Okay guys. This is it. I love all my readers, I loved getting all your input and knowing how the story made you feel. This has been the best response I've ever had and I'm so grateful. Seriously I did not think this was going to be as big as it was and I really did not expect so many people to like it. The idea for this story came to me while I was watching one of these shows and I had just Finish Double the Trouble. I remember thinking well now one else has done it so why not. As soon as I started I was like oh crap this going to be a lot of work and I was worried the story would suffer but everyone responses kept me going and made me work harder and do better. I love writing fanfiction, I know my grammar and mistakes are sometimes a big issue but this is something I do for fun and I'm sure you read for fun. As long as you get the idea at the end of the day and you loved it or took something out of it I'm happy. I got a lot of idea's for the next story I'm working on so be on the lookout. Til then enjoy and know that I love all of you guys who have been so good and kind and just delightful. You helped me make this story.

Confessional Scene

"Was moving to Chicago worth it?" he said looking into the Camera. "it's been an entire year and I haven't regretted it at all." He said with a smile. "The Bar and Grill is open and I think we've all worked together to make it very family like and stay true to that same atmosphere I remember being in my parents restaurant."

Fade out and Gabriella fades in.

"We're calling it Bolton's Bar and grill." She said with a smile. "I know it sounds cheesy but I think it has a ring to it that works." She grinned. Gabriella leaned back as she looked into the camera. "Lots of people ask me why I changed my mind at the last minute towards the end of the show." She said her expression getting more serious. "Everyone expected me to say no. Even Troy." she said holding up her hands. There was a pause as she looked off screen. "I think the turning point in my decision was the piece music that I wrote that morning." She said looking back up. " Troy has been honest with me since the beginning about everything else and I feel like I was trying too hard to find that contradiction, that one wrong and when I did it was like a safety net for me." She said crossing her arms. "One year later and I walking down the aisle and I don't regret a moment of my life with him." She said with a warm smile.

Fade out and Troy fades in.

"I think when you love someone it's hard to convince yourself that you don't." Troy said with a smile. "I like to believe that her heart knew where she belonged and when I needed her heart to decide it did." He said seriously. "Gabriella is different from every other person or female I've ever known. And she was right I was asking for her to give up everything on a dream that I wasn't even sure was going to work out." he said with a frown. "I know that things worked out better this way because instead of trying to carry this past into my future I simply moved on and paid tribute to my past."

Fade out and Grandma fades in.

"Finally after all these years I can have sex in my living room or the kitchen counter without worrying about that boy just walking on in." she said with a laugh. "Don't get me wrong I love my grandson but I'm not dead, I got woman parts and they need attention." She said leaning back. "I haven't heard anything bad for the last year, every time he calls it's seems like everything is working out and I know my son and daughter law are probably smiling ear to ear because they're proud of Troy."

Fade out and Daniel fades in.

"Troy is a good man." Daniel said leaning in closer to the camera. "He is providing for my daughter, he respects her, he making them a home, and he keeps her happy." He said with a grin. "Every time I see my baby she's glowing." He said wide eyed. "She's not moping around in her bathrobe and pushing numbers around all day, now she's writing music and helping with the that restaurant thing." He said in proud voice. "and she's closer to home."

Fade out.

Gabriella was in the dressing room looking at her cream colored gown. Her fingers passed over all the beads and details on the dress as she looked at her reflecting with teary eyes. This was real. All of the people sitting in the pews with loving happy faces, a wonderful man waiting at the altar. She was so ready to take this step in her life to become Mrs. Bolton. Gabriella Marie Bolton.

"oh mi nina" her mother whispered as she adjusted her vail. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you." She whispered. "For everything."

Amanda who was standing beside Christina sniffled as she smiled at Gabriella. "Your just glowing with love." Both girls were in light green braid maid dressing Amanda was her marten of honor.

Christina came around to fix her train. "I'm so envious because I signed you up for that show." She said with a laugh. "Why didn't I do that for me?"

"Because you're already happily married." Gabriella said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I know." Looking at the camera guy she smiled. "I love my husband." She said clasping her hands together. "He cooks and cleans, I'd never get that lucky twice." She said with a laugh.

Just then Sharpay and Taylor came inside the room dressed in braids maid dresses as well. "Okay everyone is seated and ready." Taylor said with a smile.

Gabriella felt her stomach fill with butterflies. "Where is daddy?"

"Right here." He said coming in the door. "Your uncle is drunk already." He said fixing his tie. "Let just hope he doesn't say or do anything embarrassing." Her father looked at the camera guy and smiled. "Do they have to be everywhere?"

"Part of the contract daddy unless you want to pay for the wedding?" Gabriella said with a small smirk.

"They can film me taking a piss as long as they pay the bill." He said with a grin. Then he turned to the camera guy. "But understand this if you do they're going two need to cars. The police car that's taking me to jail and the ambulance taking you to the hospital."

The camera guy nodded.

"So I'm ready to walk my beautiful daughter down the aisle." Daniel said reaching his arms out to take Gabriella's. "That boy is so lucky to be married to a woman like you." He said with a smile.

Everyone got into position and Troy could see the girls lining up for the walk. His stomach was flipping with excitement and fear. Fear because he was worried she's change her mind and leave him at the altar. Excitement because he knew she'd be walking towards him in a few short moments.

