I knew that this was a rare opportunity, and I wanted to take in everything that I could before she woke -- not to mention, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. The splay of her golden hair stood out against my dark navy sheets and curled around the edge of the pillow. Her thick eyelashes would occasionally flutter from the dancing of her eyelids while in her dream state. I watched the shallow rise and fall of her chest with each silent breath that she took. Everything about her was beautiful -- and I couldn't get enough.

Rarely did people ever surprise me the way that this angel before me had. From the moment she walked in to that office weeks ago, up until this very second, she occupied and owned nearly every free, waking moment that I had to myself. And the thing that intrigued me the most, was her complete naivety to that fact, that day after day, I found myself falling more and more in love with her.

Running my finger lightly over the curvature of her soft pink lips, had me thinking about everything this mouth had shared with me since the first time I laid eyes on her. Her silly quips and innocently suggestive responses and actions, had drawn me in immediately. The subtle, yet affective, recalcitrant way in which she dealt with Bill had me feeling pride and satisfaction towards her untraditional social constraints. The sadness in her voice when she spoke of her past had my heart aching to hold and protect her.

Whenever I hear the sadness in her voice coupled with the look of despondency in her eyes, never has my heart yearned to console another as it does when I see heartache on her face. Ever since my parents' deaths, I have always been reserved in my ability to share and give of myself with others. I allowed one person to breech that wall years ago, which only led me to further hurt and a determination to never let such a thing happen again.

My career became my love; my mistress; my life. Because of that, I became everything the company wanted in an employee -- and I was good at it. Niall may have opened the door, but it was me that worked my ass off and gained the respect that helped me climb the career ladder.

For nearly the past seven years, I earned every penny that came in each one of my checks. And, as Sookie observed, I've done very well for myself. Add my inheritance to that, and I could easily take some time off for awhile; although I never would. This was my life, and I enjoyed it. But, ever since she came sauntering in to it, I found myself fantasizing what it would be like to have her as a permanent fixture. Could I ever be what she needed and deserved? Did I even want that?

I let my eyes travel down from those luscious lips to the hands resting clasped up by her face. Those delicate hands called to me, or more like me to them. I wanted to feel the heat of them resting on my face as I took her lips between mine. I needed them on my chest, my back, and lower. She had no idea how much I wanted to push her to her back at this moment, and continue where we left off on my front yard.

Last night, her voice did things to me that I never thought possible. God help me, I have never known a woman to be so innocent, yet seductive, at the same time, and it nearly broke ever thread of reservation I had tried to maintain around her.

I closed my eyes to let the image of her lying beneath me, on that old plaid blanket, play out like a movie in my head. I knew the minute I leaned over to kiss her, my resolve was slipping and that I needed more. I couldn't help myself when I told her I needed to taste her, and boy, was I ever glad that she didn't deflect my hand and my mouth.

The smoothness of her skin against my lips; the taste of sunshine and summer danced across my taste buds; the rosy erect bud trailing across the middle of my tongue; her breasts were beyond compare, and seemed to be made to fit perfectly in my large hands. And fuck me, if she didn't watch. Most woman would disengage from eye contact so as to enjoy the sensations being given to them, but not feel as though they were asking for them. Imagine my surprise when my angel, actually leaned up to watch me bring her pleasure. She was voyeuristic just as me, thus, solidifying that she was my match in every way.

Despite the pleasure I found in finally taking her glorious bounty in to my mouth, the alpha male inside of me wasn't sated -- it still craved for more. Before I knew what I was truly doing, I had placed my hand on her knee. Part of my brain was fighting for focus on the homage I was paying to her breast, while the other part had an overwhelming desire to touch what I felt was mine.

When I felt her jerk upwards from my trailing fingers, I knew the answer to the question that I had had since the day at the park; she was untouched. I'm sure that there was no way I could have gotten harder at the thought of that. While my life consisted of a few occasional trysts with the less virtuous of woman, I often found myself wondering if Sookie had ever let her former prospective spouse touch her.

