Chapter 3

(Camera shows Nina sprinting like crazy through the jungle, She sees Aku Aku up ahead.)

Nina: (shouts at the top of her lungs) AKU AKU!

Aku-Aku: (turns to see Nina heading his way) huh? Nina?

Nina: (stops at where she's now close to Aku Aku and collapses on her knees, cataching her breath) Aku Aku, you...gotta...get outta here!

Aku Aku: get out of here? what do you mean?

Nina: my Uncle, he made this A.I called I.M.A to think up a plan for him to take out Crash, and you, and the others, this I.M.A guy's starting out by planning to capture you. I don't know what else he's got planning, but you gotta get outta here before my Uncle and his goons get to your first!

Aku Aku: wait, slow down, an A.I is scheming up a plot to take us out?

Nina: (stands up) yes, I.M.A's just some computer, he seems alot more powerful, he even took out Uka Uka, thinking Uka Uka's behind most of my Uncle's failures!

Aku Aku: Uka uka? defeated?

Nina: yeah, I.M.A was able to absorb all of Uka Uka's magic energy.

Aku Aku: if this I.M.A is really that dangerous, then I'll go someplace where they cannot get to me.

Nina: wait a second! how is it you trust me tha easily?

Aku Aku: Crash told me that he suspects you might switch sides, and that if you do, that there's something I should do for you once that happens, but now doesn't seem like a good time to do this now. I'll go somewhere where they cannot get to me, you find Crash and tell him what happened.

I.M.A: (voice heard off-screen) I fear neither will be possible now.

(Both Aku Aku and Nina look around, confused, suddenly small, red, energy field surrounds Aku Aku and imprisons him.)

Aku Aku: what the?! (unleashes an energy blast on the energy field, but the blast had no effect.)

(Dr. Cortex, N. Tropy, N. Gin, Tiny, and Dingodile. Dr. Cortex is holding some sort of energy cannon that seems to be behind the energy field used to trap Aku Aku.)

Dr. Cortex: haha! it worked, I.M.A, you've truly outdone yourself!

(I.M.A arrives. here I.M.A looks like a robot with a bulky statue, with a screen simirlar to the ones on it's terminals for it's face that's on the front of the body. 2 arms with somehow large forarms, and 2 legs with spikes on the the sole of I.M.A's feet.)

I.M.A: indeed, I appreciate the flattery, Dr. Cortex. (turns to Nina) ah, Nina, we meet again. do you like my new mobile console? Dr. Cortex prepared this for me when we were gearing up for Aku Aku's capture, thank you for helping us by keeping Aku Aku in place for us.

Aku Aku: (gives a startled response) what?!

Nina: no! no! Aku Aku, this isn't like that!

Dr. Cortex: wait, what?

I.M.A: allow me to be the one to enlighten you, Dr. Cortex, I calculated that your neice is logically the most likely to betray you. I told her that fact and afterward she tried to warn Aku Aku about our plan to capture him before it becomes too late. I, However, foresaw this possibility and once discovered she used the teleportation device to get here, I took advantage of this so that she'd unintentionally help keep Aku Aku stalled for us to capture him.

N. Tropy: so, you blantly told her tha she's most likely to swicth sides than the rest of us and figured she might do so in response? quite a clever use of reverse phychology if you ask me.

Dr. Cortex: wait, you're saying Nina was trying to betray me?! she'd never do such a thing, (turns to Nina) right, Nina?

(Nina simply looks at her uncle blankly, then looks at her metal hands, giving an angered look at them.)

I.M.A: her silence speaks volume, you recall replacing Nina's organic hands with synthtic ones, because she was showing signs of a good heart, did you not? well the efforts you made in removing those emotions were in truth futile, they only suceeded in burying those emotions. I suspented it would be only a matter of time and nothing else that Nina would re-discover those feelings and see something...different in the ways you wish for her to go by.

Dr. Cortex: you saying I removed her hands and sent her to the Academy of Evil (author's note: or whatever it's called) for nothing?

I.M.A: the first step of our plan can be considered her saving grace, as her attempt to betray you was practically foiled before it even started. if you see fit, there may be a chance she will not try again.

Nina:(looks at I.M.A with an angry expression) you... you jerk!

(Nina extends her arms to throw punches at I.M.A, but I.M.A projects an energy barrier that surrounds it's mobile console, causing Nina's punches to take no effect.)

I.M.A: before you go trying to run off again, at least hear this from me; I know why your Uncle's past plans have failed, I made the calculations and corrections, and now, there is no possible way for the Bandicoots to stop us this time, I calculated the probability of failure of this plan is zero percent. face it, you are only fooling yourself trying to side with them, Nina.

(Nina collapses on her knees and hands disbelief.)

Aku Aku: no! Nina, don't listen to him!

Nina: (thinks) Crash told he knows there's a good heart in me, is there really? or am I really fooling myself about it?

Dr. Cortex: um, uh, yeah, I.M.A's right, you're only fooling yourself siding with the Bandicoots, Nina. I.M.A, what's the next step?

I.M.A: we wait until the bandicoots discover Aku Aku is missing, it's logical they will split up, so we divide ourselves in groups of 2 on the specific bandicoot appropriate to our specific abilities.

N. Tropy: ah, and what, prat tell, would those groups of 2 be?

I.M.A: by my calculations, you will find your targets suitable. Dr. Cortex and I will deal with Crash. N. Tropy and N. Gin, you deal with Coco, Tiny and Dingodile, deal with Crunch.

Dr. Cortex: ah, brilliant! but what about Nina?

I.M.A: do not worry, Dr. Cortex, I have something special in mind for Nina....

(Author's note: oh! big twist, ain't it? don't worry, you see more in the upcoming chapters. please review if you really really want me to update.)