. "I love you too, Lavi. I have for a long time."

Their lips met.

It was chaste, brief, and childish, but it conveyed the feeling all the same.

"I only write for you, you know." Lavi bumped their foreheads together.

"I know, and I only sing for you."

I liked that a lot! I thought the ending was a little weak, but whatever! It was cute! Oh, and the song that was used (though you should know this) was Tsunaida te ni kiss wo (A.K.A. the 14th's song).

And with that, concludes LAVEN WEEK!

Thank you for reading this all the way through! I really loved this, and I hope to write more often in the future. Drop me a review to tell me what you thought, and I hope I see you again in my other fics!