Her virginal questions of what it would feel like with me caressing her unexplored sex, and the panic that resonated in her voice, had me seeking her permission to grant her pleasure like she had never experienced before. It was at that very moment that her trusting eyes nodded their approval when I knew I needed to keep her safe and protected, just like I had told her earlier. I continued to tell her that she was safe; because she was.

It had been so long since I found myself enjoying the feeling of being with another, that I couldn't restrain myself from letting her know how good she felt and tasted. I was used to doing what I wanted, when I wanted. But, when she gave me the gift of her trust when I asked to touch her in the most intimate of ways, everything changed in that instant. Everything became about her; Her pleasure, her comfort, her safety, and her trust.

And, much to my own astonishment, I found myself only wanting to give her this and nothing more. Not only did I know that she was a principled young woman that would never want to give herself fully to me without being wed, but I also did not want that from her. She was above that, and worthy of so much more; maybe even more than what I could give her.

Instead, I forced myself to reign in every growl and every moan. I focused on the way she looked at me and reacted to every thrust and twist of my fingers deep inside her; memorizing what she enjoyed best. When she told me that she was about to experience her release, I followed her lead and let go myself. Never in my entire life had something like that happened.

In fact, I prided myself on my control, so obviously, I was astonished that she had evoked such pleasure in me despite the lack of skin-to-skin contact. I wanted to tell her what she had done to me, but I knew she was not ready to hear that without causing her embarrassment. I needed this moment to be all about her enjoyment, while staying calm, and not realizing just how intimate we had actually been. I had a feeling if attention was drawn to that fact, Sookie would have a very hard time coming to terms with that.

Without thinking about what she would think, I put my once sheathed fingers into my mouth. Something told me I would thoroughly enjoy the taste of her innocence, and I was absolutely correct. I knew I would always hunger for her unique and captivating taste. She was unlike anything I had ever experienced, or anyone I would ever want to again.

Looking at her now -- still -- as I had been for the last hour, I found myself wrapped in a feeling of contentment and peace at a level that I had never been made aware of before. Sure, I had found happiness in Anya, but there was always the hesitation of fully giving of ourselves, to each other. With Sookie, everything just seemed to slip in to place with little effort or dubiousness, despite the defectiveness of the barrier I tried to maintain around myself.

I traced each one of her clasped fingers with my own, while watching her still fluttering eyes. Suddenly, I heard a shift in her breathing and felt a twitch in her leg, and knew that she was starting to come awake.

I panicked momentarily, fearing that she would regret everything that we shared together last night. I steeled myself for every excuse and tirade; while anticipating every fearful statement, and tear shed. Much to my surprise, they never came.

"Hey there mister." A soft smile crept across her face as her raspy morning voice greeted me. I etched into memory, and catalogued every pitch and tone that hit my ears, so that I would always remember the first time her beautiful, imperfect morning sounds acknowledged my presence near her.

"Good morning, angel. I trust you slept well last night?" I couldn't help but mirror her look of ease.

"Better than I ever have. Thank you."

I wanted to kiss those full pink lips that I had been staring at for the past hour, but didn't want to push my luck with her. Instead, I brushed some of the loose strands of hair off her face and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "You're welcome to stay here whenever you want, my angel. I enjoy waking to the sight of you in my bed."

I felt her tense and just knew that my damn mouth had said something that she disagreed with.

"Eric, I think we need to talk about last night."

'Damn it, Northman,' I thought to myself. I just had to open my damn mouth. I leaned back and took her hands in mine. This was my only chance to make this right with us, and quell any panic or fear she may have about what we did. I meant every word that I had said, but she clearly was not ready to hear such a bold statement. "Alright, my angel. Tell me what's on your mind."