Chad leaned over and patted Troy shoulder. "Relax a little man you look stiff."

"Just excited." Troy said back to him.

"Taylor said she looked like a million dollar bill." Chad whispered. "Just don't forget your vows." He said with a smirk. As he walked away Troy stood there for a moment even stiffer. Troy had a new fear now as he began to recite the vows in his mind to assure himself he knew what to say.

The music started and he watched as Sharpay and Zeke came down the aisle. Then it was Chad and Taylor. Followed by Amanda and Max. Last was Christina and John. And now the big moment Troy wet his lips and took a deep breath.

His heart suddenly sped up as he watched Gabriella walk along side her father he felt a his heart warm and his smile grow. She was beautiful. Her curls came down around her face as the vail held. She was smiling just as he was and he loved the how the strapless gown cupped her body and held it showing her curves but keeping modest.

As soon as Gabriella came up to the altar she kissed her father's cheek, who then shook Troy's hand and placed her hand in his.

"Who gives this bride?" the priest said.

"I her father, Daniel Felix Montez and her mother, Maria Mary Montez."

After he took his seat Troy and Gabriella faced each other holding hands as the priest spoke. Their eyes stayed glued to each other and Gabriella whispered I love you. Troy smiled and whispered back "I love you more."

After the priest talks and welcomes everyone it is time for the vows.

"I Troy Alexander Bolton take you Gabriella Marie Montez to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. To be honest I think I would miss you if I never even got the chance to meet you. Since you've been in my life everything had changed and I love it. I promise I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, love you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

Troy slips the ring on to her finger.

"I, Gabriella Marie Montez, choose you Troy Alexander Bolton to be my husband, to respect you in your successes and in your failures, to be my friend, my lover, and the father of my children. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want. Our love is real and I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather be with when I look at my future I never thought I would find love on reality TV show but I did and I am so happy. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us."

Gabriella slips the ring on his finger.

They kiss.

Confessional scene

"Zeke and I are dating."Sharpay smiled. "Goes to show you that one great love, could begin a ripple effect to others." She said looking at the camera. "I'm happy for her and I really think they're going to make it in life.

Fade out and Taylor fades in.

"Love is in the hair and I'm so in love." She said shrugging her shoulders and closing her eyes. "Seeing them together tells me not to give up hope." She said leaning back. "the love I saw today is enough to make anyone believe."

Fade out and Chad fades in.

"For the first time in a long time since after the accident I think he's truly happy." Chad said looking down at his hands. "it's not always easy to open up to someone and to let have that part of you." He said looking back at the camera. "Gabriella is special, she is what he needs and even though for matters of business I didn't want them to end up together I'm glad they did." Chad signed. "I'll never understand Marriage but I respect his decision."

Fade out and Zeke fades in.

"I got to make the wedding cake." He said holding his hands up. "I could not be happier." He said with a beaming smile. "I'm dating a beautiful woman; my friend is married to a great girl. And Chad … Taylor is going to make him fall to his player ways and become a man and I cannot wait for that day when Chad becomes a one woman man because I believe that Taylor is the one who is going to whip out of him." He said wiping his brow. "just when I thought there was no hope for his soul god shined on us a light and its coming down on Taylor." He said with a laugh.

Fade out.

Gabriella and Troy stood in the center of the dance floor dancing together. The darkness surrounded them and the spotlight remained on them for their first dance as husband and wife.

As long as stars shine down from heaven

And the rivers run into the sea

Til the end of time forever

You're the only love I'll need

In my life you're all that matters

In my eyes the only truth I see

When my hopes and dreams have shattered

You're the one that's there for me

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you

When you caught me I was falling

You're love lifted me back on my feet

It was like you heard me calling

And you rush to set me free

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you oh

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you

The credits start to roll by the screen and Gabriella hits the remote as she looks over at Troy and their little girl Alex who are asleep.

"Well I thought it was romantic." She said looking at the golden receiver that sat up to look at Gabriella. "It never gets old." she said with a smile. Getting up from the couch she patted Lucy on the head and ejected the DVD.

"It's over already?" Troy said in a mumbled sleepy voice.

"Yes." Gabriella grin as she place the disc into the container. "You want to take Alex up to bed." She said turning around and walking over to the DVD rack to place it on the shelf.

"Yeah." He said shifting a bit because Alex was on his arm. "What time did Jack say he was getting home?" Troy said squinting at the clock that read half past eleven.

"Who knows?" Gabriella whispered reaching for the bowl of popcorn. "Ever since you gave him the car he disappears all the time."

"He's 18." Troy said with a smile. "Let the boy be a boy." He said lifting his eight year old daughter from the couch.

"It'd be easier if he weren't still my baby." Gabriella said with a smirk.

"I bet it'd also be easier if you stopped buying him underwear with cartoon characters on them." Troy laughed as he walked toward the stairs.

"I thought he liked those." She said crossing her arms and making a pouting face.

"When he was nine, babe." She heard him chuckle as Troy disappeared up the stairs with Alex, leaving Gabriella and Lucy in the living room.

"Come on Lucy I'll make us a midnight snack while daddy puts Alex into bed." She said to the dog as she began to walk towards the kitchen.

The End.