Adverting her eyes downward, she softly spoke of her concerns. "Eric, I'm not sure how to feel about everything. I'm having a hard time accepting that what I did was okay, when everything felt so right with you. A big part of me feels...ashamed, maybe even guilty that I just let you.. well, you know.."

"Sookie." I tilted her head up with my fingers under her chin. I needed her to see that I was genuine in my acknowledgments. "I know that you are probably most indecisive in your feelings because you are unsure of how I feel, yes?"

Nodding her head, she kept her eyes on me, silently giving me permission to continue. "Then let me share first. Let me start off by saying, 'sorry', if you feel as though I pushed you too quickly last night." She started to shake her head 'no', and open her mouth, but I stopped her from speaking.

"Sookie, there is truly nothing you need to feel ashamed about. I know that you have never allowed someone to do what I did, and I feel deeply honored that you had enough faith in me to allow me that close to you. I did not, and will not, take for granted the trust you gave me last night."

I could see the moisture start to pool on the lower rims of her eyes, and I prayed desperately that it was not from hurt or embarrassment. I would never forgive myself if I pushed her too far, too fast, only to lose her.

I gently squeezed her hands while rubbing the backs of them with my thumbs. "My, angel," I paused momentarily to kiss her forehead once again, "you are unlike anyone I have ever met. Part of me revels in the fact that I found someone that means so much to me, and part of me is alarmed by the feelings that you evoke in me."

I heard her take a small gasp, while her eyes widened.

"No, Sookie. I don't mean that as a bad thing. It's just been..a rough road for me, as much as it has been for you. You're just...unexpected, that's all. However, I am more than pleased that you are right here next to me, where I think you belong."

Her eyes shifted back and forth between mine, which I assumed meant that she was looking for some form of deceit; however, she would not find any. A couple of run away tears streamed from the corners of her eyes and straight down to the pillow.

"Thank you, Eric," she whispered. "I do trust you, and I don't necessarily regret last night with you, but I know that I can't go any further than that." Again, she looked down. I was beginning to realize when she felt embarrassed, unsure, or nervous, she avoided eye contact. Despite the secure, confidence she portrayed on the outside, my little Sookie, was indeed, very much the innocent young lady. "I will only give myself to my husband."

Without hesitation I responded, "I wouldn't expect anything less."

Why was it when she mentioned her 'husband' did I feel jealous? I couldn't stand the thought of another man touching her. At just the notion of it, I felt anger suddenly course through my veins. Not wanting to dwell on these feelings or this particular conversation any further, I asked, "Is there anything else weighing heavily on you at the moment, Sookie?"

"No. I just wanted to make sure that you understood where I stand on… that subject."

Feeling much more confident that she wasn't going to run from me, as well as in myself that I was able to detour any feelings of shame from her, I decided to see just how far I could push my luck.

"Yes, my angel, we're clear on the matter in regards to your imaginary chastity belt, I, however, am not wearing one." Pushing the limit even further, I smirked while grabbing her hand and slowly pulled it under the covers towards my aroused cock. "Would you like to touch me lower, so that we are even?"

Her hand barely grazed me, before she yanked back and sat up in bed. "Eric! You're so bad!"

Amused and now laughing at her embarrassed response, I retorted, "Yes, I am. And I told you that my goal was to make you just as much as I."

The only answer I had for myself at why I simply enjoyed to watch her skin flush and turn pink, was because I was the one who caused it. I knew that she was heating up just as much as myself, but I had to play my hand wisely in this game we were playing. Although, clearly this was not a game anymore. In my musings this morning, I was discovering that I was starting to play for keeps.

"Come, Sookie. I think I heard some rummaging around in the kitchen earlier. Let's go see if Amelia was kind enough to leave us any breakfast."

Food must have been the magic word, because she was in and out of my bathroom, dressed and ready to go, in no time.

Sure enough, Amelia had left us some eggs, bacon, and toast. I was just about to tell Sookie to make herself at home, when I caught her heading straight for the stove to make herself some coffee. I nonchalantly watched her, while I made myself up a plate of food. Something about the way she hummed while searching the cupboards for a coffee cup and additional coffee grounds, had me mesmerized.

There was nothing what-so-ever sexual with her actions, but the way she seemed at ease in my home, captivated my attention more in this moment, than she had last night. When she approached me, handing me a napkin, acting like she was taking care of me, I damn near came undone. Not in my pants, but emotionally. This fucking woman, had me; hook-line-and-sinker.

When I turned to make my way to the dinning room table, I caught Amelia's eye. Despite not giving any signs of what I was feeling in this moment, Amelia must have known anyways. She just smiled and winked and asked if we had a good night. Of course, I told her that we did. She knew better than to ask me any specifics. I was not the kiss and tell kind of man, so that's all she got. I felt that men who bragged about their intimate relations were nothing more than insecure in their abilities to attract, and bed, a woman in the first place.

I decided to test what kind of man Tray was by asking the same question. He responded in kind, just as I had. Amelia gave me another wink, which was all the indication I needed to know that they were serious in where their relationship was headed.

When Sookie sat down, I finally broached the subject of our meeting this upcoming week. I had promised Sookie that I wouldn't bring it up yesterday, so that we could relax, but today was a new day, and to be the best at what you do, you need to always be prepared. I was happy to hear that Sookie was just as eager to make sure that all the preparations and loose ends were tied up. In fact, she was the one that beat me to the punch of informing Amelia what role we needed our friends to play in this endeavor to make things happen.

"Amelia, Eric and I need to make sure that everything is ready to go for our meeting on Wednesday with de Castro, Madden, and Mr. Sorenson, and we really need your and Pam's help."

Wiping her mouth, and setting aside her plate, Amelia gave her full attention to Sookie. "Okay, shoot. Tell me what it is you need and we'll do it."

"Thanks, Amelia. Eric and I have put together a few prototypes of the assembly packaging that we are pitching on Wednesday, and even though it looks like it will work in theory, we need to make sure it will in reality. We could really use Pam and you to run it in the line as if it was standard procedure to do so. We need to record duration of assembly, as well as pros and cons from the two of you, to put in our report."

Nodding her head, Amelia responded, "Of course, Sookie. That actually sounds fun, and I think that Pam will agree."

Turning her attention towards Tray, Sookie continued. "We're also going to need your and Alcide's help, too, Tray, I mean, if you wouldn't mind." She was getting so excited that she was talking extremely fast. I couldn't help but smile at her tenacity at making sure all the angles of our project were covered.

"You know you have it. All you have to do is tell me what you need, and I'm sure Alcide and I could make it happen."

"What we need is for you to take a look at the wiring and hardware included in the prototype and let us know if you find anything that could malfunction or have any potential safety hazards. All this information also needs to be included in our report. The two of you will need to sign off on it as Independent Contractors, as to validate the claims."

"That's no problem at all. We can stop out tomorrow sometime mid-morning before we head on over to another job. Will that work?"

"That's perfect! Thank you so much, Tray. You have no idea just how much this will help us."

"It's really nothing, Sookie. After all, it was you that introduced me to Amelia. This would be the least I could do, for what you did for me."

Tray's body language spoke volumes; I was right, they were in love. I didn't really care about what it meant for Tray, but Amelia was like a sister to me, and her happiness and safety were always at the forefront of my mind. Like him, or not, if Tray ever fucked over Amelia like Bill had, I would kill him.

Tray broke away from his eye fucking long enough to rejoin us in conversation. "Not that I'm not happy to help you, Sookie, but doesn't that Bill guy qualify for what your asking Alcide and I to do? I don't want to step on any toes, if it is. I hope you understand."

Both, Amelia and Sookie, outwardly flinched, while I inwardly did. Obviously, Amelia had yet to fill Tray in on the asshole, Bill. I looked over at Amelia, to gauge how she was handling this situation, to help me decide what course I wanted to take with my response. When she just sat there with a sickened look on her face, I decided to bite my tongue and keep it professional.

"To put it in the nicest way possible, Tray, Bill is an incompetent asshole with little regard to woman in the workplace, in which I am quite positive he would find anyway possible to sabotage the project."

"That's putting it nicely, Northman?" Tray smirked.

"Yes. It is. That is why we would rather you two do it."

"Well, in that case, I don't care who's toes we step on. Any man that trivializes woman shouldn't even be allowed to call himself a man. Clearly, he's intimidated by woman and doesn't have the confidence in his own balls."

"Good answer." I responded with a chuckle.

And it was a good answer. Both the woman were now smiling and laughing and Amelia looked more relaxed than before. She seemed happy with Tray, and he seemed like a decent man. I just hoped he never turned out to be as deceitful as Bill had been. It would be nice for Amelia to find a man that she could settle down with, and one that I could actually stand to be around and hold intelligent conversation with, during gatherings such as this.

The next couple of hours seemed to go more quickly than I would have liked. After Sookie had phoned her Gran to inform her that I would be taking her home in a couple of hours, the four of us sat comfortably in my den, and held light, yet enjoyable conversation. We shared memorable moments from our lives, and of course, from our outing yesterday.

Occasionally, Sookie would blush when Amelia would bring up all the little ways Pam had set out to embarrass Sookie and I, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the amusement of her shyness. I found that trying to console, or comfort her bashfulness, was the perfect excuse for me to drape my arm around her and pull her closer to my body.

The smell of her hair as it would brush against my nose when I turned her in to me, leaning down to kiss her temple, soothed me. The feel of her hand against the side of my thigh sated the need I had had all day for the feeling of heat from her hands on my body. Granted I wished it was on my bare skin, but I would take what I could get.

Her powerful laughter filled my den as though it was a missing piece of my home, or at least that's what I thought. When I told her that this felt right, I was not joking. Regardless of the fact that I have been trying my damnedest to avoid what I was truly feeling towards this beauty besides me, I couldn't deny it any further. She belonged here. She was the missing piece of my life, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I was in danger of giving myself fully to her. I wasn't sure if that was something that either her, nor I, wanted or needed at this moment, but logic is often refuted when you're falling in love.

I had been secretly taking mental notes over the course of the weeks, of how Sookie fit with my family, friends, and myself. It may sound absolutely ridiculous to the outside person, but I had learned early in my life to hold what matters most to you, close. Niall, Pam, and Amelia, were everything to me; next to myself and my job, of course. But, with every challenge and situation Sookie had been placed in, she passed every inadvertent test there was.

Watching and being with her yesterday, in the most relaxed of circumstances, was just another side of Sookie that demonstrated how well she fit here with me. Our hurtful pasts allowed us to accept each others damaged hearts and thoughts. She was perfect in my eyes, and she was mine. Whether she realized it or not, I considered her an important addition to my world. And once you were in my milieu, you were considered family. And family was the most important thing to me.

A/N: Eric really likes Sookie, doesn't he?! *giggles* There might be a reason for that! *winks* I hope this chapter answered some of the questions I received in reviews and PMs.

And a HUGE Thank you for all the wonderful reviews, PMs, and alerts, I'm getting! I'm blown away at all the love this story is generating! *wipes tear* I think I was able to get back to everyone this week, but if I accidently missed you, you get a big hug and 'sorry'. This was final exam week for me, and on Monday I start a new degree, so please bear with me.

Oh- and for all the people asking me if I plan on continuing Domino Effect, Yes! I am. Next chapter is started and that will be the next thing I put out. Thanks for all of you who PM'd me to ask that. You cyberspaced kicked my ass back in gear on that one! :P

As always, I have to thank my beta, Sunkisz, who always helps me through so many of my daunting questions and concerns. She's super talented and an amazing person, and I just love her to pieces! *hugs*